Wednesday, September 8, 2021

How We Learned About the World

Hi everyone. Happy middle of the week!

I'm back today with another vintage page for Wendy's challenge at Art Journal Journey.

When I was a kid, I didn't travel much. My family took vacations in neighboring states, and my grandmother took me to Washington DC when I was 14. We didn't have the money to do big trips since at that point, airfares were expensive, and my Dad, who had been in Asia during the second world war, liked to talk about travel more than he liked to actually go places.

I don't think we were really unique however. I didn't know many people who went to far away places other than maybe to Florida, and I had one friend who's sister live in Los Angeles so one summer I took care of her cat while the family drove across country. (I must admit, I would rather have taken a cross country trip than babysit Fu-Fu her cat. Smile.)

How did we learn about the world? We read National Geographic.

I somehow managed to procure this old copy of a National Geographic magazine, and I thought the cover would make a great centerpiece for my vintage journal page.

The watercolor paper I used as my background is rough textured. I picked up this pad for $2, and I must say, I'm not crazy about it. I guess it is a little too rough for me, but I must say, it does add some nice texture to the page. I added some scraps of a  yellow woven paper as it seemed to work well with the texture of the paper and gave it a little more interest .

I stamped and colored a suitcase image I had. After fussy cutting it, I put this gentleman sitting on them. This man ( I think of him as Jerry), looked to me like he was adventurous and ready to go off and write another article for National Geographic. If there's not an available seat at the station, airport or port of call, he'll wait for his transportation  by sitting on his luggage. And if these suitcases look a tad bit small, it's because he travels light. Getting the story is more important than anything to Jerry.

I thought this page still needed something, so I die cut this globe image. It was made with 3 pieces, and I added the small wooden vintage plane I had in my stash. It's important to get to those out of the way areas where Jerry might have to travel by small plane, or otherwise Jerry may have trek overland by foot or maybe even on a camel, yak, mule or elephant. 

Because I didn't want to cover up all the details of the  old magazine cover, I really spread out the letters on my page. The star is there just because I thought it looked good, and it could also represent so many other things about Jerry and about the world.

There you have it. Hope your week is going well!

And as always, thanks for visiting.



  1. My family was like yours, Erika, in that we also didn’t travel far from home, perhaps that’s for the reason you mentioned, mainly money. Also my father was self employed and may have been a bit of a workaholic. Years ago, I had a subscription to National Geographic and it was a great way to travel by armchair😀

  2. That's a lovely page today, and that rough textured paper looks great, wonderful colour, too. National Geographic is always a treasure trove, and you used the front page here to good advantage. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  3. Love this work!
    We´ve never been to the US but visited Australian Geographic in Perth. Those places are GREAT!

  4. Saw this on TV and found an article about it, It will interest you, I'm sure:

  5. Cute, fun and it’s always best to travel light

  6. I love your page Erika, when I was growing up every summer we went on trips around the states-to save money we camped and my Mom cooked all the meals over the camp fire or on her small little gas stove. she loved history so our trips were always full of historic places and state parks.
    after I left home and went to college and got married-I had never gone another trip until my Yellowstone trip in 2017 that was really my first vacation as we always worked so many hours. Larry has been around the world when I met him and has had no desire to travel
    I was looking for things for us read and I bought a bundle of vintage National Geographics off of ebay-always good reading hugs

  7. My kind of travel :) especially these days. I could tag along with Jerry virtually :) We used to subscribe to the in-your-mailbox version of National Geographic, and oh, the photos! and maps were treasures :)

  8. Same here, little traveling growing up for many. National Geo was a popular corner in the school library in those days! Neat page.

  9. My grandparents weren't bg travelers, either. My grandmother took me across country one time on a train. I was not impressed, but she loved to travel by train. That was when trains had sleeper cars and dining rooms. I was maybe 4 or 5 at the time and can't even remember where we went. This was a wonderful entry for Wendy's theme, dear. I really LOVE what you did with the travel concept and Jerry, too. Thanks for sharing this.

  10. My family didn't go anywhere for vacation. A day trip here and there. I think after the travel dad did during WWII he had his fill of foreign places. He also didn't like to eat at any restaurant except Ma's 😉 which makes travel difficult unless you can get back by supper time. With National Geographic we could all be world explorers without leaving a comfy chair or Ma's cooking. I hope you're enjoying today's weather

  11. Tried posting earlier but not sure it went thru. Love the page and sentiment. Travel light

  12. Lots of traveling in my family and after I was out on my own. With that we always had NG in our house.

  13. I bet Jerry is a star reporter for the magazine. Fabulous story around your layout, I feel as if I know Jerry now.
    Love the texture the paper has given, that will be a useful addition to your stash, and the extra pieces you have put on really work well with it.
    I too never travelled much as a child, up and down the British isles because dad worked on the railway and got free travel each year for the family but never abroad. Dad used to get the National Geographic magazine, I remember it well.
    A fab page Erika, enjoyed it so much.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  14. A fabulous page, and I love National Geographic. Geography was my main subject at weather training collage so this page really appeals to me, thank you.
    Hugs Wendy.

  15. The mag cover is great. And your words are so true! If you can't go in person, NatGeo is a great way to go!

  16. Wonderful art piece. That's how my family learned about the world, too. Great magazine.

  17. The NG cover is soooo cool. You made it better with your globe and Jerry sitting on suitcases. Very cool page, Erika. Have to love NG. Hugz


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