Monday, April 12, 2021

T Stands for Yardwork

 Hi everyone.

Overall we've had a pretty nice spring here in New Hampshire. I should say we've actually had spring this year, at least so far. In fact, last week ended with some gorgeous weather, more like late May than April. 

With the beautiful weather and things finally drying out, I spent much of my time outside doing yard work. Even though I know crocuses are long gone for many of you, mine are finally starting to bloom. 

Now that the flower beds are all raked, so much is popping up, and it is exciting to see it all happening.

Last weekend my husband cut down this grey birch tree. It was a nice tree, and I was sad to have to cut it down. The problem was it had gotten so big  that once the leaves blossomed it would block a lot of sun in the veggie garden. It's been an issue for a few years. That garden is inside the white picket fence that you can just see on the edge of the photo. As you can also see, it's not like we don't have other trees either.

Ignore Maddie, she's a photo hog.

The hubby was worried the tree might come down in the wrong direction and land on the deck or picket fence.

He engineered the fall perfectly.

Of course that meant I also spent some of last week dragging the chopped off branches up to the driveway so my husband could take them to the dump this past weekend. It's either that or burn them, but burning is a chore and a half in itself,  especially since we're drier than normal after last summer's drought.

The hubby took 2 loads of brush like this to the dump.  There's still a bit left for another day.

I did manage to get a laugh break during my yard work while watching Pete try to catch a chipmunk who ran into the fire pit.

Pete is fast but the squirrels and chipmunks always outwit him because he can't climb trees or get into the little crevices they squeeze into.

I can't believe some of my roses even have leaves popping out. It's usually more in late April that that happens.

And lastly I have been busy getting ready for my bees to arrive at the end of May.  The hubby and I are trying to work out the best spot to place the hive and the best way to get it up off the ground. Plus I have to put up an electric fence because of the bears, and I don't know anything about electric fences. I've been having fun learning all these new things.

This is why I like when we actually get spring.

 My drink related post for T this week comes from a cloth journal I found a couple of weeks ago in a bin in my attic.  Be sure to stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog   where we share our drink related posts for T on Tuesdays.

I think it's pretty obvious about how it fits for T.

This journal comes from back in the early 2000's, but I'm not sure of the exact date. I've pre-posted the rest of the pages from this book for Friday this week.

That's all for me.
Happy T day, and thanks for visiting.


  1. Spring flowers are really coming in fast here too. It’s a beautiful season.

    be safe... mae at

  2. Love your cloth journal page Erika! It's a hard decision to have to take down a tree, but then again, it's just sometimes necessary- but what a job, and hubby did good!
    Isn't it wonderful to finally see some colorful blooms. I'm sure the pups are enjoying the weather too(as well as the squirrels and chipmunks-lol)
    And how exciting for you to become a beekeeper now. Good luck!
    Happy T day!

  3. Wow, what a gorgeous purple flower that you display in this lovely entry ..., if it were possible for it to grow in the soil in my area, i would surely plant it.

    Have a nice day.

  4. Spring has truly arrived at your home. It's sad about the tree, but like you said, it's not like you don't have others. I have never seen a crocus in real life, but yours are beautiful. And your roses are going to be fantastic this year, I'm sure.

    Oh wow, oh wow. I'm in love, love, love with your tea inspired house. I can barely wait to see the rest of it on Friday. You have a great command with your sewing machine and I can't sew a straight line if my life depended on it. That's why it's perfect for T this Tuesday and a great memorabilia for you,, too. Thanks for sharing your adorable garden photos and your tea book with us for T this almost Tuesday. I also got a kick out of Maddie hiding under your husband's truck when he was loading the brush. She IS a photo hog!!

  5. I need to get out and do some cleaning up too in the yard.
    You will enjoy the bees-years ago before retirement we had several hives-I loved the honey. I couldn't be in with the bees though as they sensed my fear and would go after me-so my job was afterwards. that will be important to protect the hives from the bears.
    I love your journal page hugs Kathy

  6. Beautiful flowers (winter-temps here, still)!, but the photo hog sure steals the show, LOL!

    What a tree and story!

    Bees and bears, now that´s a classic you won´t find here (though! Once there was a bear in my hometown - and people thought it´s a joke, police didn´t come!!! Help!)
    Such a beautiful spoon! What´s the 65 standing for? (It´s my Hubby´s birth-year)
    Happy T-day, hugs, thank you for the fun post!

  7. Wow, those crocus look so beautiful! Wonderful to get out in the spring weather and tidy your yard, felling that tree looked amazing - go hubby 😁. Maddie and Pete antics made me smile too and wow, that fabric created journal page is so pretty! Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  8. What beautiful crocuses! I love them.
    Well done your hubby with that tree. I had to smile at Maddie being in nearly every photo.
    How interesting is that hive. I never knew it was so complicated. bears! We don't think about bears but you have them I know. Bears and honey, now that is a classic!
    Your fabric journal page is a beauty. Fancy finding that! I could easily be framed it is so beautiful.
    Happy T-Day,
    Stay healthy,

  9. Too bad the tree had to come down, but sometimes necessary. Who knew trees could get so tall? Maggie looks like she’s waiting for her closeup and Pete chasing the chippy made me laugh. I like your fabric journal page and look forward to seeing the other pages. Enjoy the sunshine today. Happy T Day

  10. Everything is so early this year -- I hope we don't get slammed again. Don't you love the veining inside the crocus petals? I find them incredibly beautiful.

    I'm sorry about the tree but it does make sense. The bees sound exciting, the dogs fun and even time for art with all that! Well done!

  11. Spring! Your flowers look cheering :) It is sad to lose a tree that size, but needs must. I'm excited about your bees. Bears? not so much ;)

    Happy T Tuesday!

  12. You have been very busy in the garden. Dogs can be so funny! Thanks for the laugh! Good to see the signs of spring. I am looking forward to hearing more about your bees when they move in! Hugs, Valerie

  13. Great photos, I love your beautiful crocuses Erika!
    That's a gorgeous journal cover too.
    Alison xx

  14. The colour of the crocus flowers are really gorgeous, always makes you feel it’s spring when you see them.
    The cloth journal is lovely and the materials is beautiful our Grand doggies used to chase the gophers on the levy, never.caught them of course but it was fun to watch.
    How exciting to have a hive, having your own honey, delicious
    Happy TDay
    jan S

  15. I was already totally impressed with you, but now I am even more impressed! Doing your own bees and putting up electric fences? Now that is totally impressive! Also your tea themed fabric journal looks amazing as well! Very cool! Hugz

  16. Your fabric journal page is Gorgeous! I love the teacup and all the texture that you have added. I love working with fabric but it isn't as easy as working with paper so I find I rarely do it.
    I love that you are getting bees! This is certainly on my list of things to do but I know there is some kind of learning curve. An electric fence is a great idea. I would have never thought of that but it certainly would deter certain animals.
    Cutting down a tree and removing the brush is hard work. Glad that you were able to remove it safely. Your garden will thank you for sure.
    Happy Tea Day,

  17. Wow those flowers are amazing. The work never ends does it? Have a great day today.

  18. Fabulous photos Erika! I hope that your veggies grow well now! Keeping bees is definitely going to keep you as busy as the bees you will be providing a hive for! Looking forward to seeing progress! Hugs, Chrisx


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