Monday, January 11, 2021

T Stands for Winter Grey


Hi everyone. Tuesday has arrived again, and it is time for T.

Last week I drove down to check out the ice forming on the big lake near my house and noticed Pop's restaurant. It is closed for the season and looking rather desolate.

For those of you new to T, this is a great place to eat in the summer. Decent prices and lots of yummy food. It's been around since 1945 and probably hasn't changed much. It's still take out only.

It's five months until they open, and by then  the weather will be more seasonal so that a take out lobster roll would be tasty.
Right now I think I would rather stick to a warm mug of  tea. Smile.

This is my entry to T this week over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.

I've been working on art for Day 4 of the Creative Jumpstart class I am taking. This day's lesson is directed to be about yourself. The video was by Catherine Scanlon. I think I met her once years ago when attending a craft class at my now defunct favorite craft store down in Massachusetts. Hmm. I hate when I get these little memory tickles. It's like when I'm watching a movie and trying to figure out who  the actor that looks  familiar actually is. Does that happen to you?

Catherine Scanlon  drew and created a collection of items to represent herself on a page. I didn't do as much pre-planning and didn't pencil in my design as she did,  but here's what I have so far.

I'm stuck with the middle of my page. I know several things I want to represent there, but I'm not quite sure how I want to do that. Right now I am having too much hesitation, which is something that happens every now and again when I have a little mental funk. I'm working through this January and winter thing in our Covid world. 

 I did include my word for the year which is hope. I don't usually pick words because I seem to forget what I picked by about March or April, but this year I think I need a word. 

Day 5 (of Creative Jumpstart) was about drawing a fantasy creature. First we were suppose to practice making various eyes.

I had fun doing that, and once I drew the eyes, many were telling me they needed more of a face.

I'm not sure about drawing a fantasy creature though. It's a good idea, but my logical science brain is having a hard time with that. I really should do it though because I always gave the kids an assignment to create an evolved rat. Each group received a description of an island and had to design the rat adapted to that environment. As I write this I realize I need an environment description so I can follow what my science brain knows about adaptations. I can do that.

Not much else new with me. I am trying not to bake anything as I was on calorie overload during the holidays. I might have to make some bread though. Actually I am craving a chocolate bread pudding I made last winter, and if I make some bread I can use it for the bread pudding. Even if my waistline would be better without it . Smile. 
My daughter says she might come home this upcoming weekend so if I bake then, I will have someone to help me eat it. The hubby is not a chocolate person.

Here's a photo of my chocolate bread pudding from January 2020.

Sorry to be  mean to all you chocolate lovers (smile) and leave you with this tasty treat.

Have a great T day and thanks for visiting.


  1. Oh, I want some of that chocolate bread pudding! I think that drawing eyes would be fun, I might try that. I like yours and the face you drew too. It looks like a fun class. Happy T Day!

  2. I like your page of eyes. That's always the key to a good image, even a photo. One instructor we had for wildlife photography said that if you were photographing a creature with eyes you should always try to get them in the photo. Good idea for drawing too, as you are doing.

    best... mae at

  3. Hi Erika, Your craft classes sounds interesting-and pushing the brain to create-I like what you have done so far.
    I have never had a lobster roll in my life or even seen one in person, but I now always think of you and your favorite spot to enjoy one.
    Your bread pudding looks delicious-Years ago I used to bake all of our breads-so fun to try out new bread recipes and I really enjoyed the process. But I never liked bread puddings-yours looks so good though.
    Happy T wishes

  4. You are getting a lot out of that Jumpstart class. I really like ow you drew yourself and your feelings. I also chose Hope for my WOTY. It is one I don't think any of us will forget. I actually like the page on its own. I like that you left white space in between the flowers, the camera, and the words. And those eyes are really clever. I also like them without the rest of the face.

    Your tea looks good and I know you can't wait for Pop's to open again. Until then, you will have to drink tea and eat chocolate bread pudding and dream of lobster rolls. Thanks for sharing your art and your tea (and chocolate treat) with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  5. Sad with Pop´s. Hope it re-opens indeed, it looks charming.
    Love your page. Interesting approach with the environment!
    Pffft. Chocolate ;-) I made bread and jalapeno cheddar cheese cakes again. Loads of butter, too. LOL. BUT! I also started training again.
    Happy T-day!

  6. Yes, when you can't remember where you've seen that actor and what's his name. Argh! Love your journal page so far. Looking forward to seeing more. :) Happy New Year!

  7. Love the fun art you have mafe, those eyes are wonderful! And as for that bread yummy. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  8. Wow, five months to wait for a lobster roll - that seems like a long time but I'm sure it will fly by, where does the time go! I know what you mean, I have been known to stop a film and use the internet to find out where I know an actor from 😉. That chocolate bread pudding looks delicious and would be perfect with a cup of tea - Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  9. Wonderful artwork. That chocolate looks delicious. Happy T-Day!

  10. Fun exercise. To help, you can always photocopies of the page and then try various things in the white space without having to commit to the real page. You can try stuff out until you find something that works and feels right. The eyes and faces you made are so fun. My favorite is the cat's eyes, of course. Too bad Pop's isn't opening this weekend. The weather is supposed to be warmer. Take care and Happy T Day

  11. Terrific drawing prompts ~ really cute! That bread pudding does look tempting ~ YUM ~ Enjoy your week :)

  12. Pop's looks pretty sad! I would love to go there for a lobster roll with you. Your pudding looks great -- and I'm not even a big fan of chocolate!

  13. Pops looks like a great place. Your practice drawing are awesome and I just love your art. Yum on the chocolate. Have a nice day.

  14. I love your mug. The design is cool, and the thickness would hold in the heat. A warming cup :)

    Happy T Tuesday!

  15. Oh I sure hope pops will open again and flourish in the warmer season. Lobster roll-mmmm:)
    I did the Creative Jumpstart classes a few years some time ago when they were offered for free. Nice way to get you out of your comfort zone-and I love your January page and super fun eyes!
    Yes, the chocolate bread pudding makes me want to grab a spoon- like now- but instead I am going to make bran muffins;) Happy T day!

  16. Yes. I recognized Pops. Roll on summer!
    Those Jumpstart classes look really interesting. You certainly are having fun with that.
    As for chocolate.... I think we have all had a calory overload during the holiday and it's time to take it easy on the chocolate. I am postponing this as we still have too much goodies in the house.As soon as they have been eaten, we shall be a bit more healthy.
    Happy T-Day,

  17. You said, "It's like when I'm watching a movie and trying to figure out who the actor that looks familiar actually is. Does that happen to you?"

    Yes, every night! I have a terrible memory for names. I recognize people, but can't recall names. I make a game of it with my hubby. I wait and wait for the name to come to me. If it does I call out, for example, "Kevin Costner" or Michael Douglas!"

    Your cartoon eyes are terrific. The Creative Jumpstart challenges sound like fun.

    Happy T-day! Stay safe out there. Hugs, Eileen

  18. Your doodles are fabulous, especially the eyes. What a fun class to take. I have heard of Creative Jumpstart. Is it a year long class? I can't commit to anything like this seeing as I have little people but I am looking forward to the time when I can do something like this at my leisure. I am looking forward to seeing more of what you create.
    I too was on calorie overload over the Holidays and I am sticking to baking only bread at the moment. But that chocolate bread pudding looks SO yummy!
    Sorry I am a bit late making it around.
    Happy belated Tea day,

  19. Hmmm...thinking about Lobster Rolls already.......I can see why you think you shouldn't be baking (smile)
    Your drawings are fantastic - looks like quite a task though! Enjoy your tea! Belated Happy T day, Chrisx


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