Friday, July 2, 2021

Second on the Second

 This is a short second post today because I forget it was the second of July, and that means it's time for Second on the Second over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.  Good thing I was checking out blogs this morning!

Instead of linking it on to my other Friday post, I figured Second on the Second deserved it's own post.

Here's a Summer Countryside view from July of 2016.  It's an art journal page, and for those of you who art journal, on the same theme as we now have at Art Journal Journey, hosted by the lovely Alison.
And the original post for this fun bird page is here: I'm Jetting Off.

Don't forget to check out my other post for today : Creative Artiste Mixed Media.

It's a dark a dreary day here in New Hampshire. I need to pick up my daughter as she'll be here for a day, and then her beau will be joining us for the July 4th holiday get together at my mother-in-laws. Right now the day is still looking sketchy, as they are predicting some showers, so who knows what will happen. In fact most of this weekend isn't looking very sunny right now.

Hope everyone has a great Friday and start to your weekend!


  1. I hope the sun makes an appearance. Have a happy and safe 4th my friend. Hugs.

  2. A rainy weekend is forecast here in this part of NH as well. We will be getting together with friends on Sat and hopefully be able to cook 🍔🌭outside, but dining indoors. Wishing you and your family a happy 🇺🇸💥weekend, Erika.

  3. Beautiful page, love all the little bird houses, so pretty. Your link on Elizabeth's page is wrong, it leads back to Elizabeth! Have a wonderful day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Love the bird feeders. I'm hoping it will dry out enough so I can give mine a wash and let them dry before refilling. I've saw an article about birds contracting salmonella. I heard the weather report this morning saying Monday was going to be the pick of the weekend. Good luck with your outdoor celebration

  5. It's overcast/rainy here, so your bird houses brighten up my day :)

  6. I had to find you from my sidebar, since your blog post links back to me. I love those adorable bird feeders. They are all decked out for the holiday, too. Thank you so very much for taking time to create a second look on the 2nd. It makes me happy. And the birds make me happy, too. Hope your weekend is the best, too.

  7. A beautiful page Erika, I love those birds and bird boxes.
    The weather here has turned wet for the weekend. Enjoy your celebrations for 4th July.
    Alison xx

  8. Great page!!!
    And, wee - hope you have a fab day tomorrow!
    Summer went on vacation just yet again here...

  9. Love the birdhouses! They're so happy! And have a wonderful fourth with your family. I hope the weather is perfect!

  10. Great post! I hadn’t seen it before. I love your birdhouses with their vivid colors and great texture!

  11. LOVE those birds - and the bird houses, of course.
    Cath x


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