Monday, May 3, 2021

T Stands for The Chore List

 Hi everyone. Happy Tuesday.

Last week my husband took the week off from work, and we spent it doing a lots of chores around the house. Not the most exciting vacation, but definitely productive. Part of the week the weather wasn't really conducive to being outside, which meant we didn't quite finish the to do list.  That always seems to  happen so it wasn't really disappointing.  Of course  writing the list is usually easier than doing the list.

The area where we'll put the beehive got started. We needed to smooth out the spot. All the brush from the cut trees you can see behind my husband was taken to the dump. Now my husband needs to go back with the chainsaw and cut the trunks into movable pieces. That was one thing on the list he didn't get to do. (And they really aren't in the way, so they are low on the list.)

And Maddie, besides wanting to be in the photo, was very excited for a patch of open dirt.

I finished bark mulching.  Hurrah. Check that off the list.

We bought screen to fix a few of the panels on the screen porch, but with the rain and winds we didn't get the plastic off of it yet. That was a partial check off. 

I did drag out my planting pots from inside the screen porch where we store everything over the winter. They look pretty sad being empty of plants. In another few weeks I'll get some green in them.

You can also see our very weathered deck under the pots. The original plan for this vacation was to put down new decking, but wow, has the price of construction materials sky rocketed. We decided to it wasn't any more expensive to get the weather resistant fake wood decking compared to pressure treated wood right now.  Some of the boards we needed would have been almost $45 a board if we bought new pressure treated wood. The edging boards would have been $60 for one board. We ordered the new weather resistant plastic decking but who knows when that will arrive. Another half check.

The hubby did bring his boat home. That was probably the only thing on his list. 

I was excited to see my kale has started to come up in my cold frame. And if you look carefully at the top of the photo you can see some lettuce popping up too.   I can check off that I got those seeds planted and they are growing.

It is amazing how much more green everything became in this past week.

My peonies grew about 6 inches out of the ground.

The rose plants are all getting their leaves.

More daffodils and hyacinths are blooming.

I moved the bird feeders further from the house to try to get the chipmunks and squirrels out of my veggie garden. Check that off. You can also see the slight touch of green on the trees as leaves just start to bloom.  
And I didn't get a photo, but the hummingbirds are back! I got my food made for them and that feeder put outside too.

This being T day, I wanted to share a drink and a meal from Pop's with you, like I mentioned last week. 

Here's the photo I posted last week. Opening May 1.

Saturday evening (which was May 1) we went over to get some dinner. When we got there the parking lot was empty and the building was dark. The sign was still hanging but the May 1 was painted over.
I'm not sure you can read the new sign which was slightly blown inward, but it said they were now opening May 8.

That was disappointing. So my link this week for T is going have to be all the Coca-cola signs on Pop's building.  I guess the ICE on the ice freezer would work also.

Be sure to stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog  and join us for T with your drink related post.

Hopefully next week (weather dependent) I can share a drink related post from Pop's.  If not, I will find something more exciting to share.

Have a great T day. Thanks for visiting my blog also.


  1. Thousands of to-do lists for spring cleaning, spring gardening, porch prep (with high-price lumber), and spring boat and recreation prep... the whole country is on the move doing things. Makes me tired.

    be well... mae at

  2. Looks like you got so much done- and half checks- I'll take them too:) Hummingbirds??? Oh so they must be in our area too but I have yet to see any though my feeders have been out for a week now. So nice to see the blooms and such finally appearing. Hoping to get flowers and pot them this week. Happy T day!

  3. Wow, productive for sure. Shoot, "we", as in Hubby has to pressure clean our little balcony soon, too.

    Your boat looks beautiful! As all the flowers and ohhh, kale, hmmm.
    Sad with Pop´s, can imagine how disappointing that was. Countdown now, huh? ;-)
    Happy T-Day anyways.

  4. Some of your projects may not have gotten completed, but you did a lot. and your husband got his boat home.

    You have a lot more flowers growing in your yard than I had at the peak of early spring planting. Your yard is incredible.

    My neighbor to the south was talking to me about the high cost of lumber and how where he works, instead of recycling or salvaging it, they burn excess lumber. He thinks it's such a waste. He had planned to start a new addition, but has put it on hold.

    Too bad about Pop's, but there are lots of drink inspired art to share in the signs, banner, and even at the ICE maker. Thanks for sharing your week of chores, as well as your trip to Pop's with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  5. Glad you both got so much done in your week. The garden is looking great, and you must be excited over the bees, that will be great when they're set up in your garden. Your garden looks good, too. Sorry you didn't get your yummy food from Pop's, soon it will be open again! Happy T day, hugs, Valerie

  6. Looks like you've got lots of work done in your yard 😁. How wonderful to see all your spring flowers too, and getting the boat ready for your watery adventures must be so exciting too! Looking forward to see what you get from Pops 😉. Take care and Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  7. You sound as if you did manage to get quite a few jobs off your list, love all the plants in your garden, very pretty.
    Wood is expensive here in Spain and the sun ruins it, we have to keep treating our wooden arbor as it peels the wood.
    Sorry you missed out on your meal, very disappointing to get there and find it’s closed, hope you managed to go when they open.
    Happy T day
    Jan x

  8. Sounds like you did actually get a lot done, plus you got more time with hubby. Things are looking good and you have some great plans! I think the new decking was a wise choice - my Sister and Brother in law love theirs. Hoping you get to go to Pop's soon! Happy T day, Erika!

  9. Y'all have been busy! Your flowers are so pretty :) What a disappointment that Pop's wasn't open yet. I know you're looking forward to the 8th. Happy T Tuesday!

  10. Isn't that funny how adults spend their vacation, being productive instead of always having fun. It looks like you are getting a lot accomplished. Loved seeing your greens popping through and all the color from the flowers. It is looking beautiful!
    How disappointing to pull into the lot for dinner and find it empty. But I am sure you will be there on opening day. Only a few days left!
    Happy Tea Day,

  11. Lovely photos. I wish I could have a bee hive. Have a nice day today.

  12. Bet I know where you are having dinner next weekend! What a productive time and hard work. I'll bet you were hurting after all that! It's exciting to see the boat out. And a good idea about the squirrels and veggie garden/feeders. I'm impressed, Erika!

  13. You got a lot accomplished. Too bad the weather didn’t cooperate. Such a big change in your garden from the last time you showed yard photos. Looks great. I can’t wait to see the beehives. Too bad about Pop’s having a delayed opening. I hope you found a good substitute until you can get back to Pop’s. Stay dry this week. Happy T Day!

  14. You have been busy Erika! The flowers and veggie plants are looking good.
    Alison xx

  15. Wow! You were busy! The peony really is reaching for the sky! Your Spring flowers are beautiful. Sorry that Pop's was closed. Happy T Day, Chrisx

  16. I love Hyacinths and Daffodils! You got a lot done, list or no list. I am disappointed for you that the restaurant wasn't open yet. Happy T Day.

  17. What a disappointment that your lobster place wasn't open yet! I'm sure you will be driving over there this coming weekend.
    Boy, you have been busy both of you. I'm sure the boat was top of the list, but now he's got his boat, I'm so pleased hubby has pulled his weight and has done lots of other things too.
    May those half-ticks become complete ticks very soon.
    Your flowers are beautiful! And the peonies are amazing.
    To answer your questions:
    Yes, we had to wear masks the whole hike. It is not very nice as I get out of breath quicker. I might not be as fit as I should be though...
    Yes, I will go on another one and make sure I am a bit more prepared physically.
    No, I didn't see your message about the stove. Where was it?
    Happy belated T-Day,


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