Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Types of Clouds

Hi everyone. 

Today I have something  silly and fun to share over at Art Journal Journey for Neet's Type challenge. This page makes me happy.

I found this background in a pile of unfinished pages. I had done lots of colorful stenciling on the background, but that's as far as I had I gotten done on the page.  I thought it was time to finish it.

There were white clouds stenciled on the middle of the page. I used a piece of acetate to trace them, and then I cut out the clouds out of the  acetate and used those cut outs to trace the exact cloud shape on some printed magazine paper. Then I cut the magazine paper clouds out and attached them to my page.  I will use my acetate clouds on some other piece of art at a later date.

There's lots of type in these clouds!

 I found this lady in an Art By Marlene punch out image booklet. I thought she worked perfect so I added her to my page. I also gave her some sparkle and other details. Finally I used some sparkly pink letter stickers I had picked up on a discount rack to title my page.

I'm going to call her Gladys.  Gladys looks like she is being a swim suit model. She's really limber too.  Perhaps she is more of a yoga person. But either way she is a fun image. 

A few weeks back a friend and I went to the sunflower festival at a farm in Lee, New Hampshire.  I've  seen plenty of sunflowers, but I've never been in a whole field of them before.

This festival has been on my bucket list for a couple of years now, ever since I saw a short segment on a local TV show about it. We went early in the day to beat any crowds, and besides, the field was big and it was easy to spread out.  

I took a lot of photos because there were other things to see on the farm too. I'll have more to show you later this week. 

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Nice art ...your sunflower clicks are gorgeous!

  2. Love your fun journal page, your Gladys looks like fun loving gal! Great ideas with the print clouds! Sunflower fields are always beautiful, we have lot here where you can cut and pick your own flowers. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the photos! hugs, Valerie

  3. These photos make me smile. Thank you so much.

  4. Yes! a yoga pose. I feel a kinship with her :)

    Those sunflowers are stunners!

  5. Gladys looks like she's enjoying the day at Salisbury. I hope she watches out for the rip current. I've seen a few sunflowers together, but never a sea of them. Aren't they amazing all looking towards the sun. Enjoy today before the rains come back.

  6. Fantastic page Erika, I love the glamorous Gladys. And those sunflowers are gorgeous! I saw a field of them on my walk today.

  7. What a fabulous fun page! Fields full of Sunflowers sounds like a dream! Hugs, Chrisx

  8. Oh Erika, I do love Gladys. What a fun character she is and her swimsuit is adorable.
    I just love the clouds with all the type in them. What a lot of trouble you went to to get them just right but oh how it has paid off - it really is a super page and has left me with a big smile on my face.
    The sunflower festival is fabulous - reminds me of a year we drove through France and stopped and marvelled at a field of sunflowers. What a magnificent sight. I have a photograph somewhere. Happy times. Am sure you felt happy at your farm festival.
    Thanks for the fab page for my theme at AJJ. love it!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  9. Your page has me giggling. I’m feeling the vibes from Gladys. The sunflowers are beauties.

  10. Such sunflowers! There were fields of these flowers around my daughter's house in Switzerland. Wow.

  11. I laughed at Gladys. She is the epitome of glamour! I tried reading somne of those clouds, That was a great take on Neet's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Fields of sunflowers. Great photos. Don't you just love watching them follow the sun across the sky? Sunflowers are our state flower, so this made me smile.

  12. Fun idea with the clouds!!! Wow, you are so creative - I may "steal" your idea to have something like this on my boring door - I hope you won´t mind?
    That´s a great idea!!!
    And the lady looks so cool and fun!
    Oh, guess you got me out of the boredom I felt thinking of doing art.
    Gladys is a wonderful, quirky, perfect name for her, too!

    And ohhh, sunflowers.
    Today one month and 19 years ago my Dad passed - he loved sunflowers and my Mum had his coffin covered in them.
    Here it´s August 19th right now.
    Crazy. I was born a January 19th, Dad presented me with a ring for my 30th Birthday, having my Mum engraving not my birth-date but the 30th, in cursive and 6 months later he passed, so the "1" looks like the "7". I practically have the date of his passing in that ring. And always think of sunflowers.
    "Drama", huh, sorry ;-)

  13. Great fun site and so imaginative.
    The sunflower field is so pretty, I love it!
    Have a good day, hug Elke

  14. Wow, a beautiful sunflowers field and your page is fun, I like it!

  15. Oh Erika, your page sure made me smile, its a fantastic fun page for Neet's Ajj theme.
    The sunflower photos looked beautiful.
    Yvonne xx

  16. I shudder to say it but the character in your page sure looks a lot like me. Except she's blonde.


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