Monday, June 14, 2021

T Stands for Fuller Rose Garden

Hi everyone.  Happy Tuesday and T day.

It is time to get together over at  Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.

As I promised, no bees are in my post today. Last week I was busy cleaning up some things both inside and outside; I made a Japanese cheesecake, and I vegged out a lot as more than half of the week was just hot and humid. Instead of the usual life photos, I'll share some  from a day out for T this week. Hope you are not tired of garden posts as that seems to be what I've been doing a lot lately, looking at plants that is.

 Several weeks ago my walking friend and I visited Fuller Gardens in North Hampton, New Hampshire.  These gardens were built in in the late 1920's  at Alvan Fuller's coastal summer estate.  Just beyond the church tower  in the first picture is the beach and ocean. Fuller was a business man and had been governor of Massachusetts. 

The gardens are for the most part very formal with hundreds of rose bushes. Unfortunately when we went only a few of the roses had yet to bloom, but what I found fascinating is all the variety of roses in this garden.  There are hundreds of different kinds. I wonder if they actually even have more than 1 of the same type.

The few that were blooming were beautiful.

There were some other flowers in bloom, such as irises, peonies, azaleas and rhododendrons, as well as a greenhouse with some non-local plants and a small Japanese garden. 

It was another flower and photographers heaven.

Those who stop by frequently can guess that I took a whole lot more photos. Smile.
I hope to go back later in the summer when hopefully more roses are in bloom.

As it is Tuesday and T day, I wanted to show you lunch after our garden visit. We drove up to Portsmouth, New Hampshire once we had walked through the gardens and went to a fun place on the water to eat.

This is Sagamore Creek, a tidal river that runs out in Little Harbor and then the ocean. It might look vaguely familiar to some of you since in pre-covid days we sometimes motored our boat here and had lunch at this restaurant called BG's. You can dock your boat if there is space on that empty dock right in the front.

My friend and I had an outdoor table to enjoy not only the view  but some sunshine. Plus we prefer to eat outside with covid, even though we are both vaccinated.
 Here's my lunch.

I had a big glass of red sangria with my sandwich and onion rings.  I can only drink one of these when I have to drive home afterwards. (In the boat it wouldn't matter as much to me as even though I am licensed and can motor the boat, I leave that to my husband as it is his boat, but too many sangrias means I'd be sleepy all afternoon.) This is probably my favorite sangria. Not sure what wine and fruit juices they use, but it is a great blend. The lobster roll was good also, but not quite as good as the one I showed you from Pop's a few weeks ago.

Don't forget to stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog and check out what everyone has been up to.

Thanks for visiting and have a super T day too.


  1. Beautiful, beautiful gardens and blooms!! Your sangria sounds and looks so good as does your lunch. We do seem to share much of the same weather even though we are states apart;) Happy T day!

  2. Fuller Gardens are magnificent. The roses are all so different and unique. I never realized there were so many roses. Your photos were wonderful and I loved how you showed all the different colors and styles.

    Looks like a great meal afterwards, too. You apparently love to order lobster rolls, something I've still never had. I laughed a t what you said about the sangria. About half a glass for me, and I'd have been on the floor, unable to do much of anything. Thanks for sharing your incredible flower and garden photos, as well as your beautiful lobster roll and sangria for T this almost Tuesday, dear friend.

  3. I´ll never get tired of garden posts (as long as it´s Spring/Summer).
    So much beauty! And the naked guys, so cute.
    OK. You got me. The mini-fountain by my PC is on again after I finished marveling through your post!
    I do believe Hubby had a Sagria in Hungary (? - can´t ask right now) at age 12!!!
    I never had one... But I had fish! Me...
    Oh, hope you have loads of fun with your boat. Happy T-Day, hugs :-)

  4. Those gardens are delightful, wow, what gorgeous roses they have, such colours! I would love to see and smell them in real life. You had your lunch at a beautiful place, too, and it is really wise to eat outside just now. Your food looks great, too. Have a wonderful day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  5. I so enjoyed visiting the gardens with you, they look so beautiful ๐Ÿ˜€. As you know I'd happily join you for a lobster roll and glass of sangria, so delicious! Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  6. The rose gardens are gorgeous. I can only imagine what it must look like with more of the roses in bloom. Nice spot for a yummy lunch. Happy T Day.

  7. Your lunch looks so tasty, I like sangria too but if it’s freshly made they can be potent. What a view to eat your lunch too, beautiful
    Gorgeous photos and the roses are spectacular although I never grew them as without the flowers They look very uninteresting! I think it’s because when I was young our neighbour only grew roses and most of the year his garden looked like it was full of sticks, ha,ha
    Happy T day

  8. Hi Erika, I never tire of garden photos. that would have been amazing to see lots of roses blooming-are all of those varities from the original gardens or have they added more?
    That would have been a lovely home and near the ocean too. Your lunch looks really delicious and perfect spot to enjoy. Happy T wishes Kathy

  9. The gardens are so pretty, as well as your photography. Water features are always a favorite of mine when visiting gardens. They add tranquility and a touch of class.
    Your sandwich looks yummy!!!
    Happy Tea Day,

  10. What a terrific day! You have no shortage of glorious gardens around you -- and you do them great justice with your photos. I think you picked the perfect spot for lunch - it looks fabulous!

  11. "tired of garden posts"?! ROFLOL! Never!

    Such a lovely garden, too, and a patio lunch afterwards would be the perfect ending to a perfect outing. Happy T Tuesday!

  12. Of course it would be a lobster roll, as that is your favorite. I can now recognize a lobster roll when I see one (thanks to you).
    What a lovely garden Fuller Gardens is. Those roses are stunning. I like the 5th one, it is slightly darker red and looks different to the rest.
    Having a season ticket means you will see the garden change over the summer.
    The water feature is pretty too.
    How are your bees getting on? Are they acclimatized?
    Happy T-Day,

  13. Wow what a nice place. Also a good looking lunch. Have a nice day today.

  14. Beautiful Pictures. . . Sorry I was away for few days because of this CORONA chaos but now back. . . You Have a Nice Day. . . :)

  15. Beautiful photos! Some great sketching/painting opportunities there. My Dad was big into growing roses back in the day. He made a huge rose garden on their property which he loved tending to.

    I have never had Sangria but it sure looks delicious!

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    Serena x

  16. Beautiful photos Erika!
    Sangria looks delicious, even though it brings back bad memories of a night out on holiday in Menorca and a bumpy coach journey back to the hotel. I won't say any more! Lol!
    Alison xx

  17. Oh, to have a lobster roll! So envious of your lunch. :) Gorgeous roses!
    Have a wonderful week!

  18. I did enjoy your photographs.
    The gardens look lovely and the rose blooms are wonderful.

    All the best Jan

  19. Erika, I was planning to say how magnificent the roses were at Fuller Gardens, and still will...but then you mentioned dining outside in Portsmouth and I saw the lobster roll and onion rings ๐Ÿ˜‹

  20. A lobster roll and sangria sounds just the ticket to me. I've just had cheese and crackers but may have a G&T later this afternoon whilst sat out on the patio. We are on holiday so enjoying the fact that there are not a million jobs todo. The garden here has been tidied up, well, if you can call it a garden, it borders the woodland and was overgrown with nettles and creeping weeds of all kinds. We did leave a considerable amount of nettles for the butterflies though. Just chopped those that were choking the bushes by hiding the weeds.
    The gardens you visited are beautiful and what gorgeous roses!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  21. Fabulous photos of the gardens - pleased you ended up where you did - your meal looks delicious! I was sure I had seen this but I really am way behind - getting a bit bogged down with 'stuff' Hugs, Chrisx


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