Sunday, May 30, 2021

World Language

 Hi everyone.

The month of May is almost over. In the past 31 days nature in my area has gone from thinking about spring to actually blooming and becoming spring (even if it has felt raw and cold this weekend). All the changes that happen during May are very exciting to watch.

To those of you in the US, I hope you are having a great Memorial Day weekend holiday.  When I was teaching, I always loved going back to school after this holiday because we were really in wrap up mode with graduation and other fun school events. (Of course last year with covid this wasn't true, sadly!)  It could also be the worst time of year in a classroom because if it got hot, the motivation level of the kids disappeared. They would check out for summer early. It isn't an issue any more for me, and with early May being on the cooler side and now it is feeling more summery (well not this holiday weekend),  I say keep bringing on this wonderful early summer weather.

And if you are not in the US,  I hope you are also having/had a wonderful weekend.

 Elle is wrapping up her hosting time at Art Journal Journey. Thank you so much  Elle for being a great host and challenging us with your language topic. It was a lot of fun. I learned a lot of new things about language and also many things about some of you who joined us  for this challenge also.

Of course big thanks to everyone who joined in and shared art journal pages with us also. 

Here's my last page for the this challenge.

My last page for this month's challenge is what I call World Language. My page began with me cleaning off my paint brush. Since so much of that was black paint, I added the black background tissue paper with messy writing. I like the idea of the messy writing because other than it not being a pictorial script, you can't tell what language it actually is. 

The rows of people were found in an old FLOW magazine. I then added a bit of sky blue paint and used a very old die I had to make the Earth and the plane.  Although we speak and write so many languages on our planet, we really are just one people. I wish we all got along as well as the people in the magazine image seem too.

Enjoy the last days of this month, and if we all spread a little happiness, maybe the world will become a better place. 


  1. We are also having a very low key holiday at home, Erika. As you said, the NH holiday weather is fairly nasty with rain and so chilly temps. I am enjoying a good read and just found out that a Netflix series has new episodes, so all is good. Enjoy your holiday weekend as well.

  2. Lovely art piece. My weather here in Connecticut has been matching yours. It's very cold (and rainy) this Memorial Day weekend, but just a little while ago, it was exceptionally hot (around 90 F). So it looks like May decided to be a little fickle this year.

  3. This was a fun challenge, and I love this page. That's how it should be - many languages, one people, and I hope we all get there one day. Enjoy your weekend! I'm off for an afternoon nap! Hugs, Valerie

  4. It's nice and creative page about languages, Erika. It is very inspiring them, I think. I would have many ideas left...
    How are your honey bees doing? Hope the sun is shining in near future for them. We got here cold back. Not very but I was used already warmer weather, and it feel not nice after that.
    I wish your new week is full of inspiration and all is well for you and yours xx

  5. What a fabulous page Erika. How close we all become thanks to air travel too, although not so sure about getting on a plane at the moment! Hugs, Chrisx

  6. Love this page Erika, I really like the black tissue with the white writing and all the little flow people. I can never bear to cut into mine lol. We may speak different languages but we are all the same. Thank you also for inviting me to host this month, I've really enjoyed it. We also have a long weekend here and for a change the weather is co-operating with our holiday. Thanks for joining me for the Language theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle xx

  7. Such a hopeful page. Looks like the weather is clearing. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  8. Such a great page, Erika. I love the unifying feel to it. We are all so much more connected than we realize and I wish people would realize that. Hard headed we are! Fun page and great idea! Hugz


  9. This is great, Erika. I am in awe of those people and that old die of the world and plane. You put those Flow magazines to good use, dear. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey using Elle's theme.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Great work, oh, if it only was reality!
    It could be so easy! After all we have mimic, hands, all that.
    I speak no Spanish (very sadly) or any Arabic language, yet I "talked" to Cubans,
    Egyptian, Spanish people...
    I find it interesting that Dutch is so close to German I get a good clue without using google translate. We are people. Love your work.

  12. A fabulous take on the theme Erika, listening to foreign languages being spoken is so interesting, we wonder what they could be saying, can we tell from how they look or move. then if its on TV and the translator covers the spoken word its had to believe sometimes if what we see actually is what is being said. So yes this page spoke to me in many ways.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  13. We've just enjoyed a lovely weekend with some very nice sunny weather.
    Have a great week ahead.

    All the best Jan


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