Monday, April 26, 2021

T Stands for a Friday Night Pizza Party And a Few Other Things

 Hi everyone. 

It's been a busy week around my house. I've been doing lots of yard work (in between wind and rain), and the hubby is on vacation this week. I know he wants to bring his boat home from his mother's, but otherwise I think we'll be doing more things around the house, including moving more brush as he cut  down a few more (luckily smaller diameter)  trees  this past weekend.

  I now have some  daffodils blooming in my garden as well as some hyacinths  too. 

I love how daffodils are no work flowers that just come back thicker and thicker as years go by. 
More garden photos another day. Today is Tuesday, so it is time for T over at  Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.

This week I want to share a fun Friday evening pizza party we had last weekend. My daughter and her beau came to visit for the night. 

My daughter's beau Zach was taking his professional engineering exam that day. Passing this exam  allows someone who has been working in certain engineering fields for at least 4 years to be able to stamp their own designs. Once you pass the exam, you can apply for a licence in whatever state(s) you do work in, and those states, if they approve you for your license, will send you a stamp.

 The 8 hour test is on top of weeks of studying for it. Without passing the test, these engineers legally must have someone else stamp their drawing before they can be constructed. For example,  if an engineering team designs a bridge, someone on the team must have passed the test and become licensed in that state (or states) to stamp the drawings and say that the design is safe. That person is often the team leader. The test, therefore, is a pretty big deal in the engineer's career.

Since my daughter and her beau live on the opposite side of the side from us, Zach had to leave the house before 4 AM in order to be at the test center by the 7 AM check in. The funny thing is the testing center is in the same building where my husband works. Because it would be a long drive home after an already long day, my daughter and her beau decided to come spend the night with us.

 Since my husband is a civil engineer just like Zach (and my daughter also, although she has worked in community planning rather than engineering), he knows what kind of day Zach had taking the test. The hubby thought we should celebrate with something Zach really likes to eat. One of those foods happens to be Pizza Hut pizza. Since there is no Pizza Hut in their part of the state and since it was Friday night, we decided to have pizza and beer to celebrate the test being over. And I bet you can guess who we let pick the type of pizzas we had.

That was a lousy pour with all that foam though. All the beer photos in my post today are my ticket to T.

And here's everyone but me (I was busy taking the photo) enjoying some pizza and a drink. We had 2 different beers, both microbrews from Vermont.  As my daughter is not a beer drinker, she had a hard flavored seltzer water. 

I hope Zach's test went well, but he won't know the results for a couple of months while they grade it. It has yet to become an online exam like so many other tests have become.

Lastly, some of you might recognize the building in this photo that I took this past Sunday.

Just saying, if the weather doesn't get cold and wet, there is a chance you might see it again next T day. That is, if we visit when they open this weekend for the season.  It's very exciting to see things starting to open up again. 

I hope everyone has a great upcoming week as well a T day too.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. That's super interesting about engineering exams. Good luck to him!! I wonder if that is a civil engineering thing only? J is going to college for chemical engineering. I know that is a whole different animal in the realm of engineering. We are just working at getting him an internship for the summer. ugh. He really was interested in one with 3M but the commute would have been at least an hour each way...not ideal.
    Happy Tday!

  2. Thanks for sharing about the engineering exams- wow- intense! Best of luck to Zach. Nice way to end the long day by having a favorite meal and drink with the family.
    And so nice to see the flowers in bloom isn't it? Hope your weather turns warm like ours is expected to be. Happy T day!

  3. Wow, Erika, I wish Zach the best of luck. I hope he did well. Glad he's become a part of an engineering family, at least.

    Your husband looks like he was hard at work with that chain saw. At least you'll have firewood for next winter because this gives it time to dry sufficiently.

    Your pizza party looks like fun. Your daughter and I think alike. I'm not a beer drinker unless it's stout. Everything looks really good, though.

    Thanks for explaining the test Zack had to take, your husband hard at work, and your pizza and beer with us for T this almost Tuesday. I bet you are waiting for for Pop's to open May 1, too.

  4. And you already got me with your title! Hmmmm!
    Awww, all the flowers. Here 1C, I wait with that. 1C!!! (33,8 F). Spring???

    Drooling over the Pizza-pic.

    Funny. I had a huge, long fight with my professor (he was picking another, female student till she cried, all in front of us).
    My design was finally approved by my other one, she was a real architect - she offered help and sent it to her structural engineer to calculate the statics as I was running out of time (that professor was an....).
    In the oral exam he stated the statics were wrong. What a dumb man.

    Fingers crossed the test went well!
    (Here it´s so different! The oral exam (or whatever you call that) was 30 minutes.)

    Yay for that sweet place to open again!
    Happy T-Day!

  5. Looks like you all had a fun evening together, and that pizza looks wonderful! Hope Zach's exam went well and that he gets his license! Your garden is really looking like spring now, just lovely! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. Wishing him all the best! I bet the exam and travelling must have been tiring, so pleased that you all got to celebrate together with pizza and beer - yum, yum 😀. Such a lovely photo of your family! How wonderful that the Pop's Clam Shop will be opening soon too, that's definately something to look forward too. Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  7. Good luck to Zach, I hope he passed the test. My hubby is a civil engineer also, and our daughter is an electrical and electronic engineer.
    Your daffodils and hyacinths are beautiful. We have a garden full of colour now, although the daffodils have died off.
    Happy T-Day!
    Alison xx

  8. Hoping he passed! Would be so disappointing to study for years, sit for 8 hours and try to remember it all and then not pass. I sat for the CPA when I was younger and only passed two parts - I never tried again. I took the Certified Quality Auditor test about 6 years ago and passed it - it was only 4 hours and was no fun. I know his test was MUCH harder.

    The pizza and beer/selzer party looks like a wonderful way to end the day for him though. Thanks for sharing your fun pictures! I love seeing insights into how others celebrate milestones, family, and food/drink.

    Fun post! Hugz

  9. What pretty spring flowers! An 8-hour test?! Wow! I wish him all the luck, but I imagine he's well-prepared and that will see him to success. It's been ages since I had Pizza Hut pizza, even though they deliver in our area. We used to eat there a lot when the kids were little. I agree with you: it's wonderful to begin seeing restaurants opening back up. Now that we're vaccinated, we're planning a couple of patio lunch trips :) It feels like a real treat :) Happy T Tuesday!

  10. Loved hearing all about the civil engineer test and what it involves. What a great way to celebrate! I don't drink beer but the pizza sounds delicious.
    Your daffodils and hyacinths are lovely. I too appreciate those "no work" plants. I need more of those in my yard.
    Hopefully we will get to see pics of your lobster rolls this summer. I always enjoy seeing the yummy foods that you eat at the clam shack.
    Happy Tea Day,

  11. Oh all the best of luck to Zach. Or should I take luck out of that. He has studied hard and i hope it is not down to luck but sheer proficiency and knowledge that gets him through the exam.
    You had a great little party going there. Well deserved. The pizzas look delicious and the beer even more. The atmosphere is cozy in your kitchen. I wish I could have been there.
    I spotted a beautiful old fashioned (solid fuel?) stove behind Zach in the picture. Tell me more about that. Do you use it every day? I hope so.
    Good that your hubby did more tree cutting. Quite a lot of maintenance there. Thankfully he is fit again.
    Happy T-Day,

  12. Your Spring flowers look beautiful! How lovely that you all got together for a Pizza Party! Hope that Zach did well in his exam - two months will fly by! Happy T Day, Chrisx

  13. Your daffs and hyacinths are so pretty. Good luck to Zach 🍀 I bet he was thrilled with his pizza dinner after his long day. I love pizza. It's been so long since I've had Pizza Hut as we don't have one nearby. Hooray for Pop's opening up this week. Happy T Day!

  14. Hooray for Pops! And Hooray for Mom and Pop, too -- what a great idea having the pizza party to celebrate an endeavor such as that test. It looks like great fun with them. Isn't it nice to be together? And three cheers on your garden and blooms. It really feels like spring with daffs and hyacinths!

  15. What a lovely post.
    A fun evening together, the pizza looks tasty!
    I do hope Zach's exam went well and that he gets his license.
    Love the daffodils and hyacinths.

    All the best Jan

  16. A quick call in here, I am as always catching up on my reading and visits.
    I hope it went well well for Zack. My younger son is also a Civil Engineer and loves his work.
    Stay safe
    Yvonne xx

  17. Love the flower photos! And, the pizza looks delicious. Yes, it will be great when everything reopens! Happy T Day!

  18. This is a lovely post. Congratulations to Zach. Ohhh pizza any day in our house. LOL Have a great evening.


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