Monday, July 5, 2021

T Stands for a Rainy Holiday Weekend

 Hi everyone. Happy Monday night or Tuesday. It's time again for T day,  the first T day of July.

The long holiday weekend here in New Hampshire was not particulary bright or sunny (except this Monday afternoon when the sun finally came out). In fact we had over 4 inches of rain. It might have been needed for the environment, but it was not what anyone wanted for the Independence Day holiday weekend. 

The good thing was my husband was not the party planner (think of Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh, that's him) because if he was we would have sat home. One of my sister-in-law's however got the party started. She and her family went to my mother-in-law's home, and when she called and my husband said we were  staying home, my daughter and I looked at him and said "We are? That's not what we had planned." I think my husband was shocked, but off my husband and I went, as well as my daughter and her beau to my MIL's house.

We had a fun day of food, drinks, games and good conversation, rain or no rain.

This is a terrible photo of my MIL, but you can see all the 20 somethings having food and drinks. You can also see my sister-in-law's husband, who is a professional chef. For lunch he made some home made pizza as well as meatballs wrapped in bacon. One of my nieces brought salads, and I brought several racks of ribs. (Which makes me wonder why my husband thought I was making so many ribs?)

Here's my ticket to T. For drinks one of the nieces was making an assortment of margaritas. This one is fresh strawberry, and I also had one that was  strawberry mango.  After that I switched back to Diet Coke.

I am linking up to  Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog for T this week.

My 87 year old MIL isn't doing all that well. There is nothing specifically wrong with her except she has gotten so fragile and weak. (That in itself a is a long story.) She also has gotten very deaf. She  has been living winters with my SIL in Maine and comes back to her house for the summer for several years now, but this year she can't really be left to manage on her own.  Since her move back, the family has  been bringing her food, getting her trash and taking her to the grocery store. This might be the last summer she can stay at her house. 

It is sad because it was only  6 years ago she was riding the jet ski with my husband. 

This was one reason it was important to have a get together on the holiday. 

The sun never really came out, but most of us did manage to get down on the dock. (Not my MIL, she had a margarita and then went to take a nap.) I was the only one brave enough to swim, and Pete and I did several laps back and forth between the dock and swim raft. I can't seem to get in for a swim alone if he is around. Maddie also went for her mini swims, but Maddie loves to be wet. She will go swimming even when most of the lake is still ice and there is a patch of open water on the shore. My sister-in-law and her family have 3 dogs between them, none of who will swim, which they think is a tragedy. 

The day ended with this cake I made. The reason there is an 8 candle on it is that we say the Fourth of July is Maddie's birthday.  Not that we know exactly when she was born, and not that she knows what a birthday is either.  But yes we were all silly enough to sing happy birthday to her.

I made a lemon scented marble cake. I made the marbling with red and blue gel food coloring. The colors are intense enough that when I marbled it there ended up with a bit of purple. It didn't matter, and the cake tasted great so what's a little mixing?

That's all for me today.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend and have a great T day.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. So sorry to read about your MIL. She certainly aged in six years. I would never have known she was the same person in both photos.

    I KNEW that was Maddie in the first photo. I was going to mention it, then you explained it was her birthday. That cake looks fabulous, and it sounds like you had enough food to feed a small army.

    You must be able to hold your alcohol. Even one of those margaritas would have put me on the floor. It looks good, though. So glad you got to spend time with your husband's family, and your daughter and her boyfriend, too. Thanks for sharing your celebration with us, along with Maddie's birthday, and your drinks with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear friend.

  2. ohoo that cake! It's very sad about your MIL but what a fabulous picture you have. I bet she loved it too! Stay safe

  3. Your cake looks delicious and I love the marbling too. How lovely to have a family celebration, very sad for your MIL, getting older is no fun but she’s lucky to have a loving family around her.
    My husband loves cooking luckily so he always happy to cook for everyone when we get together.
    Happy T Day

  4. Your MIL seems to be in deep thoughts. Maybe thinking of all the joy you brought her on that day.
    Hmmm.. Pizza and SUCH meatballs, I´m getting hungry!!!
    And the drink looks yummy, too.
    Sitting here with my old water with cucumber and lemon is so lame! ;-)

    Oh.Sad with your MIL after all.
    Hmmm swimming. Long ago I was able to do this. (I need warm water for that!).
    Cool cake and fun idea for Maddie xx

    Happy T-day to you.

  5. Glad you persuaded your hubby to go to the party. It looks like you had fun and lots of great food, yummy! Sorry your MiL is getting so frail, things like that are really sad! The birthday/ July 4th cake looks great, I'm sure Maddie knew it was specially for her! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. I'm sorry to hear your MIL is deteriorating so fast. The difference is astonishing seen from the photos. Is there anything else going on besides old age?
    So it was extra special that you all got together for the 4 July holiday. Having a chef amongst you is a bonus and your food sounds absolutely divine.
    Happy T-Day,

  7. Erika, some great pictures showing your wonderful get together and fun food and drink. The cake looks yummy as does the drink. You are so right on why it is important to get together. We should all treasure every moment with family - thank you for reminding me of this! Praying for your MIL (and your hubby since I know he is worried). Happy T-day and many hugz

  8. I think it sounds like a terrific Fourth, Erika, even if you had kind of lousy weather. After all, the real festivity is being with family and boy -- you did that well. The food would be great if it was even close to your pretty cake (which sounds delicious) and you're right -- I suspect it was very good you were able to be with your MIL. These days, we never know what the next year brings.

  9. That looks like a lot of fun for the 4th. Our family dinner was fine, but not at a beach. Good luck with better summer weather: the whole country needs it.

    best... mae at

  10. That really IS so sad. Bless you. A bitter sweet get together, then. Glad you had fun to remember it by. Your cake looks great and I'm sure it tasted wonderful!
    Happy Independence Day - belatedly!
    Cath x

  11. Sad to read about your MIL. She seems to have aged quite a bit in 6 years. I hope she's seeing a doctor regularly and getting blood work and such. It was really nice that you all got together to lift her spirits and give each other some fun company over the holiday especially with all that good food and drink!! Good for you going in that cold water cuz I couldn't do it.
    Happy T day!

  12. So glad that you talked your hubby into attending the 4th July celebrations with all the family 😁. I wish we didn't have to age, it's no fun and so sad too! I bet your MIL enjoyed the day with you all and how lovely to celebrate Maddie's birthday - woof, woof to her! Your cake is amazing and of course I'd love a margarita or maybe two. Cheers and Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  13. Lovely photos Erika, looks like you all had a good time. Sorry to hear about your MIL, good that she has the family looking after her. You made a lovely cake for Maddie.
    Alison xx

  14. I'm glad you were all able to get together. It's hard to see an elderly family member become so frail.

    Happy Birthday Observed to Maddie, and Happy T Tuesday

  15. Strawberry Mango sound good to me! I am glad you all could have the get together and especially for your mother in law. Sounds like such a lovely time! Happy T Day!

  16. Sorry to hear about your MIL. It is a hard thing getting old. Even at her age she still thinks she is younger and should be able to do more. Bless her heart. Looks like a nice party and everyone seems to be having a good time.

  17. My dad used to say getting old wasn't for the faint of heart. Nice that you were all able to get together with your MIL. Looks like it was sunny inside the house even if the weather didn't cooperate. I had to laugh at you baking a cake for Maddie. I thought I was the only one who did that for a pet. Well, they are the fur babies aren't they? Stay cool and watch out for the storms for tomorrow. Happy T Day

  18. Yes we never know what is around the corner - the ageing process plays some unkind tricks!
    It looks as though you all enjoyed it though despite the rain - it's great that you got together with family - something we still haven't done since last year....and even that wasn't everybody and it was socially distanced outdoors! Your cake looks brilliant - Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  19. Looks like you all had a great day eventually lol. Those strawberry margaritas look delicious! Sorry to hear about your MIL,and her hearing, that photo of her reminds me of a relative who also went a bit deaf and it's suddenly very isolating for them, as it's hard for them to follow what is going on in a social situation with everyone talking. Looking at that photo just made me think that's what was going on with her too. The cake looks fabulous! Happy birthday Maggie, and happy T day belatedly Elle xx


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