Thursday, January 21, 2021

Winter Views-Walking

Hi everyone. 
 In the last couple of weeks we had some fairly mild winter weather in my little area of the world. I say fairly mild because our daytime highs were right around freezing (32 degrees F or O degrees C) which made it mild enough to do a bit of walking.
The biggest problem was that night time lows were cold enough that any daytime melt refroze overnight.

The rail trail in Wolfeboro would have been nice to walk, but it was too slippery. At least when I took this photo last week.
So I drove over and checked out the docks and whether the Big Lake (Winnipesaukee) had frozen yet.

Just a skim coat and definitely not safe. Once it freezes you'll see all kinds of ice fishing huts out on the bay.

It was a very grey day, and we've had too many of those this month.  I do like the look of the blue mountains across on the other side of the lake though.

I did notice one of the other bays  (Alton Bay) on the Big Lake must be frozen enough for some ice fishing huts. I don't think I'm ready to walk out on the ice, but since these fishing people need to cut a hole to put their line in, they should know if it is safe or not.

Once this bay  freezes solid they actually open an FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) run airport out on the ice. I know there are other frozen lakes where planes land, but I don't believe there are any other FAA airports in the lower 48 states. This is from our state's Department of Transportation page about the airport.
Alton Bay Seaplane Base is a public-use seaplane base in the summer and a plowed ice runway in the winter.  It is located in Belknap County and provides direct access to Lake Winnipesaukee, as well as, access to the local restaurants and shops that surround the bay.  The airport is run by a dedicated group of volunteers who assist pilots (seaplane, ski, and conventional) flying into the bay throughout the year and who also plow the ice runway, parallel taxiway, and parking area according to a specific plan set and GPS coordinates in the winter.  The ice runway attracts several hundred pilots during its 4-8 week season and it can be one of the busiest airports in the state on winter weekends.

 You can also see photos of the runway here: Alton Bay Seaplane Base if you are interested.

No runway yet this year though.

Then last Saturday it really warmed up, and we had a day of heavy rain. Luckily all that rain  got rid of the ice on the road into my mother-in-laws house. When my husband went in to check that all is ok  (my MIL is living with my sister-in-law for the winter) at her house and with his boat that he stores there in the winter, the dogs and I walked in to get some exercise.

The road was a bit muddy, but not too bad.

The wooded areas were still a bit icy, as you can see from this iced frozen footprints. 

This past Monday was a holiday here in the states, which meant no school for my still working friends. My walking group and I got together and walked about 5 miles that morning. We started first at the beach and then went to the Urban Forestry Center in Portsmouth (New Hampshire, not to confuse you with other places called Portsmouth). I've shown you photos from both places before, but here's a few more.
We had some fabulous morning sunshine, and it felt great to be out in it. As usual however, by two PM we were back in the clouds. We even had an afternoon snow shower at my house.

It only takes us about 45 minutes to walk the beach, which is why we walked 2 places. 45 minutes was not enough time for us to chat and catch up.
 The Urban Forestry Center is about a 5 minute drive from the beach. When we arrived there, we walked further down than I had ever walked before. There were some nice views of the tidal river.

I am hoping the snow free weather continues for a bit. I'm not sure that will happen though. Those weather people are saying we are going to get colder temperatures starting this weekend and maybe some change of weather next week. I am thankful to at least get as much walking weather in as possible as it is January Maybe I can squeeze in another day or 2 of walking before winter cold and snow returns..

That's all for me. Thanks for visiting.



  1. Looks like a beautiful area to walk especially the beach. Call me when the weather is a lot sunnier and warmer and I’ll be happy to tag along. 😺 Have a great day

  2. Good morning, Beautiful places to walk with friends-that is so wonderful to have available to you. no real wintry weather here so far except we have been really cold-but finally sunshine most of the day yesterday-a real mood lifter.
    enjoy your day

  3. Wow, I’ve lived on a large NJ lake with ice fishing huts, but not a landing site for planes! I love your photos, have always loved New England, but alas, don’t know if I could get used to winter there at this point in life. It will be colder here soon too, but not as cold as your area. Enjoy, more photos, please!

  4. It looks just beautiful. I think our winters are probably somewhat similar so far. Not brutally cold or tons of snow but loads of gray skies. Today the sun is out and it is so welcome! YOu are in beautiful country to be sure. I'm surprised about the freeze but again, it hasn't been that cold. I'm glad you are getting out!

  5. A great post Erika, loved seeing the photos - I've never seen the ice huts before or realised that anything other than sea planes would land there. We had lots of snow falls over night, but after 2 days of torrential rain it didn't last past noon.
    Avril xx

  6. I don't think that I would be on that lake yet in those fishing huts. Well, I would never be out there because that just looks boring to me. I do love all your pictures and the blue mountains in the background are a stunning backdrop to the lake and dock. I am glad your MIL is not alone and living with SIL. Your pictures look so nice and calming.

  7. Wonderful scenes! Our snow is all gone! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  8. Thanks, Erika, for sharing the walking trail and other view. The city park near us also has had frozen walkways which is why I haven't been walking there. And, when there's no ice, the trail can be rather muddy. Personally I don't enjoy walking in either conditions, so have been sticking to the indoor treadmill here in the mill apts gym. I didn't know that planes could land on Alton Bay, but Pat told me he already knew that!

  9. Oh, those lakes, so beautiful!
    "Cool" with the airport! Not that I like the cold, though. But wow. There are really planes on the ice! Hubby has the yellow one in the kitchen, he´d be thrilled to see the real thing.
    5 miles, a good start! And wonderful pics.
    Off to do some training here, too :-)

  10. What a great blogpost to read first thing in the morning (earlier!).
    Your snow and ice photos are marvellous. My favourite (although I like them all) is the one of the blue mountains across the lake. it's a stunning photograph with great depth.
    I've not heard of huts being put on the ice and they must be fairly confident that the ice is going to last for a while. And aeroplanes landing on the ice!!!!!!! Gosh! and I don't understand why they don't skid all over the ice.
    We have had some snow and ice, not much, but just enough to make it treacherous to walk over.
    The lake and the beach look marvellous to walk around, you live in a beautiful area.

  11. Very interesting walks with images which made me feel I was tagging along without feeling the cold. Here in south Florida I feel that 50 degrees F is the new freezing point. As they say, "It's really cold when the iguanas start dropping out of the trees."

  12. Our daytime highs have been in the 50s. I'd be tempted to inch out onto the ice. We don't get chances like that here.

  13. I have been mesmerized by those fishing huts for years. I never understood how people could take a heater into one and the ice not melt beneath it. The holes in the ice amaze me, too. I also learned a lot about landing on frozen ice. That was new to me. This was a wonderful view of your area, which is SO different from my very flat lands I'm used to.

  14. It looks as if you live in a beautiful area Erika. I had never heard about fishing through holes on frozen lakes, it must be very cold to freeze a lake enough for that to happen. What a fascinating sight that would be for someone like me. Thanks for the photos.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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