Friday, April 2, 2021

Inspired by My Beach Walks

Hi everyone. Happy Friday.  I'm here today with some end of the week art.

My first piece of art today is something new for this month's Inspired By challenge at Art Journal Journey.
It began when I was inspired by a piece of seaweed I saw on the sand at the beach.

I then took that inspiration and carved it into a stamp. 
Yes, if this looks familiar I showed you this just a few weeks ago on March 7. I suppose this could also work for second on second.

I then stamped some of the seaweed with green acrylic paint on some watercolor paper.

 I used watercolors to create the background. It felt very much like the ocean to me, so I used a combination of of stamping directly on the page as well as stamping and fussy cutting on some white paper. I ended up with this ocean scene which I am linking up to AJJ's Inspired By theme.

On one of my recent beach walks there was a lot of seaweed up on the beach, and some of them  caught my eye.

You might see some more stamps inspired from a few of these seaweed views. Smile.

Since today is also April 2, I am showing you some art from 2015 for Second on the Second . Be sure to stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog  where we show our second looks on this day.

Since Easter is coming up this weekend, let me show you a tag I made back in 2015 with a spring and Easter theme. 

I really like the bird on the bow at the top. I was busy that spring being inspired by tag making.
Here's the whole post: A Little More Bunny Hop
Interesting that this post in 2015 was originally published on April 2. So 6 years later, here you get to see it again.

Have a great start to your weekend, and a very Happy Easter also if you celebrate. If you celebrate Passover, I hope you had/have a nice Seder celebration.  And no matter whether you celebrate any holiday or not, have a great weekend.
  And as always, thanks for visiting.


  1. You inspired me to look up the poem, and it’s wonderful. The last stanza:

    I must down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
    To the gull’s way and the whale’s way where the wind’s like a whetted knife;
    And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,
    And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over.

    Yours is a Great idea to look at seaweed...mae at

  2. Hi Erika, love the piece inspired by the seaweed. The various forms are fascinating. No seaweed in the Rhine! The bunny tag is lovely, and perfect for Easter. Have a great weekend, take care! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Hi Erika,
    I really like your seaweed inspiration 👍 it looks so natural in colors and shapes.
    Your old tag is uplifting and fun 😀
    We have got som sun and the weather is warming. Nights are cold still.
    Have a very happy Easter, my friend 🌷🐣

  4. You do such a wonderful job on these nature stamps! Lovely!

  5. The stamp you carved is awesome and looks like it would be versatile as seaweed or as stems/leaves for flowers. Cute tag. I like the bird not being entirely on the tag. Have a Happy Easter 💐🐣🐰

  6. Good morning Erika, what a lovely post. I have never tried carving my own stamp so I think it is so neat to see others that do. Your art page with the stamp is really wonderful-I really like it, and I enjoyed seeing all the photos. great second look with your tag .
    Happy weekend and Easter hugs Kathy

  7. There really are so any varieties of seaweed - I can see why you were inspired to make your ocean scene!
    The bird on the bow is indeed a cutie! I love this bright tag. Have great weekend yourself - turning cold here - Thank Goodness - will stop the crowds gathering hopefully! Oooh! I am a killjoy aren't I? Hugs Chrisx

  8. Sorry, Erika, was looking at Valerie's post on my phone while waiting for my computer to catch up!! Chrisxxx

  9. I'm really in love with your journal page, Erika. The colors are perfect and go so well with the quote. I absolutely adore that collage stamp you used. It is definitely my style. Of course, seeing the incredible carved seaweed stamp was the perfect way to pull everything together. I assure you, you have truly inspired me.

    Who knew seaweed could come in so many different designs and colors. I certainly didn't. The only seaweed I've ever seen is some from beaches in CA. It's all the same looking to me and definitely dark green, which gets even darker when it dries. You found some beauties and wonderful art fodder for your next carved stamp or two!! Thanks for this beautiful entry at Art Journal Journey that you and Chris are hosting.

    I'm absolutely delighted you shared this tag with us for your second look on the 2nd. It's definitely a first look for me. I absolutely love it. It certainly fits the season, that's for sure. Thanks for sharing this second look at this tag I really like.

  10. That red seaweed is fascinating! That probably would be my inspiration. I like what you did with the ocean scene, and your handmade stamp looks lovely - I can see many possibilities for it.

  11. Your hand carved stamp looks great and I love how you've used it on your Ocean page. There really are a lot of varieties of seaweed, so lots of inspirations for you there.
    Love the sweet bunny tag, it really does shout Spring.
    Happy Easter and I hope you have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  12. Beautiful art, and I love your photos from the seashore Erika!
    Happy Saturday,
    Alison xx

  13. It's amazing what inspires us to make art, Erika. Anything and everything, really.
    I remember being impressed by your seaweed stamp the first time you showed it.
    I like your crisp ocean page very much and I like that you have left the coloured space at the top. Also great to read the lines of the poem again and I see you have curved the words, I wonder how you did that. Interesting, too, to see all the different types of seaweed in your area.
    I love your bright tag, a contrast to the ocean piece. You have so many ways of making your art.

  14. Ingo sure asked what`s going on as I awwwd on your pics!!!!
    Just go the book on watercolors and go through this. Can´t buy anything - and that´s good, I have time to read first!

    Awwww... the ocean. For real and journal-wise, looove.

  15. Such a beautiful page Erika, I love how you carved your own stamp, it's gorgeous! The seaweed photos are awesome, love all of the different varieties. Enjoy your weekend and Happy Easter!
    Hugs, Tammy

  16. I just love this post, lovely art and photographs.

    Have a great weekend, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  17. What a fabulous page! Loving your inspiration, it's always lovely to walk by the sea and wow, so many different types of seaweed too, I love the array of textures and colours 😀. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  18. We never see so many varieties of seaweed here! They're really lovely. I hope your Easter was lovely. I didn't even get online!

  19. great artwork and wonderful photos

  20. Wow, love your stamp! Love your page. Love all the fun seaweed pictures. Peaceful and lovely page - so well done! Cute tag too. Hugz


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