Saturday, January 2, 2021

Second on the Second

 Happy January 2 everyone. We've got some dreary weather today. Rain, ice and a bit of snow. It can't make up its mind. I wonder when this wraps up later today how much snow we might end up with, but I doubt it will be a lot. Now tomorrow night into Monday, that might be a different story.  The forecasts keep slightly changing so maybe it will change again.

2020 might have been a tough year, but it was a pretty good year for art (for me at least). I thought for this month's   Second on the Second  over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog,   I would show you some of my favorite pieces from 2020.

Warning, my post today is a bit long.

Phew. That was a lot and is only a fraction of all the art I did. Hope you enjoyed the relooks.

I also thought since it is Second on the Second that a second  photo of a Christmas present (the first ones I showed you on this past Tuesday's T day)  might be in store for today. Just to show you my daughter's comedic style. If you enjoyed the toilet paper Christmas tree ornament, you might enjoy this new calendar she got me.

I must have laughed for about 10 minutes with this one.
There is a story with this, and it is actually about camels not dogs.
When my daughter was a teenager we visited a zoo while on vacation. There was  camel in the zoo, and as we were watching it, I noticed the camel was getting ready to poop. I guess my husband and daughter had never really observed animals very closely because their tails go up and they get this slightly hunched back when the big event is going to happen.
So I said, "The camel is about to poop."
Right after I said that, the camel did poop.
Well they were totally amazed. I am not joking. They didn't know how I could have known that. My daughter started calling me the camel whisperer. They really wanted to know if I could predict that with other animals too. 
It became the story of the whole vacation. Here we spend all this money to go see some fabulous sites, as well as visit a famous zoo, and the first thing they both said when people asked them about their trip was that I could predict when a camel would poop.
Of course I didn't tell them what to look for, at least for a while. Smile.
Anyhow, since then I have been blessed with lots of silly little gifts that go back to that camel. Including this year's calendar. I am actually going to put it up in my studio with a schedule of the all the art I need to create.
I will always get a little laugh when  I look at it.
Hope my story made you smile today.

Have a great rest of your weekend.


  1. Good morning Erika, I loved your story! and I really enjoyed seeing all of your art from 2020 You created many beautiful pieces.
    I had a pretty good art year as well-I may just go back and look and create a post as well.
    Happy Saturday and Second on the 2nd hugs Kathy

  2. I agree. I learned so much not-work-related stuff this year, like never in my life!
    I agree... opposites attract. But sometimes you need an entrance permit (are you in my brain???).
    And the sewing! I look for a senseful project for a beginner and find none! For skirts and stuff I need to do more training, LOL... Well... no "LOL", actually..
    Lazy summer days, I SO look forward to that!
    No tomatoes at the markets! I could MOO! And the Nacker (nutcracker)!
    And... SMILE!
    Thank, you, hugs from here!

  3. Wow, what a nice variety! Your camel story did make me smile :)

  4. I have to comment on the poop first. I saw that calendar on another blog and laughed, too. On Saturdays when I had to work at my company, I would take my dog (his name was Bear and YES, I had a cat named Dog at the same time) to work with me. I always knew when he had to "go." Not just poop, but also the other. If you know your animal, you know when they need to go outside and find a good spot. Thankfully, I always cleaned up Bear's messes, something many people never do who walk their dogs in my neighborhood. I SO enjoyed the camel joke. It makes perfect sense, too.

    I loved, loved, loved your second look today, dear. I would have been here sooner, but I was playing catch up after having no electricity for most of yesterday. Wichita got hammered with ice and snow. I hate to tell you, but it's headed your way, too.

    I think my favorite is "I fought the lawn." I STILL laugh when I see that one. Another favorite is "Seas the day." I love those plastic sunglasses you added to the page. I also enjoyed "Beauty blooms." But there were others I recognized and loved, and a few I had never seen before. Thanks for sharing your poop calendar, your camel story, and your plethora of wonderful art you shared with us as your second look on the 2nd, dear friend.

  5. Wow, lots of great art! If I could pick one or two for my wall, they would be the 9th one down of the puffy trees/clouds and the leaf print. Beautiful all!

  6. Wonderful selection of art and love the calendar! , Valerie

  7. Lots of fun eye candy. I'm partial to blue and bears so my favorite page was the ice puppy (polar bear) The camel whisperer story made me laugh. That is too funny. We spend all this money on kids to make lasting memories and what do they remember? Camel poop! 😺 We had warm temps and some rain today. The sun came out late this afternoon just in time to set. I've been afraid to listen to the weather for the storm for Sunday night.

  8. A fantastic array of your beautiful art Erika! I love the winter wolf.
    Love that calendar too! Lol!
    Alison xx

  9. Wow! Your have created some fabulous art this year! My favourite ? Garden Fun!
    I love the camel story, my prediction story is far more sedate - when we had our caravan there used to be a mist come across the valley and five minutes later it would rain. I once told two of my boys who were visiting that it was going to rain in five minutes ...not very often I manage to spook my lads!!
    Hugs, Chrisx

  10. That calendar is a hoot! I love all the art, but I must have scrolled back to that second photo a dozen times. My favorite.

  11. I really enjoyed looking at all the art in one place. Like walking through a gallery. I laughed at your camel story. That will be tole around the family fire for years to come I'm sure.

  12. Wow!
    A long post and an enjoyable post :)

    All the best Jan

  13. What an enjoyable journey I have just taken wandering through your artwork. Some I remember, some not so so it was like a new look for me. I wondered what the story of the camel was going to be as I remember standing watching an elephant in the zoo a long time ago and he caught me, just a little, with his spray. I stank for the rest of the day.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  14. Always great to reflect back on the past year in Art there is always something to relight a dwindling fire I find. Beautiful display of talent and love of creativity, wishing you a year full of messy craft and self expression.. Hugs Tracey xx


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