Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Found Treasures

Hi everyone. Greetings from a very hot  New Hampshire. They say it could get stormy this afternoon as the hot  weather finally moves out. My daughter is leaving this morning, and my plan is to relax with a new book. It's been a very busy last several days.

 Can you believe June will be over in just a few hours?  (Or maybe when you read this, it will be over.)

I have one final art selection to add to Mia's Butterfly challenge at Art Journal Journey.

First let me say a huge thank you to Mia from Craftartista for hosting this month.  Butterflies was a fun challenge topic, and I really enjoyed it.

I also want to thank all of you who joined Mia at Art Journal Journey this month also. There's been so much amazing and inspirational butterfly art.

Today I am going to share another one of those journals I found up in a bin in my attic earlier this year. This one is a cloth journal with stitching, paint and stamping. 

I just love these bright colors. The journal itself was sewn white muslin, and any color on it is from paint.

You can also see there are a few butterflies, and since this has been in hiding and never put on my blog,   I am going to link it up to Mia's challenge at Art Journal Journey.  I thought it was a bright and colorful way to end the month.

I remember making this journal over an April school vacation because my daughter and her friend were around. Her friend thought making this was a total waste of my life and told me so directly.  I should have been out doing a sport or something useful. I am not sure exactly what that useful thing would be, but I am thankful that this friendship didn't last very long. Most of my daughter's friends thought making art was very cool, and they would join me too.

It has been a real inspiration for me to have found this bin in the attic.  This book in particular has me thinking about making not only another painted journal, but some bright pages in my other journals too.

Butterflies have also been an inspiration also.  I hope you enjoyed this challenge at AJJ, my art today and had a great month of June.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Love the book especially the cover. I've only ever made books from paper though I have sewed bindings. I tell my students art is contact sport. Enjoy the afternoon and stay cool.

  2. Ohhhh I love these so much. The colors are amazing. Well done my friend.

  3. YOur stitching journal is a real stunner. I love the color and textures of fabric and stitching. I'm so glad you had fun with your daughter. Keep cool!

  4. A cloth journal sounds challenging.

    Many people don't see what non-professionals do as "real" art. It's odd, since they don't have any trouble with non-professionals playing sports or people who aren't professional film critics or book reviewers watching movies or reading books ;)

  5. So pretty. I love it. I hope the rain cools you off in New Hampshire. Enjoy a good book if you can. Have a beautiful day my friend.

  6. What an absolutely incredible way to end the month of June and Mia's theme at Art Journal Journey. I absolutely LOVE fabric art and this is out of this world. I love how you painted these beauties. I am truly amazed at your abilities and skills. Thanks for sharing this incredible book with us at AJJ and for inspiring me to buy muslin to make one, too.

  7. Those are some very colorful journals, Erika, and I especially liked the butterfly on the last one. It's hot here in Nashua as well and we are thankful for being indoors with the AC and I also will be reading for a while today. Rain is forecast here for possibly Thurs & Fri.

  8. Been Keeping In Eye On The Heat There - And On The West Coast As Well - That Greenish Butterfly Photo Is Remarkable - Always Enjoy Seeing Your Creations - Well Done


  9. Hope it is cooler this weekend for you, Erika!

    Love your found journal - some wonderful colors and designs - the whole theme is wonderful and I know it brought back memories of fun creating times in the past.


  10. Fabulous colours, lovely looking post.
    I do hope the weather cools down for you.
    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan


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