Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Body Language

 Hi everyone. Hope your week is going well so far.

This month Elle is hosting at Art Journal Journey with a theme of Language. I am really enjoying all the takes on language and learning so many new things.  There's been a few posts on the topic of body language, and here's mine to add to the mix.

The magazine image I used on this page is vintage and very cliche. I went for something bold and definite. Some body language is that bold, and some is so subtle that sometimes people even miss it. Some people seem better at reading body language than others. I bet we all know someone who just can't read your non-verbal clues when it is time to end something or move onto a new topic.

I'm not sure this is the best page I've ever made, but I used paints, gesso, markers, stamping and even a bit of tape to make my background. I didn't really need to add the stickers to define what the page is about, but I think this page needed something strong going horizontally across it to tie it all together. I wasn't very creative and just went with what the page was all about.

After my long T day post yesterday, I'm keeping today's  post short. 
Thanks so much for visiting.


  1. Hello Erika,
    They are expressing body language very clearly - but as they are not socializing with stranger, they can behave this way. OK, we are looking at them ;)
    You found a nice retro picture.
    I've been a bit busy with cleaning home and storing winter clothes. That's why weather was very warm for some days, but now it's turned cold and rainy again.

    Hope you are well and inspiration is flying :)

  2. What A Trip And Way Cool - Stay Creative - Be Well


  3. Maybe you don’t feel this is one of your best artistically, but I do. I especially like the colors together. I also think it may be one of your most interesting pages. 😊

  4. I like this page, and yes, there are people who can't take a hint when to stop..... Fun idea! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  5. That body language in your piece is certainly easy to read. They're in for a long night, I think. Or maybe a very short one.

  6. I love it, it reminds me of a vintage poster and the style of the text too. It's a great page for body language! Thanks for joining me for the Language theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle xx

  7. Wow ! Thats some easy body language to read! Love it, Chrisxx

  8. This body language was easy to read. There was little doubt about their intentions. Nothing subtle here! I really lve this one. It is clear, straight to the point, and perfect for Elle's theme at Art Journal Journey.

  9. Bold colors, line, and text. Well done. Did you get outside today?

  10. Great representation of body language in your journal page, wonderful idea!
    Have a good day, hug Elke

  11. A great page Erika and surely we can all read the body language of this page even though some may not feel the same about what they see as others might.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  12. I think this page certainly gets the message across. Love the bold use of colour too. It made me think about body language and in particular where you say "when it's time to end something ..." and I thought of me going on and on and maybe the best way to let me know to be quiet and end the conversation would be to yawn! LOL
    I think this is a great page.
    Hugs, Neet xx


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!