Friday, January 8, 2021

My Week-Friday Good Things Rambles

 Hi everyone.  

This past week I managed to keep myself busy. I have been a little worried about being home  this winter-what with covid keeping life low and this being my first winter retired.  Luckily it was a fairly mild week with temperatures around freezing  and no snowstorms.

Today I have a lot of photos to share. 

 One morning I took the dogs and went for a chilly beach walk. The beach was almost empty, so the dogs even got a little off leash run time too.

 Here's some lobster traps broken off their lines and washed ashore

The dogs don't seem to mind the cold water.

 I don't know what this metal pipe stuck in the sand is, but the orange ball that  Pete is off to  inquire about looks like some type of  broken off fishing marker.

 There was enough energy in the water that the waves were pretty good sized and even left lots of foam. 

I also managed a couple of walks down my road. My driveway is a disaster to get down to the road, but the road wasn't bad.

Here's my driveway. It's a bumpy skating rink.

And here's  a couple of playful pups too.
You can see it looks wintery here.  Pretty though.

And look at the size of this flock of wild turkeys I came across one walk. 

I also got this beautiful holiday card from CJ in the mail. Thanks again CJ.

I  spent another morning cutting out triangles from my hand dyed fabric (you might remember the posts from last summer and fall). 

The plan is to make a smaller wall quilt. I have a definite idea in my head what I want but nothing on paper yet. I know I am going backwards but I thought I would die cut these triangles while I was in the mood to do that. My next decision is if I only want to use this fabric for my background or buy a small amount of something else to intersperse between these. Hmmmm.

I think I did OK this week.  

How was your week?


  1. Brrr. Funny how the dogs and seagulls don't seem to mind the cold. I saw a herd of turkeys may 12 -18 once, but never as many as the herd you photographed. It will be interesting to see what you make with your triangles. Take care and stay warm

  2. A good week of staying active! Living near the water provides something interesting and new everyday. I like your hand-dyeds, and yes, going backwards with a project! Are we related? 😆 As I was reminded with my papier mache, a project tells you how to proceed. Good luck!

  3. Love all the photos. It’s great to get outside. Enjoy!

  4. Your joy-on-the-beach photos bring a smile to my face :) It looks like a refreshing space.

    My week included taking down Christmas decorations. I thought that might be a depressing task, but it wasn't at all. What a blessing :)

  5. Good morning, really enjoyed your walk on the beach-loved it! that's how our woods driveway looks too and it's about 1/2 mile in.
    I am excited to see your quilt from your dyed fabrics-how fun!! enjoy the process

  6. The bumpy "ice rink" looks dangerous! Be careful out there! I so love seeing the open water, which I miss. And I have to say dogs are far more intrepid than I when it comes to wading in them. The lobster traps are interesting. I would keep thinking "what could I do with these" and then up with more stuff in the garage!

    It looks like a good walk and good day. I'll look forward to seeing what you do with your fabric triangles!

  7. Lovely photos of the sea and beach, and the snowy landscape! Have fun with your trangles, I am looking forward to seeing what you make with them. Hugs, Valerie

  8. Hasn't the week gone by so quickly.
    We are in lockdown here in England, UK, (due to Covid) so regulations only allow us to go out locally.
    However, we have enjoyed some walks. No snow but it has been cold!

    I did enjoy seeing your photographs ... lovely.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  9. you did very well! the dyed fabric is gorgeous

  10. What amazes me is how well these triangles turned out after they were cut. I think they turned out great.

    It is really SNOWY in your world, too, dear. Nice the dogs got time to run at the beach. You took some great shots.

  11. Hmmmm, beach!!!
    Beautiful pics!!
    Oh, yes, I "skated" today, too!

    Hehe, Wall-quilt, we have this! Ingo had the cable for internet plain on the wall, so... just paper, of course, but it does the job!

  12. Great photos at the beach. I don't like the looks of your driveway. :-( The snow we had here in CT melted a few weeks ago. I still need to photograph and post the card CJ sent me. I've been unmotivated to do much since the holidays.


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