Sunday, December 6, 2020

Natural Magic

  Happy new week everyone.  I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and didn't get as much snow as we did. 

Yesterday we had our first big snow. We were in the 12-18 inches range (around 31-46 cm), and there is probably a good 10+ inches of snow sitting on top of several inches of ice/snow mix. We lost power last night just before 10 PM/22 hours, and it is still off. Since it was 10 when everything but my mantel battery-powered candles went dead, we just went to bed.  Luckily though the hubby got up this morning and started the woodstove and got the generator running. We only really have lights and water (which we lose as we are on a well), but at least now the internet works, the house is warm, I can take a no complaints.  And I got to sleep in while he got everything running. That's even better.

The funniest part of it all was at 4 AM one of our battery operated smoke detector started occasionally chirping, telling us it was time for a new battery (oops-I forgot to change them when we changed the clocks), and of course it was the one at the top of the cellar stairs. I can't reach it without a step stool and I sure as well was not going to do that with no light. I could just see me falling down the stairs into the dark basement abyss. So I put on headphones and listened to some holiday music until I fell back asleep. And the hubby took care of that too before I got up.

For those of you who haven't had a big snow yet or just like snow, here's a few photos.

The poor birds. I had to bring the feeders in to thaw out in front of the woodstove as they were iced and snowed over. All they could get to was the suet. They should be ready to bring back outside once I finish this post.

Here's the two who love the snow the most!

I also wanted to share this page I made back in October in my Magic, Mayhem and Mystery altered book journal. 

I thought it would work great for Tracey's The Meaning Of challenge at Art Journal Journey.

This page could have a slight holiday feel with the green and the red berries. I really think berries and bare stems are very artistic and tell many secrets about the plants.  I also think the magic quote works year round. Of course at Christmas, there is for many a sense of holiday magic, needed more than ever this year. 
Green is a color I really love. I was once out paint shopping with a friend and when I picked up some green samples she looked at me and asked if I would paint every room green? Not every room, but many of them-smile.
And of course when the world has become white with snow, I want green even more.
I am also going to link up to this month's Anything Goes challenge at Creative Mixed Media. Thanks Jo for the reminder.
And thanks to Valerie's blog reminder, I am also going to link up to More Mixed Media challenge. This month is is anything goes with optional white, and I see some white in my page. 

Have a great end of your weekend, start to your new week and thanks for being patient enough to work through the snow photos before the art.


  1. We were in a 4-8 range or 6-10 depending on who you listened to. We didn't get that much snow. Maybe 4 to 6. I think the snow turned back to rain at the end of the storm so that packed the snow down and kept the totals low. We didn't lose electricity, but that's because I went through all the storm prep. It's also very icy outside. I like the magic of the page you created, but could do without the Winter Wonderland snow. I hope you get your electricity back soon. Take care and stay warm.

  2. Wow you did get a big snow! Pretty though when you live in the country. we have beautiful sunny skies here.
    I really like your journal pages too Happy Sunday Kathy

  3. What beautiful snow photos are there and your great dogs. I'd like that too.
    Your book journal is very beautiful and magical. I think it's great with the green when everything is white outside and I had to laugh at what the saleswoman said about it ...
    Have happy snowtime, hugs Elke

  4. Wow! I do remember 2 or 3 snows that deep many long years ago, but we'll never get anything like it again. Such a magical landscape, your winter wonderland.

  5. You got a LOT of snow. Wow. We got a dusting awhile back and about an inch on Friday. You got REAL snow. Love the photos. Great they are in photos and not outside my back door.

    What a joyous spread you created. I can't believe you managed three wonderful challenges, but most of all I'm thrilled you shared this incredible entry with us using Tracey's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Stay warm and safe, dear. Glad you have a generator.

  6. Wow, no big snow here yet, actually no snow at all in south Jersey. Your snow looks heavy! Love your pups, are they Labs?

  7. Love your fabulous Angel page. Glad the dogs were happy in the snow! Have a great start in the new week, keep warm! Hugs, Valerie

  8. Oh Erica, these pages are delightful with their bright display and love of the colour green, doesn't it always gives us a walk through nature. Alongside the quote taken from one of my favourite books as a child the secret garden, they really are magic x
    How wonderful to see pictures of the first snowfall, It must be 10 years since I have seen a good covering of snow here in the UK. I'm sure those wee birdies will be forever grateful for you rescuing their food, poor things. I can imagine just how much the dogs enjoy jumping around in that crisp untouched flurry. Keep warm it's looks a little chilly hee hee Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Thank YOU for sharing over @ Creative Artiste, lovely to see you there x

  9. This post is so beautifully titled. It is indeed natural magic. I feel for you with the power but so glad you have the wood stove (and for a bit, batteries!) I wondered if you might not be in the path of that noreaster. Well, it was certainly gorgeous!

  10. I did enjoy seeing your snow photographs.
    We don't usually get a lot of snow in my part of the UK, so I always enjoy seeing others snowfall, and yours seems a lot!

    Loved your art too.

    Hoping you have a good week and no more loss of electric power.

    All the best Jan

  11. Beautiful artwork Erika, and the snow looks so pretty!
    Alison xx

  12. Wow, Erika, you did get way more snow than we did here in Nashua, NH, but then it rained after the snow stopped and that cut down on a lot of it because I was very disappointed to see frass poking through the snow on Sunday morning and the roadways were down to blacktop. Hopefully, our next one will be more scenic. Looks like the pups had a good time romping from seeing all the snow tracks in your yard!

  13. Wow, Erika, your snow is beautiful!!!! Makes me shiver just looking at it.

    Lovely journal pages too. Love the green, berries, fairy and lock. All so great together with your pretty words too. You have some great stamps!!! Hugz

  14. Love your green pages and I see you have been buying AALL&Create stamps. Who could resist that figure? You have made it look so beautiful sat there with the wings and the background which is Abs' favourite colour, so he would certainly approve.
    Thank you for all the photos, a true magic wonderland.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    I am playing catch up at the moment, have been missing with my blogging comments for the past few weeks due to the pressure of Christmas card making and a bad back. Just about managed my page a week in my journal and that's been it apart from the wasted cards that I did but binned - just not me!

  15. That was quite a storm! Our dogs in NJ used to love snow as well. But they were small dogs and would sometimes jump off the porch and disappear.

    Beautiful meaningful page, Erika. Hugs, Eileen

  16. Sure we need magic these times, and your art-journal with this green and the key are a lovely way to open hope for 2021! thanks for playing along with us at Creative Artiste Mixed Media challenge!


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