Friday, July 23, 2021

The Door to the Garden

Hi everyone. Happy end of the week, or at least end of the work week. We have sun again this morning also, which is  wonderful. My husband works a half day on Friday's during the summer, so I think this afternoon when my husband gets out of work, boating will be on the agenda, if they don't predict a high chance of storms that is. I am writing this Thursday night so let's see what the morning forecast says. We both want a more peaceful trip than last week's boating adventure was.

This month Alison is our host at Art Journal Journey. Her theme is summer countryside

Whether you live in the city or the country or someplace in between, you most likely have a door that lets you get outside and enjoy the summer countryside. My page was inspired by my screen porch and all the potted plants I have on it and on the deck next to it. I took my page a little further and turned it into a vintage romantic place for this couple in love.

My page started with this piece of wallpaper covered in flowers. I found this door on some printed paper I had. Even though it is different from my screen porch doors, I thought it was pretty and lent a romantic touch. I cut out the flower pots from another piece of paper. Then I did a bit of stenciling and stitching. I added the piece of gold metallic paper on the top of the page,  perhaps it is a gazebo roof, and also the gold metallic paper heart. Finally I added the TH couple. She needed some color and a flower in her hat since it looks like they have a special evening planned. I stamped the circle image with the word love repeated and used a old punch to make it into the final addition on my page.

My screen porch isn't that romantic a place, but look at this adorable baby I saw outside of my screen porch the other afternoon.

And although she was in the shadows,  Mama wasn't so far away.

I was surprised it took the dogs as long as it did to notice them. They were both asleep, and I didn't dare get out of my hammock for fear of disturbing the deer, or waking the dogs. Then the fawn moved and stepped on a twig, which the dogs heard, and they woke up. The deer of course heard the dogs move and went trotting off into the woods. 

I have to laugh because between these deer and a bear we had a few weeks back, Maddie now has to announce herself whenever she goes outside. I think she is telling them all to go away because she really doesn't want to meet them. Smile.

Hope you have a wonderful start to your weekend.
Thanks for visiting too.


  1. Wonderful journal page, an inviting piece, now I want to go into a garden somewhere! Hope the weather will be better for you than last week if you go boating. Here they've forecasted heavy rains and storms again for the weekend, not looking forward to that! Maddie is clever to give a warning, That little bambi is so cute! Hugs, Valerie

  2. the lighting is so good in the deer photos...

  3. Simply a beautiful post. Love art and the outside.

  4. A very romantic page and a lovely door to the outside. Especially on such a beautiful day as today. Aww, the fawn is so cute. I know there are deer around here . I see their tracks during Winter, but rarely do I get a glimpse.
    Showers are supposed to be hit or miss so fingers cross 🤞 they miss us both. Enjoy your day!

  5. Beautiful post-a feel good post. I loved your journal page, and so sweet to see the baby fawn-I do miss that here at the lake-but if I should live for town really early on my way out I will many times see deer and wild turkeys-I love that lake is so wooded.
    Hope you have wonderful boating afternoon

  6. A step from the house into the outside is a step into another world :) Deer! You got great photos.

  7. A beautiful page Erika!
    And how lovely to spot the deer. You got some great photos before the dogs scared them off.
    Have a great weekend.

  8. How breathtaking to see this sweet baby in your yard. I had to laugh at you creeping around so as not to wake the dogs or scare the deer! I sometimes do that, too!

  9. That is a very pretty door you have used in your journal. Very romantic and in the countryside too with that wallpaper.
    How lovely it must have been to see that fawn - you were so lucky to get those photographs, I was thrilled to photograph a rabbit. Imagine if I saw a fawn!
    Had to smile at Maddie announcing her intent to go outside.
    Take care, have a great weekend
    Neet xx

  10. I love your take on the AJJ theme today Erika, its a fantastic journal page. Super photos as well, the animals seem comfortable coming up close to your garden and land, We have deer close by but I never managed to get a photo they are very aware of humans .
    Yvonne xx

  11. It is a very romantic page Erika! Love the yellow dress! How lovely to have that baby deer right outside your house! Love the ferns too! I hope the rain kept away! Hugs, Chrisx

  12. What a beauty. A vintage beauty in fact. I like how you colored the dress and hat, how you sewed the images, and how you added all the extra lovely embellishments. I want to walk through that door too, Erika. I take it, since I'm so late, you have been boating all weekend, dear.

  13. You’ve done so much great and diverse art - I’ve followed,
    though I haven’t always commented.
    What a lovely Bambi with those white dots. We have a lot of deer in the yard, but only a brown ones. Most of all I'm afraid they will jump in front of our car. We' ve a lot of deer crashes in Finland.
    Enjoy of the end of your summer!!

  14. Great page. Yes, Hubby works only half-days on Fridays as well and just agreed to check if the Botanical Garden is open!

  15. You did see a very sweet fawn in your yard, Erika, and how nice to be relaxing in a hammock. My husband dearly misses the one he formerly enjoyed in our NJ home.

  16. Those are really beautiful screen doors - there's something very French about them (the French do doors so beautifully - or maybe I'm just influenced by all the amour in the air!)... and I can imagine them leading out onto a magical courtyard or terrace with the countryside views spreading out beyond. What a lovely page.

    Hope you got some boating time, or maybe you just sat at home and admired the visiting wildlife!
    Alison x


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