Monday, August 16, 2021

T Stands for Finally Another Lobster Roll

 Hi everyone. Happy new week and Tuesday for T!

You may notice for T day this summer that I haven't mentioned  Pop's or any lobster rolls since back when they opened in May. Lobster rolls are my favorite summer sandwich, but this year the prices have gone up a lot; in some places they have gone sky high. A lobster roll at Pop's went from $18 last summer to $23 this summer. (Even $18 isn't cheap but  to have  a few in the summer is worth the splurge to me since life is short.) I kept hoping as the amount of lobsters on the market increased this summer  prices would go back down, but low and behold, they have not.

My daughter and I tried another take out restaurant further up the road one day this summer, and their lobster rolls were $35 for a small, $45 for a regular, and $55 for a large sized one. 

Eeeks. No way am I paying that!

It seems even all seafood prices have jumped off the charts this year. 

Sources claim the high price is because there aren't enough people working at the processing end; IE, the people who clean the lobsters or other shellfish out of their shells. That might be true except even whole lobsters are high this year, and there is really no processing there.

However a couple of weekends ago my mother-in-law's best friends were visiting for just a couple of days from California. My husband has known Bob and Katie since he was a teenager; in fact Katie claims she is my husband's second mother. Since Bob and Katie used to live in Maine near where my in-laws used to live, and since they can't get lobster rolls in California, even at the higher price we were going to have some for dinner. 

My husband and Bob decided to drive down to Pop's to pick up food. Pop's only takes cash, so we were all sitting at the table pulling out whatever cash we had to give the men so they would have enough to get each of us a lobster roll (except my husband who isn't a fan), plus a small order of fried clams and some onion rings too.  

While they were gone to get our dinner, we ladies had a glass of wine and chatted.

Oh yum! I've been wanting one of these for awhile.

We are all trying to be good and not start eating our lobster rolls while we wait for my husband to heat up the rest of the food. Pop's is just far from my MIL's that the fried food was only just warm when it arrived.

And once the hot food was put on the table, we indulged in a delicious lunch.

The four of us couldn't even finish it all, but we ate a lot.

You can see the wine glasses, the almost empty beer glass and even a water glass as my ticket for T this week.

Pop's closes for the season at 4 PM on Labor Day Monday (September 6), so I will probably splurge one more time before they close, unless Pop's decides to raise their prices even more also. It's hard to believe that Labor Day weekend is already less than a month away. But I am not thinking about that right now-smile. 

Don't forget to stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog for this week's T. 

Hope you have a great T day.


  1. I am so glad that you got your lobster roll. It does have me drooling seeing all the large chunks of lobster. That is a HUGE price jump indeed but I am so glad that you were able to have one. Enjoy your last splurge of the year.
    Happy Tea Day,

  2. Wow, I had no idea they were so expensive, but then everthing is getting expensive. Looks super yummy -especially with wine and good friends! Fun post my friend! Happy T-day! hugz

  3. YUM!!! I have been hearing about these crazy price surges- especially for lobster and many sea foods:( It's just crazy! I certainly hope I will be able to enjoy one myself before summer ends (need to go to the coast because I have yet to have heard of a place locally in my area that makes one worth the price). Thanks for sharing, and making me even more hungry for one now;) Happy T day!

  4. Yes, prices rocketed everywhere. I think most have to make up for the loss they had during lockdowns, forgetting that we all were in lockdown and money is tight. Reckon they produce more damage, as you just rightfully prove it.

    Wow. No idea what a lobster would be here (not at the coast where we live) but.... eeeek - that is a lot of money!!!
    But then again.
    If you don´t go for that on a daily basis... we need to enjoy life or it´s no living, right.

    Have a great T-Day and another lobster roll :-)

  5. Glad you got our lobster roll, nothing like eating something you're hankering for! But it does sound very expensive. You all look happy sitting round the table together! Food prices are rising here, too, which isn't good, especially for people with low incomes. Happy T Day, Erika! Hugs, Valerie

  6. Not much can be better than to splurge on lobster rolls with friends. Your table setting is so warm and inviting. A perfect T Day post.

  7. Wow, that's so expensive! I seem to remember paying $10-12 for lobster rolls when we visited Maine. It looks so good though and that was quite a feast, I'm sure you enjoyed it more knowing that it was such a special occasion with all of you getting together too - yay 😀. Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

  8. Yes, I had noticed that you hadn't mentioned lobster rolls. I agree that they are very expensive. I loved seeing the photos of you all around the table. You certainly enjoyed that meal. It will be memorable.
    Happy T-Day,

  9. It looks delicious, and the table is set so pretty. I love the view out those windows. Happy T Tuesday!

  10. Glad to hear you got your favourite lobster roll again before Pop's closes again. Let's hope you can fit one more in!
    Happy T-Day,

  11. You all look so happy sitting around the table. It's a beautiful setting.

    Prices are high everywhere. I remember when eggs were cheap and now they are out of sight. Even my beloved half and half I use in my coffee has taken a hike. Part of the reason for the jump is gasoline/diesel to get the goods from the warehouse or packing plant has increased. I'm sure the lobster fishermen are experiencing the same when they fill their boat tanks. Let's hope this jump in prices is only temporary, but it's harder to reduce prices than it is to raise them.

    You certainly had a feast and it looks like everyone enjoyed their food and drinks. Thanks for sharing your lobster rolls and drinks with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  12. Oh, I love lobster roll. When we were in Maine I almost didn't eat anything else. They did look like the lobster roll you show us here - yummy! Here where I live (Northern California) I know of at least one restaurant that serves lobster rolls, but they're expensive ($26.00). I haven't tried them yet since this seems like a steep price and I love our local fish. But oh, how much would I like a good lobster roll in Maine!

  13. Prices are up on everything here, too (including, maybe even especially at the grocery store). But that's a BIG jump -- bigger than it feels necessary. I think a lot of places are making up for a lost year in 2020, despite the excuses.

  14. Last week on our visit to Bar Harbor, we indulged in lobster quite often despite the cost. Of course it may be years before we get back to it, so we really enjoyed it. Your lobster feast looks great. I hope you get to have another one before the end of the season.

    best... mae at

  15. How good it is to be able to eat something that we really like Erika, and, apparently, those lobster rolls had to be very tasty.
    Happy t-day! and thank you very much for sharing your moments with us.
    Take care of yourselves and big hugs,

  16. Lobster roll sounds so good and by the look of the table you had quite spread. Good that you got together for your treat! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  17. Happy to see you got your lobster roll. What a feast and a grand party too.


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