Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Meaning of

 Hi everyone. December is here. I can't believe  that even with this being one of the strangest years in our lifetimes that we have already made it to December.  I must say I am looking forward to 2021, but first, the holidays,! Even though they will be different this year, is still a joyful time (I hope).

And the beginning of the month means we are starting a new challenge at Art Journal Journey.

Thanks so much to Wendy for her wonderful bird challenge last month.

And now we welcome  Tracey with her challenge, The Meaning of...

Tracey wrote a great intro for her challenge. You can read about it over at the Art Journal Journey homepage. Basically it is about describing the meaning of your page.

 I picked the month of December  for the topic of the first of my page.

When I think about December I think about 3 things: the start of winter, the holidays, and finally spending time with friends and family.
I showed these in my page the following ways:
a) the dark blue background is cold color like winter tends to be, and I also used all the 
 stars as there is so much dark time in winter.
b) the 3 gentlemen could be friends or family (and luckily they look like they live in a pre-Covid world)
c) and finally, notice those gentlemen are celebrating one of this month's holidays with their Santa hats, the bits of gold and silver  and the word cheer

We at  Art Journal Journey look forward to your journal pages this month. Remember only art journal pages, both hand made and digital, are allowed, but no cards or other pieces unless they are part of your journaling page.
And I am looking forward to your meaning of stories too.

Happy December!


  1. Your page is beautiful and incredible. I love all the thought you put into this, too. It sure calls for very different times and I love the vintage appeal you have given it. Thanks for your first entry this month using Tracey's theme at Art Journal Journey, dear friend.

  2. Morning Erika, what a wonderful celebration of the season, there's three pages in one within your journal page. December holds so many memories for us all, it looks like those gents are plotting and planning for the coming festivities possibly trying to get ideas for Christmas gifts for their better halves hee hee! Here's hoping for a safe and happy one for us all.
    Thank you for the huge welcome @ AJJ this month, stay safe Hugs Tracey xx

  3. This is a beautiful, creative site for Tracy's subject. Oh yes, to spend this Christmas time with my loved ones and friends, I can well understand it!
    Take care and have fun with the topic.hugs Elke

  4. There are definitely things to look forward to this month. The shortest day is just before Christmas which always seems a turning point for me. Christmas this year will be different but we are making plans to see each other on the internet (as I suspect will many others) Some clear and bright frosty days would be good too! I love this page Erika, those gents look to be getting into the spirit of things (maybe they have a plan to drink some spirits too) Hugs, Chrisx

  5. Such a wonderful page. Thinking of all the holiday traditions without people is kind of difficult. Time to remember the good times and look forward to the future traditions that we will make an even bigger deal of when we are able...or perhaps I am just speaking for myself.

  6. Just Lovely Shades Of Blue - Way Cool - Happy December


  7. Winter holiday cheer. The gentlemen look quite jolly :)

  8. A fabulous page and post Erika. I enjoyed reading this and all your other posts I missed lately. The cool blue colours are what we all imagine in December and it was good to see the festive hats being worn.
    Stay safe and well
    Yvonne xx

  9. Love this, Erika. The background is soooo cool, I love the men with their santa hats, and your December touches and thoughts are spot on. So many things I really like about this! Hugz

  10. Fabulous page! Love the blues and the stars look gorgeous 😀. Such a great theme at AJJ and I was so pleased to see Tracey hosting this month too. Happy December! Hugs, Jo x


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