Saturday, May 15, 2021

More from Bedrock Gardens (Post 2)

 Hi everyone.

Today I am going to share more photos from my trip this week to Bedrock Gardens in Lee, New Hampshire.  I showed you a few this past Thursday, but I took over 200. I will spare you that many-smile.

I don't even know what some of these flowers are, but it was fun to find them and to take photos of them.

My azalea's haven't bloomed yet, but the ones at the gardens were beautiful.

And then, as you walk through the garden paths, you come across something just as beautiful but different from the flowers. 

These flowers in the next photo are actually part of a rusty old bench sitting under some trees. 

Hopefully we'll make it back when the rhododendron buds (you can see in this next photo) bloom.

I love discovering tiny Japanese maple flowers too as you can see in the above photo. These would be easy to miss.
As well as these funky leaves.

All of these flowers were found in a pretty wooded area.

And here's some art close up photos. Whoever makes a lot of the art displayed throughout the gardens creates some  interesting results from rusty recycled pieces.

For the rest of these photos, we are moving out of the woods.

And for these last photos for today, I had to include the beehives.

My lone single hive is going to be boring compared to these. 

Hope you enjoyed your from your home visit to Bedrock Gardens. I have more photos, but I'll share those another time.
Have a wonderful weekend too.


  1. I would love to visit Bedrock Gardens with my camera, too, so beautiful. I love the mixture of nature, art and other decorative elements, a wonderful place to walk. thanks for taking the photos, and looking forward to seeing more of the 200!! And lots of lovely hives, too. Have agreat weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. Good morning, everything is so beautiful I have never seen bee hives painted like that pretty cool. years ago we had a few bee hives-really enjoyed the process-I freaked out though in my bee suit when trying to help-the bees sensed my fear and I had to leave so we wouldn't get attacked. I would enjoy seeing more photos-such a lovely place hugs Kathy

  3. What an absolutely amazing place for your friend and you to walk. I absolutely LOVE seeing all those flowers, even though I have no idea what any of them are. Of course, you had me at RUSTY! Absolutely wonderful, dear. Love the photos and that statue is great too.

  4. I forgot to ask. What are those round things sitting on top of the beehives?

  5. There's a free app called Plant Net that you can use to identify flowers and stuff by the flower or leaf. Snap a picture and voila an answer. Bedrock Gardens is so pretty. Makes me want to get back to Tower Hill though I don't think TH has an apiary. Enjoy the day!

  6. I enjoyed my virtual garden visit. The metal ornaments are fun to see, and all those beehives! So many beehives!

  7. These are your own beehives? They look fabulous -- I love the bright colors! And oh, what a lovely spot for a walk. Gorgeous wildflowers and oh, such a nice spot to visit.

  8. Fabulous photos Erika, so many gorgeous flowers.
    Avril xx

  9. Wow! Beautiful photos Erika! xx


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