Thursday, April 8, 2021

Cleaning Discoveries

 Hi everyone.  Hope your week is going well.

Last week I started a couple of indoor cleaning projects.  For one I decided it was time to do at least a partial  book purge and make some room on my bookshelves. It didn't matter if I completely finished or not, because purging books is something that never ends (mainly because I love books). For the second project, I went through some old photos.   I started both because I couldn't find something I was looking for, a book I wanted (and knew I had) and the photos  I wanted for an art project.

I must admit I have several very unorganized plastic bins of photos and old art projects stacked in the attic.  I did eventually find the photos I wanted, and I cleaned the book shelves enough to find the book I wanted. But while I was looking for the photos, I came across a bin with some journals that I had forgotten I had made. It was an exciting find, and I spent quite a bit of time going through them all.  I thought today and on occasion in the future I would share a few with you.

The first journal  I'm sharing is a cloth one I made in 2005 after coming home from a week long trip to Italy. I guess you could say it my memory book of the trip.

My pages are made from thick interfacing covered on both sides with  pieces of cloth.  The book measures 3x5  inches (7.6 x 12.7 cm)  in size.

To bind it I used some red and white fabric trim which I cut into pieces and sewed onto my pages.

And all my pages include bits and pieces from the trip or things from my stash that reminded me of some memory from the trip.

When you fully open the book, it opens into a long 8 page banner like book. The back side is plain.

Of course now that I have some room on my bookshelves, I am going to try to put these journals on my shelves (so much for the room) so I won't forget I have them in the future. Plus they've given me some inspiration and make me want to sew some new journals. 

Thanks for visiting. 


  1. I love Italy!!!
    This is a great book!

    I never thought of sewing a journal - great idea.
    And I had the very best Pizza margarita in Tuscany, San Giminaldo, a little stand, ohhhh, my!

    LOL, so much the room!!!! I can relate! Hugs!

  2. Wow, Erika, that journal is a great find, so beautiful. Love the fabulous sewing. That's a good reason to do some clearing and tidying if ou find such treasures! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Love this! So clever the way it opens up.

  4. Your Italian journals are fabulous, Erika. I love the techniques. Though I've never been to Italy, I get the feeling of what it must be like from these pages. Beautiful in every way.

  5. Wow I am so happy you shared your fabric journal with us. and I love how you attached the pages-I never know a good way to do that-so now I am inspired. I am glad you found a place for this journal too-so you can look and share it with friends or family easily.
    Hugs Kathy

  6. Wow! What a fabulous journal and a great reminder of your trip! I could do with some Italian warmth...just imagine sitting outside cafe with a cup of coffee! Hugs, Chrisxx

  7. So Cool - Also, How Was That Cleaning Of The Workspace Adventure - Enjoy Your Weekend


  8. You are SO lucky to have done all that traveling. I can only wish to visit those places someday. One thing I can say is, I've visited every state in the lower 48 and visited every state capitol. However, nothing begins to compare to where you have been. I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this incredible fabric journal. It's incredible. Thank you for taking me there, dear.

  9. I came looking for your latest TioT make and was stopped in my tracks right here, what great finds these are Erika. You've documented all those happy memories, what stories they tell. I do love fabric journals I have lots of my own but they hold very personal things. Good luck with the clean up i'm overflowing with things to sort, not sure where to start, driving me crazy...
    Happy weekend Hugs Tracey x

  10. It's always fun to locate things you had forgotten about, Erika. Now you will need more room on the bookshelf.

  11. What a great and inspiring find Erika! xx

  12. Great fabric art pieces. I am constantly needing to purge (I call it "decluttering") and usually get inspired to do that when Spring shows up. The weather has been nice lately, hasn't it?

  13. Very cool fabric pieces, Erika. I love how you did them. A fabulous journal and thanks for sharing it. I am impressed again at your Spring cleaning - I am feeling inspired to do the same! Hugz

  14. My Big Book Purge was painful. I had so much, and I loved them all. Now I try to do a little along. DVDs are just as hard :(

    I love these cloth journal pages! It'll be nice to have this book ready to hand for inspiration.


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