Thursday, August 12, 2021

A Tag and Art Omi #2

 Hi everyone. Happy Thursday. The heat and humidity are back. Summer is still here, although I could do without the humidity.

And I want to say thanks for the well wishes for Maddie and Pete. The new medicine Maddie is on has cleared up the conjunctivitis in her eyes very quickly. What we don't know about the first med is if it didn't work on the particular  bacteria causing it or if she was allergic to this antibiotic and it made her conjunctivitis worse. And Pete got some steroids for the rash on his hip, and a bit of a haircut too so I can get his medicine on it also.

First let me share a blue and orange tag for Michele's challenge at Tag Tuesday.

I used some blue paint, 2 shades of orange paint and a couple of stencils to make the background. The chair is an Art by Marlene punch out, the little lady who looks sad is a TH person. I added some orange metallic paper trim, some plastic orange dots, as well as a scrap of copper paper along the bottom of the tag.

I am also back today with a few more photos from Art Omi, in Omi, New York. Hope you enjoy them.

This first exhibit was only so interesting from the outside, but when I peered in those circular openings, I got some fun photos.

The stone balls were made of some pretty marble. I am loving the blue streaks in them, although they do remind me of bowling balls a little bit.

This  next photo was not  looking  into the holes but in between the cement slabs.

At this point in my visit, I was a too little shaken up to read or photograph the exhibit information, so I don't know the story about this cement and marble ball piece.  Sorry for not being able to tell you. I was shaken up because at the exhibit we visited before this one, I walked around the corner and almost stepped on this guy.

Ugh! I still get the heebie jeebies  from the photo. I couldn't decide whether to include it in this post or not.  I decided to put it there, not give  you the heebie jeebies if you aren't a snake fan, but to keep my post authentic. He must of slithered out of this really primeval looking pond in the center of this part of sculpture park to warm up in the morning sun.

Of course for the next few exhibits I was carefully watching the ground in case any of his relatives decided to sun themselves also.

OK, time to shake off my jitters and move on.

This next exhibit was my favorite at Art Omi. This house front was built to be like it's  reflection in the water. I love the style of the house too. It was based on the early Dutch style building in New York, as the area was first settled by people from that country.

It's hard to believe it is so flat when you look at the front.

For the next sculpture, we have to  climb the hill to this boxcar looking piece.

It was spinning slowly in the breeze, as well as wobbling on the post.

I was surprised to find it was set up as a glass house. 

A spinning  and wobbling house that is.  My friend said she wanted to live in it, until she saw the wobble.

And my last art piece for today was this large stone block. From afar it looks like some kind of memorial, but when you come up close, the carved words were a surprise.

The artist's shopping list. 

And I'll wrap up my post with a few natural views (but no more snakes) from late July at this sculpture park. And yes, the clouds had moved in by this point.

This photo below also contains this weird string sculpture. We couldn't find out anything about it.

Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful day.


  1. Hi Erika, I LOVE your gorgeous tag and Michele will, too, thanks so much for joining in her challenge at Tag Tuesday. I would like that armchair from the tag! Wonderful pictures from Art Omi. We have lots of houses in that Dutch style here in our town, but not quite so wavy. Great idea to make it like a reflection. But I would not like to live in a wobbly, spinning glass house! Thanks for sharing the lovely photos, hugs, Valerie

  2. Good morning Erika, this was quite an interesting art display. I really loved that front of the house that looked like a reflection in the water-very clever. Living in the woods we saw several snakes-most are good ones and they keep the rodents down, but the copperheads not so much. they always startle me too when I see them.
    great tag too Happy Thursday

  3. Lovely page. The background reminds me of vintage fabric for a chair. I hope the little girl isn't sad because it's so hot and humid outside. Cheer up, Little One, only one more day of it. Nice walk in the gardens. I think the snake would have made me jump, too. Stay cool

  4. Like yourself, Erika, seeing that snake would have put me off as well - not my favorite critters, even the harmless variety. Art Omi looked like a great art installation to visit and it did seem like there was a fair amount of walking around. The wobbly house display would not have been one I would like to live in like your friend.

  5. That's a remarkable tag. That is a great chair and those paper dolls seem to be getting a real work out this month. I've seen so many of them on my visits to artists and I love how you used yours. You put a LOT into this tag too. From the stencils to the copper strip, this is one amazing tag.

    These were some great installations at Art Omi. I loved the grocery shopping list, and I would gladly live in that glass house, even if it wobbled as it rotated. The view would be so amazing and stunning. Those balls reminded me of the glass balls by Chihuly in the Japanese Garden at Kew in 2019. I know the materials are so different, but they still remind me of them anyway. So glad you shared these, even the snake, dear.

  6. The sculpture garden looks fabulous. Too bad about the snake. Was it a poisonous one?

    best… mae at

  7. Oh Erika, this is just the best post. I love your art. The photos of Art OMI are simply magnificent. I love the Dutch house and the artists grocery list. I also loved seeing the snake. Almost stepping on him/her is really good luck. Look for something good to happen. This is such a beautiful and unique place. Thank you for sharing it.

  8. The sweet, sad looking girl has a bit of a royalty look about her in the oversized chair (throne). Perhaps she is only bored. Your background makes me think she lives in a tropical setting.
    I love all the curiosities you’ve photographed at Art Omi. I love seeing unusual sculptures that bring the imagination to life as well as having a highly visual interest about them.

  9. A great post Erika, your tag is very eye-catching, and those sculptures are fabulous!

  10. The snake would have made me jump, too.

    Many thanks for sharing all of these photographs.

    All the best Jan

  11. I would have completely freaked with the snake! I love some of the sculpture (some not s much) but that snake would have set me flying! Your art piece today is lovely!

  12. oh your tag just touches my heart! it is beautiful and also so poignant. thank you so much for joining my theme at tag tuesday. xo

  13. Erika that tag is brilliant! The words and image are perfect, speaks volumes! Loving your cool photos today! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Tag Tuesday!

  14. A delightful Tag, just perfect for our theme at Tag Tuesday, even though the little girl looks sad.


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