Sunday, September 19, 2021

More Photos from the Sculpture Park

Hi everyone. Hope your weekend is going or went well, depending on when you read this post.

 I thought I would share some more sculpture with you from my day out at Andres Art Institute in Brookline, New Hampshire.  If you missed my first post and are interested, you can find it here: Another Sculpture Park.

I saw some really interesting art  on my walk that day, and I hope you enjoy it too.

I didn't get the names of the all the sculptors unfortunately. But I love this piece's strong determined face.

My friend and I talked about this next one for quite some time before we came up with what we thought it represented. Half the fun was having these discussions, and of course, finding the sculptures was the other half of the fun.

These  sculptures in the next cluster fade into the forest when you look at them for far away,

but up close they are lots of fun. 

This guy is even wearing a kilt.

Here's another sculpture set back in the woods. 

Are these next 2 pieces (which were shown together) unfinished?  Perhaps.  I like the half sculptured look and the person peering out of the rock.

I also liked the detail of the hair or back of the head on this one.

And since I like architecture, I found this one particulary appealing. 

This next one was made by one of the owners of the park.

And I'll finish today this next piece that was called, Just Before the Kiss.

I would have never guessed these were 2 lips if it wasn't for the red. My friend Jo and I talked about this one for quite awhile also.  I think I'm  more literal in my taste, but now that I know what it is, I can see it. Can you?

Hope you like the views. I really enjoyed much of the sculpture in this park, and I have a lot more photos to share some other time. 

Happy new week!


  1. The sculptures are beautiful, and even more so in the wooded environment, it must be wonderful to walk through the trees and discover them one by one. Thanks for sharing. Have a happy Sunday! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Great sculptures and I like the wooded setting.

  3. Interesting sculptures and it must be fun to come upon them on the trail. 2 lips? I never would have guessed that if you hadn't pointed them out. And I'm still having a hard time seeing 2 lips. What I see of the whole sculpture is a dog with a long snout and a nose waiting to be booped. The red "lips" are his collar. Enjoy the weather today!

  4. The sculptors are creative, aren't they! This is a great spot for them, giving each one a good space.

  5. Looks like an interesting place Erika, off to check out the first post.
    Avril xx

  6. Great works and looks like you had a real fun day there with your friend.
    The lips... hmmm, difficult!

  7. I liked Alignment. To me, it looked like two people facing each other.

    I also liked the ones set back in the forest. I'm a fan of metal rebar and pipes.

    Like you, I also liked Transition. It spoke to me, too.

    Contemplation looks so different because of the polished metal, rather than rock.

    Yes, I saw Just before the kiss right off. It was different. I take it, it was two different stones cut from the same rock next to each other.

  8. I can well imagine that discussing the sculptures with your friend was half the fun. Surely that is one of the functions of art, to energize people and provoke discussion. The creators would be very pleased.

  9. These are really terrific, Erika. I love seeing sculpture in a natural environment. This looks so organic with the trees and stone.

  10. Happy Monday Erika, I really enjoyed this sculpture park very much. I don't always understand some of the more modern pieces but I really enjoyed these posts-thank you

  11. Fabulous! I especially and always love faces!

  12. Many thanks for sharing these, I enjoyed seeing them, through your photographs.

    All the best Jan


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