Friday, June 4, 2021

This and That

Happy Friday everyone. Another week has flown by for me.  

Today I want to share some pages from a little book I have been making. It measures 4x4 inches (10.7x10.7 cm), and I decided to give it a summer and girl theme. Maybe not exactly strictly for girls, but more for girls. Today I am doing some of the garden themed pages from this booklet for you. 

The base of these pages are colored with watercolors. Some of the images are stamped, colored and fussy cut. Some of from an Art by Marlene punch out image book, and the white flowers above are something I doodled and fussy cut. 

On the top page I used a white pen, on the next page I used some texture paste and a stencil, and on this last page I used a Posca paint pen to make all the dots. Besides a few other art bits, they ladies are from a page in an old FLOW magazine, and the quotes are from An Art By Marlene quote book.

I love these ladies, and I tried to match their personalities to pages in my book. I didn't have enough faces for all the pages, but enough for many of them. It is nice to have an unexpected page with no similar lady here and there.

Like this one.
Rather than one of the ladies like on the other pages, I used this sticker from the same old FLOW magazine. It was in a white circle and I cut most of that away.
I have more of this to share at another time.

I also thought I would share the rest of my photos from last week's Bedrock Garden visit. I took over 200 once again, but pulled out the better ones to share.

Our local TV station did a short spot during one of their "local" info shows about the garden. I've been wondering who created the art, and it is the woman who is also one of the owners. Her husband/partner is the one who does all the heavy "lifting". He is a retired doctor, and she is an artist who just loves gardens. Originally they built this garden for their own use, but as they are now getting "older" (although they didn't look old to me), they decided it should be opened for others to share. Last year was the first year they opened the garden to the public.

I'll start with these irises.

Then I'll move onto some other blooms and art too.

Hope you have a great start to your weekend. And thanks so much for visiting.



  1. Awesome art and flowers-happy weekend hugs

  2. Great flower art :) Makes me smile. How generous of them to open to the public!

  3. Hi Erika how lovely to have your very own Bee Hive, what a wonderful addition this will be a new happy home where you will give them so much love. Your journal is a super piece of art, it's all abut the garden for many of us right now and I do love a little bit of fussy cutting. Your flower pics are fab, my Rhododendron has came into bloom later than usual, I think chilly early spring held it back. Such a shame they do not bloom for longer. Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Congratulations on making Top 3 in May's Creative Artiste Mixed Media Challenge, I really did love your journal page x

  4. Lovely art work and images. Have a great weekend!

  5. Your little book is really precious, what a genius idea! This is another treasure! I love the photos from the gardens, too. I would love to have a wander round there. The beautiful art is a wonderful addition, too. Have a wonderful weekend, take care, hugs, Valerie

  6. I love your little book is fabulous! Love those ladies in their gardens.
    It's good to find out about how Bedrock Gardens were started . They certainly are beautiful - the Irises look wonderful, I hope we can get to Styall Mill before the Irises go over! Happy weekend, Chrisx

  7. What a great little summery journal! I love the colors and images and page themes. It’s very inspiring and now I want a small journal to play in. It looks like fun to create in a small space like that and not intimidating like larger pages can be. The garden photos are gorgeous.

  8. Great mixed media pages! I love all the flower pics too. :)

  9. Such an amazing post! The journal pages and flower photos capture summer so beautifully - I love it 😀. Hope your bees are settling in their new home ok. Take care and wishing you a happy June! Hugs, Jo x

  10. I love your little journal Erika, your pages are all beautiful!
    Those gardens look gorgeous. The irises in our front garden have all bloomed in the last week. I must remember to share the photos I've taken.
    Happy Sunday!
    Alison xx

  11. I have to say I´m sorry I missed this for so long!
    Beautiful work - the ordinary is best.
    And such beautiful flowers!
    The last one could be from our river Oker!
    I´ll go and see if they´re still there :-)


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