Monday, July 12, 2021

T Stands for 8 Years (And Counting)

 Hi everyone. Happy almost middle of July. Boy this month is going soooo fast. 

And happy T day too. Today is the 8th anniversary of T, which is very exciting. Happy 8th year of hosting Elizabeth, and of course, thank you for doing this!

Here is the link to this week's T day post: Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.

 I will raise a glass (or can in this instance) to T day and all your ladies who make it special. I know not everyone is a beer drinker, but even if you don't like beer this label with the great horned owl is pretty outstanding. 

And I was surprised to read on the back that it is not because of an owl that this beer got its name, but because of a fly that fly fishing people use.

We have only one restaurant in our town, which is part of a small (3 restaurant) local chain. At the main restaurant they have started brewing beer, and this is one of their beers. It is called Northwoods Beer because the brewery is located in Northwood, New Hampshire. This was our first try, and it was pretty good.

I am sitting on the only really sunny storm/rain free day (this past Saturday) we've had in over a week on my MIL's dock enjoying this beer. 

Last week  and the start of this week, we seemed to have had  a lot of humidity and  are also still having a lot of rain. The rain was  needed so no complaints, but boy has the weather thrown me out of my walking routine. 

With a some heavy rain last Friday, I did make some sourdough English muffins.

If you would like one with butter with your T day drink, they are very yummy. I haven't been much in a bread baking mood, but a cool dark day motivated me. I've made these several times before, and here's the recipe if you are interested: Sourdough English Muffins.

The rain did make for some wonderful art days too.

I added my asterick to make an ATC for this T day anniversary, and when I was making mine, I got on a roll and made a bunch of them. Now I must say my ATC's this year are more random sized and not true ATC size. I'm not against doing the standard size (which is 2.5x3.5) but sometimes you just have to break rules. Smile. Sorry  in advance if you are to receive mine and have an ATC binder you try to store them in. My sort of ATC's are still small and rectangular and could be playing card size. I just wasn't much in the mood to measure them.

Although I am not going to share what I made to send, I thought I would share a few of the others with you.

I call these  the princess ones.

These great girls are bringing you flowers and love for this 8th anniversary.

That's about all that's new here with me. Hope you have some sunshine and wonderful July days.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Great looking muffins! My husband does all the sourdough baking, and maybe he will try some. The recipe I saw required special rings to make them it, and I didn't want to buy another big quantity of equipment to stow in my bulging kitchen storage.

    best... mae at

  2. Hi Erika, loved the label on the beer can-that's a keeper for journaling for sure. Pretty atc's and your sourdough bread looks delicious-sadly I need to check my two sourdough starters-since we don't eat bread hardly at all anymore I need to stop feeding those.
    Happy T wishes Kathy

  3. aw, I love your princess ATCs Erika!!! I do like the owl image on your beer can but odd that they chose that image when it has nothing to do with the beer ...
    seems we've had similar weather- just not as much heavy rain here, but the heat is on for sure. I'm going to check your recipe because those English muffins look delicious! Thanks for sharing, and happy T day!

  4. Your sourdough English muffins look delicious and very professional.
    Lovely ATC's. I love all the bits and bobs that you collaged.
    Happy Tea Day,

  5. That beer can looks quite small compared to ones I have seen in the stores. I sure enjoyed learning about it and I do like a beer with a lot of hops. I think that's why I enjoy stout so much.

    Your English muffins look like they were purchased. That is meant to be a compliment. Very professional.

    Love your little Princess ATCs. I think they are fabulous. I measured mine, and my cutter must have been on holiday because three of them were cut wrong, even though I thought I measured properly. I sure like these you made, and they are so beautifully done, too. Thanks for sharing your beer, your muffins, and your ATCs with us on this anniversary T Tuesday.

  6. That owl is beautiful and I LOVE English muffins!

  7. Your ATCs are gorgeous, I don't join in because I don't like to measure all those mini cards, you did well to break out a bit! Love the beer can, so pretty and unusual. And the sourdough muffin look totally yummy, I would enjoy them, for sure! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  8. Gorgeous ATCs Erika, and your muffins look delicious.
    Happy T-Day xx

  9. Love the muffins, by the time this party is over we will be needing to diet!!
    Great ATC's, love the princess with all the trimmings.
    Happy T Day, Jan

  10. I love english muffins, ATCs, and craft beers so, of course, I love your post! I would love to try that beer and the can is fabulous. Your ATCs are super fun and very well done- I love the girls! Happy T-day, Erika. Hugz

  11. I’m all for a beverage out on the dock. I love the label. Your ATCs are darling. Have a beautiful day.

  12. Happy 8th Tea for Tuesday Anniversay! Well yes, I've heard of a brown owl fly fishing hook from somewhere! The muffins look scrummy! I haven't even a crumb of a biscuit on my bench this week!
    Have a great crafty week ((Lyn))

  13. Cheers! I don't usually drink beer, but I'll join you in that cool local brew. They chose an attractive design, didn't they! Your English muffins look delicious! I've never made any but like the store-bought kind and am sure yours would be even better.

    What pretty ATCs! Happy T Anniversary :)

  14. Well you know I love beer so I would happily join you to celebrate T Day today - cheers 😁. I love your princess ATCs, they look so pretty and the layers you added look amazing! Happy T Day anniversary wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  15. What A Fabulous Post - Sourdough English Muffins, Oh Baby - Happy Happy All - I Have A Milestone This Friday - YahooooOOOOOO


  16. I love this whole series of ATCs, Erika. And the muffins look fabulous!

  17. Those English muffins look fab! Well done on the ATCs! They're wonderful!

    I lived in NH a few decades ago, but it's been a long time since I was there.

  18. That beer can is awesome. I wouldn't mind trying that beer. Ohhh english muffins well done indeed. Your art is so beautiful too.

  19. Your ATCs are beautiful! I can't wait to see mine! I will like it what ever the size! :) I hope you got my email with my snail mail. Happy Anniversary on our TSFT Anniversary.

  20. Bitter beer is a big no thanks for me. Those sourdough English muffins looked amazing though. Love your artwork as well!
    Happy T day!

  21. Love beer and owls - have you read about Wesley The Owl?
    Those muffins look very yummy.
    Princess.... ;-) Always be careful calling a girl that, they will turn into such, I have two Nieces like that!

  22. I would buy the beer just for the can! And your sourdough muffins look fantastic.

  23. I'm not a beer drinker, but that label is pretty cool. So glad you got to have a bit of sunshine out of the endless rain. Cute princess girl ATCs. Love the crown. Happy T Day

  24. Your muffins look perfect! Well done!
    Those princess ATCs are gorgeous.
    Very interesting to read about that beer. A very imaginative description indeed. I wouldn't mind trying that beer. Unfortunately it looks like a small can so will be empty by the time I get there.Lol.
    Happy T-Blog-a-versary,

  25. Ooh! Your princess ATCs are fabulous! (on the subject of which I will get your in the post tomorrow as I see I was the last of the ATCers to p0st yesterday!) Hubby most impressed with the can!! I am most impressed with your Muffins! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  26. Yes, the label with the great horned owl is pretty outstanding :)
    Happy T day and Anniversary day.

    All the best Jan


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