Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Wednesday Art

 Hi everyone.

Today I have  some art to share with you . My first piece is for Alison's Summer Countryside challenge at Art Journal Journey.

My page today is an ode to one of the pollinators we need in our countrysides.

Unfortunately not as many honeybees fly around the summer countryside as there used to be.  One of the issues is the invasive Varroa mite that can wipe out a honeybee hive in a season. There are many other reasons also, such as climate change, development, and fragmentation of habitat.  Although my page is about honeybees, other native bees are also in trouble, so I don't want to forget them.

Plus I wanted to used this new set of stamps I decided I "needed"  from Paper Artsy (by Tracy Scott) that had this great bee stamp, and it worked perfect for our latest challenge. 

I made this page in my Garden journal and began by painting my background 2 cheery yellow colors. The bee and the honeycombs were stamped on white paper and then colored. The honeycomb was colored with markers and the big bee was sprayed with some yellow paint.

After fussy cutting, I attached the bee and honeycomb, and then stamped this older TH quote around them. I put the sun and moon on the top, and added these little colorful tiny punch outs around the bee to finish off my page. 

My second piece of art is a vintage tag for Valerie's challenge at Tag Tuesday.

My background was made with ink and some stamped circles. I then used scraps of some printed tissue paper because otherwise the background was much too modern. This cute girl was cut out of a sheet of vintage images, and in that lounging position she looked a little bit like she was tired, so I took a night theme, as though she was listening to someone read a bedtime story to her.

I used a piece of an old filmstrip, some trim and some metal foil star paper, a quote from a sticker sheet, and then finished my tag with this paper clay moon I made awhile back. I painted it gold for some warmth and contrast. 

She is smiling so I guess it was a good story. I hope she falls asleep quickly and has happy dreams. 

Since my post has some bee themed art, let me share a few photos of when I opened up and visited my beehive this past Monday morning. I got my husband to snap a few photos for me also.

In this photo below, the capped yellowish honeycomb on the top left is more larva  that will probably hatch before my next visit into the hive. 

I still haven't seen the queen, but she must be there since there are capped larva. But with so many bees, she'd need to be on top to actually stand out.   I definitely have more bees as lots of the larva have hatched and are now full fledged bees.

That's all for me. Hope your dreams are happy also. Thanks for visiting today.


  1. I love the bees. So cute. Have a sweet day.

  2. Hi Erika, I LOVE that journal page, great to take pollinators as the theme. That bee stamp is fantastic, I think I need it, too! And the tag is gorgeous, so beautifully made, thanks so much for another tag for my challenge. Your bees look good, it must be very exciting for you. Lovely to be able to see inside the hive and the honeycomb. They feel well at your place. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Valerie

  3. I love your art, you are so talented. The showing of the bees made my day. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I like the native bees, but I have a special place in my heart for the honey bees. I enjoy all the photos you're sharing. It sounds like an exciting project!

  5. Such a beautiful page! Loving the bee in the centre and wow, your own bees are thriving 😁. They must love it there! Enjoy the rest of your week! Hugs, Jo x

  6. Bee-youtiful artwork and post. The hexie flowers on the bee page remind me of crochet granny blocks. I got a picture of a couple of bumblebees on the milkweed and I even saw a monarch butterfly there today! Look at you in your beekeepers outfit! The hive must be doing well. Stay cool!

  7. Your latest journal page really calls attention to bees. This is a stunning entry and a great addition to Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey. It is a sure sign of summer when the bees are actively pollinating the flowers.

    That tag is out of this world. It makes me smile when I see the little girl smiling too.

    I have enjoyed seeing these bees as they mature and the queen starts creating more bees, too. It's really taking shape, so to speak. I love it when you share your bee updates.

  8. How interesting you keeping bees. I had a big bumblebee chasing me about the patio yesterday. Well, she kept coming over to me, time and time again. I was very good and stayed very still.
    Love your bee page and the tag as well. Both very different pieces but equally lovely artwork.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  9. ... and on my balcony, too! Glad some "pollinators" (great word) live in the city, I had sooo many strawberries this time!

    Great quote, too!

    Love your second also, beautiful and clever.
    My parents never read bedtime stories to me, but my Brother did to his kids. It must be nice to end a day like that. Sweet dreams!

    You have my deepest respect!
    In pre-"Corinna" times when we sat outside a pub to have a beer I always drove Ingo nuts because with every bee visiting I jumped up in panic and went a few meters away. I could never be(e) so near!

  10. The stamped bee looks great on your beautiful page Erika.
    The bee photos looks amazing, little scaring ...;)
    Have a great time xx

  11. Love your bee page - and so fascinated to see your beekeeping photos to go with it. I have a friend who is deeply involved in the fight to keep the bee populations thriving in the countryside, but he hasn't got his own hive yet!

    Fabulous collaged tag too - so full of storytelling.
    Alison x

  12. Its a fantastic page for Alison's theme Erika and an interesting post to read. I liked seeing your bees and their photos. We have had lots of bees this summer more than usual and I have to admit I am not a fan of them being close to me.
    Stay safe when you are looking after them.
    Yvonne xx

  13. I love how you used Tracy's stamps on your journal page, the colors are brilliant! And the dimensional tag is incredible, such an inspiration! xx, Autumn

  14. Fabulous art Erika and loving your bee page especially! Your bees look as tough they have been quite busy!! Chrisxxx

  15. Isn't that little girl a delight, she looks so relaxed.
    A fabulous tag, perfect for our challenge at Tag Tuesday.
    Thank you for joining us x

  16. Wow! Love the bees. Brave, Erika!
    I've had a bees' nest in my roof, so you could have had more had you lived closer, lol.
    The art is wonderful. Love both. I really love the bee and the little girl. Both lovely images. Nice bit of collage.
    Cath x

  17. This is a fabulous and interesting journal page from the bee. Well thought out and so important to remember with your photos of the beekeeper!
    The day is so sweet and romantic.
    Have a happy time, hugs Elke

  18. Two books I would highly recommend: The Bee, A Natural History, Noah Wilson-Rich, and The Lives of Bees, Thomas D. Seeley.

  19. Your bees fascinate me! I can't wait til you can get honey, too. I love that you are a beekeeper!


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