Monday, January 25, 2021

T Stands for The Past Week's Highlights

 Hello and happy T day. 

I hope everyone had a great past week. It ended up being a fairly busy and productive week for me. I managed to get a few things on my to do list accomplished, walked with my group one morning, and  I actually went out to lunch one day last week (wow). Well it was take out eaten in my car. I had allergy shots one morning, and the doctor's office is near my husband's office. So I called him when I got out, and he was having a bad day, so I drove over, picked him up and we went and had take out burger's from 5 Guys

I like the color reflections in the aluminum foil wrapping of my burger.  The bad thing is now my car smells like burgers-ha ha! Not  an exciting lunch, but fun to hang out with the hubby a bit during the work day.

This past weekend was very cold with winds up to 40 mph. With the winds it felt close to zero (degrees F or close to -18 degrees C).  I had to pull out my new heavy duty arctic winter coat which I bought on markdown last summer and had hoped I could keep it in the bag all winter.  No such luck. I felt bad for the birds and the empty feeders so I ventured out into the cold to fill them.
Good thing we had the wood stove going inside. My daughter was home Saturday. She and I spent the day at the table near the heat working on a puzzle.

This photo is my ticket to T day as you can see my Diet Coke as well as our snack when we got frustrated with how the puzzle was going. 
Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to see what the T gng has been doing. 
This puzzle was really hard, or maybe it is just that I am not very good at puzzles.
We did manage to finish it.

Or at least the best we could as a couple of pieces went missing between start and finish. 
The puzzle board underneath is something my husband made for me many years ago.

I also started sewing my wall quilt together. I've been working backwards  and cut a bunch of triangles out of my hand dyed fabric. I finally got around to working on it (nice since my sewing machine is near the woodstove), and I sewed the triangles together to make diamonds, and then I laid the diamonds out on my bed to get an arrangement I liked.

Sorry, it's a bit hard to see on my plaid duvet cover.
I then pinned these triangles and went off to sew them together. Now I need to cut some more triangles to square off the sides. 
My biggest issue is that I am not good a getting all my triangles sewn to be the same size, even though they started off the same size. And even though I made my stitches the same size. I'm just not good at being exact, but oh well. That's why I will never be a traditional quilter.
I was excited because after my burger lunch last week I stopped at Joann's fabric to get some more white thread to sew these pieces. I found a piece of batting in the remnant bin. Even better all remnants were on sale for 75% off, so I got a big piece (about four times the size I need) for under $4.00. Thread was also buy 3, get 2 free, so I was able to stock up on that too. I haven't visited Joann's Fabric in months, and my quick visit felt like a big outing.  Smile.

More to come with this project. 

The other good news is my mom got her first vaccine last week with no side effects, and my husband is getting his this week.  It will probably be several months before my turn, but once he gets his second shot at least it will take a bit of worry off of me.

That's all for me on this T day. Hope yours is a good one.
Thanks for visiting. 


  1. Five Guys takeout sounds great to me -- it's simply too cold to eat in the car around here, though. And by the time I got it home the Fries would be very soggy. So another thing to wait for as winter traps us in the house.

    be safe... mae at

  2. Sorry it's so cold, good that you have a warm coat. Glad you fed the birds. The picture of the foil is great. Your quilt pieces look good, well done on getting such a bargain, too. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Nice you could give your Hubby a good time! And have fun with friends.
    BRRRR! -18C??? HELP!
    Fun puzzle, especially as you shared it with your daughter :-)

    Your sewing sure looks like a challenge!

    And a big yay to no no side effects! Please keep me/us updated as I´m not sure (I once had a shot ages ago and the side effects were bad, two weeks I was knocked out and drove to work anyways).
    To a happy T-day!

  4. Wonderful about the vaccine shots, my mum and dad have had theirs too and so has my sister as she works for the NHS. I'll need to wait for mine but I don't mind. We are still in lockdown here so we are staying in, which isn't a hardship when the weather's been so frosty and snowy. Your impromptu lunch sounds fab and it must have been lovely to shopping at Joann's Fabric, I've shopped there a few times on my visits 😁. Those happy dog faces made me smile too! Stay warm and wishing you a Happy T Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

  5. I love Five Guys and your car must smell amazing! 😺 That looks like a fun puzzle. Love the cats. Good news on your mom getting the vaccine and your hubby. The quilt is going to look great, and what you see as not getting things exact makes your quilt unique. That's the charm and power of handmade. Happy T Day. Are you getting snow today? They upped totals here from a coating now 2 - 4 in. Is it July, yet? Happy T Day.

  6. What a cute puzzle! I'm glad you got to enjoy a lunch out with hubby ~ Have fun making your quilt & enjoy your week ~

  7. We had thunderstorms and wind and a high in the 70sF yesterday. Such a difference! Time with the hubby is a treat, and those are very fine burgers. I miss lunches out, and burger take-out counts as fun in my book :) I'm glad y'all are able to get the vaccine. We hope our turn will come soon. Happy T Tuesday!

  8. Right now my hands are so cold, I'm warming my right one and typing with my left. My left hand is closer to the electric heater. I can certainly understand being cold and wanting to be close to the fire.

    That metal shot is great, and your burger sounds good. I haven't had a burger in so long I've forgotten what beef tastes like.

    That puzzle looked hard, but the M&Ms would have taken some of the stress off it. I'll gladly join you in a diet Coke, too. As long as there is caffeine, my drug of choice, I'm a happy camper. Thanks for sharing your puzzle and your diet Coke with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

    SO glad to read your mother has gotten her first shot and your husband will get his soon, too. That's great news.

  9. A very nice post filled with art, sewing, puzzles, and going out. Good find at Jo Anne's. Also good for getting Vaccines too. Here in my town only medical people can get them. Have a great day.

  10. Nothing like a good warm coat in that kind of weather! I venture out in all of the bad weather too- just to make sure there's fresh water and food for the birds:):)
    You have me thinking about buying a puzzle to do- it's been so long and to love doing them. Good job on getting it finished.
    Your quilt is going to be fab, and what great buys you got at JoAnnes! I haven't been to ours in almost two years now even though it's not that far from me. We've been getting freezing rain the last few hours so I hope it stops soon for those having to be driving out in it (like my hubby).
    Keep warm, and happy T day!

  11. Give guys has delicious burgers! Yum.
    Your quilt is lovely and I am really liking that fabric. And it sounds like you got some great deals at Joann's. I always thought they had great sales. I am excited to see the finished quilt.
    My Grandmother turned 100 last week and the previous week she got her first vaccination. Hopefully it will do everything they claim. That is great that your hubby was able to get the first one.
    Great job on the puzzle. This one looks complicated. I am not much of a puzzle person, due to my lack of patience but I admire those that can complete one on such a large scale as this. Well done.
    Happy Tea Day,

  12. You've been busy and very productive. I'm so glad your husband is getting his shot soon and hope you aren't far behind. It's a huge sense of relief to know you are "on the way." We're in the cold zone here, too, as Mae said. But the burger sounds great. I think your quilt will be lovely!

  13. Wow, that certainly is cold! I bet you are glad you are retired.
    Actually I hadn't realized that your hubby hasn't retired yet. Anyway, it is good that he is having his vaccin soon. We haven't been called up yet, but we are healthy, so we are happy to wait and let frailer people (and medical staff of course) get theirs first. And the Spanish are not very good at organizing, so it will be a while. (Have you heard the British saying? (sorry this is rude) " They can't even organize a piss-up in a brewery").
    About the sock knitting: No holes in the heel! Like you I have tried to knit socks before and always get unstuck at the heel. With this method it's a doddle. Give it a go if you are willing to throw one dollar at it.
    Happy T-Day

  14. Numerous things keeping you busy, and warm! Life goes on. Great vaccine news, we should have ours by week’s end, if they don’t run out. I pray everyone gets excited enough to do this! It’s so IMPORTANT to us all!!

  15. sounds like a busy week despite the cold. fun take out, I am Loving your quilt with your hand dyed fabrics. Fun puzzle choice! we used to put together allot of puzzles when I was a kid at home. now I really enjoy jigsaw planet puzzles online-I can upload a photo and turn it into a puzzle too.
    Happy new week ahead Kathy

  16. I can certainly tell you're not bored in retirement, despite COVID and lockdowns! I can see why the puzzle would be difficult. Almost all the animals are similar colors.

    Your triangle quilt fabric is lovely. You really scored at Joanne's.

    Happy T-day! Stay safe, warm and well. Hugs, Eileen

  17. I think the puzzle looks good.
    Also good to read about your mom getting the vaccine and that your hubby will get his soon too.

    All the best Jan

  18. I would love a takeout meal - even burger...the wrapping does look lovely. We are doing a really difficult puzzle at the moment, much like this but with wild animals - lots of brown shades!! Well done for completing it! Your quilt fabric looks lovely! We are still waiting for our vaccinations - a lot of my (slightly)younger friends in a nearby town have had theirs already! I apologise for the lack of visits - I hope to catch up soon! A very Belated Happy T Day, Hugs, Chrisx

  19. Your quilt is going to be lovely I hope you show it off to us all when finished. How I used to love Joannes when i came over to America, such a lovely light airy shop and wonderful fabrics.
    I had my vaccine on Monday but I have to wait 12 weeks for my second as they have decided to get as many through the first as possible. Still, I am content staying in crafting so it doesn't bother me.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  20. I love 5 guys - I just stay away from the fries (I tell myself to eat them is like sticking them on your hips -lol). Super fun puzzle and how great to spend time with your daughter doing it. Love your quilt start and how fun to get to JoAnns and find some good stuff on sale. Trips like that are treats these days. Super news on your Mom and hubby getting the shot. I hope things move faster soon.



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