Friday, April 23, 2021

Happy Friday

 Hi everyone. Happy Friday. 

This week, as usual, has flown by. I do feel like I missed a day being down from vaccine #2 , but I'm not complaining. Better than being down weeks with covid.

This is a short post today. I just want to share a tag for the newest challenge at  Tag Tuesday .
Valerie is hosting, and her theme is Anything Goes, so my tag today has this fun lady with the fruit bowl on her head. 
I had fun making this tag. I used some rainbow colors and soft modeling paste through a stencil for the lower background. I used a bit of stamping at the top, as well as some bits and pieces laying on my work table.  Then I stamped the lady, colored her, and added her to the tag.  I thought the quote worked, but needed the me word which I created with  M and an E stickers.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Hope you have a great start to your weekend.


  1. This is a happy one, Erika! Happy weekend!

  2. Channeling Carmen Miranda. A fun piece. Stay warm today

  3. Hi Erika, so glad you are feeling better. But as you say, better a day down than having Covid. I love your lady with the fruit-bowl on her head, too funny! The background is wonderful, too. Thanks for joining my challenge at TT much appreciated! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Hats should never be judged, only held up in admiration ;)

  5. Love the colors and she is soooo fun! Great tag. Glad you only had one lost day and you are right - small price to pay for the added protection. Hugz

  6. So pleased you are feeling better.
    This is a super tag, I like the colours you've used, and the fruit bowl on her head!

    Have a happy Friday and a great weekend.

    All the best Jan

  7. You are so right, Erika, in saying that a day of vaccine discomfort beats having the virus.

  8. sorry you got ill from the shot.
    Great tag-feel better hugs and happy weekend Kathy

  9. I had a 5 day reaction from vaccine #1 and am terrified of #2. Don't judge me is great

  10. A gorgeous colourful tag Erika!
    Happy weekend!
    Alison xx

  11. The lady stamp is so fun. Her expression says it all. Fruit on your head is not odd, why are you staring at me? The words are perfect. It’s fun what you’ve done with the doodads that were on your desk.

  12. A day is definitely not bad in comparison but hope you are feeling better now Erika. Your tag is just so colourful and eye catching and full of fun! Thanks for joining us at Tag Tuesday with your gorgeous project! Hugs

  13. Fun tag! Hope the vaccine works for you. Here mostly bad / scary news.

  14. I feel bad I took so long to get here. I had a good smile when I saw the lady with the fruit on her head. This was a fun tag, Erika.

  15. Brilliant tag Erika, sorry you weren't so good after your second jab! We had ours on Sunday and apart from a very sore arm (hubby didn't have any bad effects) we are both fine! Looking forward to some sort of freedom soon! Hugs, Chrisxx


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