Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Since Valentine's Day is Coming

Hi everyone. 

Friday is the Chinese New Year, and Sunday is Valentine's Day. Next week we have President's Day here in the US, and  it's also Mardi Gras. It's a busy month, but in other ways, not so much as winter has really arrived in my area. I need to figure out some creative ways to get outside because we have snow and some cold temperatures right now. I am definitely in a bit of a winter slump, except for making art.
The weather has made it a great time for playing in my studio. Now if only the house chores  I feel should be doing didn't make me feel so guilty that I'm not doing at least a little bit of them. Smile.

This page began when I found an image I copied out of an old college yearbook from the 1950's. I picked up this yearbook  several years ago at a used book sale for a dollar donation. 
Although a great photo on its own, I cut away the  image from around the couple and inside the doors. I figured they were so into each other that some colorful stenciled leaves would look great there. Then  worked on filling in the page around the photo. 
I wanted it to work with Valerie's Heavy Metal challenge at Art Journal Journey so I painted the background with silver paint (before I covered it over on the bottom), and I die cut and embossed the gold medallion that's at the top. 
I added some printed tissue paper, some paint and some trim along the bottom as well as my doodled "love" word. Along part of he sides I used a stamp to create the design.

Not much else new with me. 
Hope your week is going well!



  1. Somehow I wonder about a yearbook at a used book sale. Who owned it? What happened to them? Did they have to give up all their possessions and go into a care home? Are they still alive and able to remember their school days? Were there signatures in the book -- "Good luck in your life" and all that?

    Interesting valentine you made.

    be safe... mae at

  2. My first thought was - great idea, who needs to see who that really was, love is all around. But Mae has some (sad) points there, also.
    That´s what art is about, right.

  3. Gorgeous page, love the warm colours. Thanks for linking to my heavy metal challenge, much appreciated! Stay safe and warm! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Lovely art piece. More snow for me here in CT again today. 2" here, 2" there, and it all adds up. :-(

  5. I feel you about the February slump. I can relate!

    Love the art piece today. I'm betting that someone who lives in your household is going to get a beautiful valentine on Sunday!

  6. it is a busy week! I want to make a special chocolate cake for V-day... better figure out how!

  7. A beautiful, romantic page Erika!
    Still snowy here too. Hope it goes soon, as the pavements are so slippery and I'm missing my walks.
    Alison xx

  8. Love how you have used this picture - it is just perfect, they have eyes only for one another. I adore doors whether open or closed, old or new and this one is perfect used like this.
    Sorry you are having cold cold snowy weather, ours is mixed and cold but bet yours is colder and snowier.
    Hugs sent to keep you warm
    Neet xx

  9. There's definite romance in your artwork today, love that background it's like love is in the air around that happy couple. It sounds like we are on different ends of the see saw Erika, it's been a hard start to my year, no matter the weather I still need to get out and do for those that can not.
    The thought of you sat crafting indoors safe and warm is a lovely image, enjoy as the housework will still be there tomorrow.
    Take care Hugs Tracey xx

  10. We also are areal winter now. Last night 20 Celsius here and 30 in Lapland. Lot of snow, too.
    Your page is romantic and beautifully created - makes me feel warm - thanks, Erika.
    Happy Valentine's Day, my friend xx

  11. Such a beautiful piece - really makes you think about what they are doing and what the story is! I love that you bought a yearbook - I would buy one in a heartbeat! So fun! Great picture, great framing, and great background. LOVE this page, Erika. Hugz

  12. Beautifully romantic page! The silhouette of the couple looks amazing against the brightly covered background - gorgeous 😁. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x


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