Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Mostly Flowers

 Hi everyone. Today I have lots of flowers and a few other things in my post. The bees arrived yesterday just after 7 AM, and they went into the new hive with no problems. I have some photos but I'll share those another time as I had this post mostly ready to go.

I thought I would start off with second look at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.

Here's a card I made back in June of 2014. I hardly ever make cards now, but I used to make a lot of them. (And I probably should start making more now as they are fun to make.)  I picked this piece because it  makes me happy as it is bright and cheery and also has a butterfly on it. Here's the original post: Sunflowers

Butterflies are this month's theme at Art Journal Journey and Mia is hosting, and although cards are not accepted in this challenge, if you have any butterfly art journal pages we'd love to have you join us. This piece also doesn't work because it is a repost of an older post.

I also made a tag yesterday for Michele's FACE challenge at Tag Tuesday

I colored a white tag with some ink pads, and then added white metallic paper lace as well as a white die cut tree. The face is made out of paper clay and colored with some gold gesso.  I used a whole package of clay last winter one day and made some interesting dimensional bits to use in other art.

Last week I was lucky enough to visit 2 different gardens. One of the gardens was Bedrock Gardens that I've shown you before. I met my friend back there because we wanted to see the rhododendrons in bloom. A lot had changed in the 2 weeks since'd we'd last visited,

including this fun statue at the entrance (well exit, we went backwards this time).

The rhododendrons were gorgeous.

Plus my camera bit the big one a couple of weeks ago (I expected that was going to happen but had hoped to put it off a bit.) Visiting the garden gave me a great chance to play with my new toy. I'm happy with the photos this new camera takes.

This wooden dog is one of my favorite art pieces in the park. I have taken about 50 photos of him (only slight exaggeration) and finally got one that works. You see he is actually very flat but this photo makes him look like he has more dimension.  Good thing for digital cameras so you can take so many bad photos and just delete them.

 And here's some more art around the gardens to finish off my post. I'll share the irises and some other blooms another day. 

Hope your day is going well.


  1. Hi Erika, love your 2nd on the 2nd piece, so cheerful. And I'm in a good mood today, I just got my second Covid shot, which is why I'm late getting round to posting and posts today. So glad the bees are there, I hope you will all be happy together! Tha tag is wonderful, and I love that face, what a great decoration! Thanks for joining us at Tag Tuesday again, much appreciated. The photos are fantastic, that's such a magical place to walk through and enjoy. Have fun with your new camera! Hugs, Valerie

  2. First, i want to thank you for sharing that beautiful card as your second look. I fear Second Look has run its course and I appreciate you still participating. This was definitely new to me, so it was a first look for me. Thanks beyond belief for sharing.

    Your tag is very different and unique. I really like that design. I have two tag dies and neither of them creates that design. The tree die is great and that's a wonderful paper clay face. I've never used paper clay, but I sure like what you created.

    the rhododendrons are beautiful. I haven't seen any since I left MO. These are all stunning, as are the sculptures. I loved how so many of them were made from recycled materials. Thanks for sharing your second look, your tag, and your trip to Bedrock Gardens with us.

  3. Lovely flowers Erika, it makes me feel like summer is here when everything is in bloom. I love your card and tag also, I have made a lot of cards and expected I would make more during the current situation but instead I made less. It would be great to have bees but I can't have them here and there was a two year waiting list last time I checked! Imagine that! Elle xx

  4. Looking forward to seeing the bees. Gorgeous card and tag. Beautiful garden and the statues are fabulous. Some of them might need to be relocated to the Zensical Garden 😉

  5. A lovely post all round, Erika! That dog does look very dimensional...I like it a lot and clever photo-taking. :)

    Love your art and all the flowers. Sounds like it was a nice outing.

    P.S. - I'm back blogging after a long absence so just dropped in to say HI.

  6. These Are Amazing Art Pieces And Photos - Holy Smokes, Way Cool - Well Done


  7. I love gardens that incorporate sculpture and this one does it so well. I can see why you love the dog -- I do too. I didn't think your camera was that old? What was its problem? The new one seems to work like a charm. And I really love the tag with the relief face on it. All a good way to start my day.

  8. Gorgeous rhododendrons! The garden sculptures add a lot. I especially like the gong.

  9. Fabulous photos Erika, and I love your tag and card!
    Looking forward to hearing about the bees.
    Alison xx

  10. Love this quote. And the flowers.
    My Dad loved sunflowers, but he had no courage. He worked hard and finally bought a Mercedes Cabrio. To not look "rich" he only opened the car when being outside our small town.

    Cute home and figure :-) And flowers. And art, the frog, aww.
    Thank you for the smiles!

  11. Your Second Look card is a real beauty. I love the tag - I was too late again last time so should get a move on now I think! Love the photos from Bedrock Gardens - both plants and art - what a lovely place! Hugs, Chrisx

  12. I really thought i'd already commented on this post Erika of the bedrock garden, so sorry if it hasn't come through. How pretty are those rhododendrons, I have one in my tiny front garden that has just stopped flowering, wish they bloomed for longer. Loving the tag btw, great words and well matched image.
    Hugs Tracey xx

  13. Hi Erika
    I came by to see your tag. you wowed me with your beautiful macro flowers.

    Have a good week


  14. The garden sculptures are just amazing. I love going to places like that Erika. Your photos are just amazing and such a joy to see. Should mention I love your tag too lol. Thanks for joining us at Tag Tuesday this week!

  15. your face tag is a stunner! thanks for linking to tag tuesday! xo

  16. Love your tag and the rhododendron photos, have a great weekend.
    Hugs Wendy.


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