Sunday, March 7, 2021

A Big Flower

 Hi everyone. Hope everyone had a nice weekend. It was a little chilly here in New Hampshire, but the good news it  should feel a little warmer this week.  (Let's hope that those weather people are right!) The other good news is that my daughter came home for a Saturday into Sunday overnight visit, and since I hadn't seen her since mid-January it was nice to have her  around.

Today I thought I would share another page for Sheila's single flower challenge at Art Journal Journey

The background might look a bit familiar as it was a page I made for Creative Jumpstart back in January. It was telling me a big white daisy like flower would look fantastic on it, so I listened and added one.
I hand drew the flower. Before I glued it down I first cut up some printed acetate I had (old overheads from school) and glued down some words, and then I attached the flower. In the center I added some dabs of liquid glue and then added some of these little plastic beads to finish it off.
It works for me.

You might also remember I showed you this photo of seaweed last week.

I had said it would make a great stamp, so I carved one .

 I'm happy with results. I think I captured the essence of Rockweed (Fucus vesiculosus)! Also commonly called Bladder wrack. This one is stamped with some acrylic paint.
I used this to make some prints which I will show you another time.

  Happy new week. Thanks for visiting.


  1. That's a gorgeous page Erika, great background and I love the big bloom!
    Fantastic stamp too, it's going to be so useful.
    How lovely to see your daughter again. We have a zoom planned with our children today, and daughter's boyfriend wants to meet us too. She met him online in lockdown last summer. Hope we can meet him in person sometime soon.
    Have a lovely new week.
    Alison xx

  2. Oh, I absolutely love the flower! Perfect for the background indeed.
    And the weed is wonderful, too.
    Have a great new week, if cold (here, too...).

  3. I love it when our art materials tell us what to do, or sometimes even do it themselves (like watercolours splashes). I'm intrigued by your use of printing on acetate, what a good idea. I wonder what my printer would think of printing on acetate, it is a bit capricious. Your page was right, this big flower and the page get on really well. It's a great page too with the colours and shapes.
    Thanks very much, Erika, for another Single Flower.
    That is a rather fine stamp you have made and I can see it will be very useful. You've made an accurate drawing and also captured the essence.

  4. Pretty and creative stamp image!

  5. Fabulous page, and I love the seeweed stamp, what a beauty, well done! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  6. I love the stamp you made. It's really beautiful and you did a wonderful job with those thing fronds!

  7. So glad you had time to share with your daughter this weekend. I'm sure it was fun for both of you. I love the flower you chose for Sheila's theme. It is beautiful and has a simply stunning background. I like the acetate and tiny beads which adds to the beauty of it. Thanks for yet another lovely entry at Art Journal Journey, dear friend.

    You have an incredible set of stamp carving tools. I've never seen a set that good before. You sure know how to use them, too. Yet another great craft that makes you SO impressive.

  8. Amen to hoping the weather dudes are right. The daisy is a perfect start to Spring fever, and the seaweed stamp is awesome. Enjoy the sunshine today

  9. Such a gorgeous page! The background showcases that pretty daisy flower wonderfully 😀. Loving your homemade stamp too, great seaweed design. Wishing you a lovely week! Hugs, Jo x

  10. Oh how nice you have been to spend time with your daughter - lovely time.

    I admire and marvel at your seaweed art - you are imaginative. Gorgeous!! Virtual hugs from Finland!

  11. Oh how nice you have been to spend time with your daughter - lovely time.

    I admire and marvel at your seaweed art - you are imaginative. Gorgeous!! Virtual hugs from Finland!

  12. A beautiful page with a great background.
    This is fabulous to make a stamp with the algae.
    I'm curious what will become of it.
    Have a good week, hug Elke

  13. LOVE your carved stamp but I also love your journal page. You're right - the white daisy looks perfect! But how did you keep it so white? I can NEVER manage it because I'm so messy :-( I always get glue all over things... too heavy handed, I think. Love the centre - great way to use up beads :-)
    Cath x

  14. So pleased you spent some time with your daughter.
    I love your flower.

    All the best Jan

  15. I'm impressed you can carve stamps with such great detail.

    We're expecting a high today of 72 lol Springtime in Memphis :) And they're predicting overcast/cloud/rainy for the next several days.

    What a treat to get a good visit with your daughter.

  16. Well,the Rockweed stamp turned out really well, and to think it all came from the photo you took earlier. Well done you!
    I so enjoyed the daisy page - like the idea of using an ohp sheet as an overlay too. And I am rather partial to a daisy as a flower.
    Good news about your daughter too, must be lovely to have her home for a short break.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  17. Amazing you made a stamp and it is fabulous! Super daisy page too. Love that fun background! YOu are so talented!!!!! Hugz


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