Thursday, September 16, 2021

Thursday This and That

Hi everyone. 

I'm here today with another tag for Valerie's Recycle and Reuse challenge at Tag Tuesday.  This tag is a little bit of summer.

I actually reused a bookmark I received as a freebie (it came with a used book I ordered) as the base of my tag. I painted it white and covered it with some printed tissue paper from my stash because after being used, it was a little worn looking.  The tissue paper originally came from an order at Joggles, an online craft store. She always wraps what you buy with tissue paper before shipping, and unless it is taped too much and I can't unwrap it without a lot of wrinkles, I save that paper.

I then added some pink washi tape, a scrap of left over gold foil paper trim, a bird that I had die cut ages ago and pulled out of my die cut scrap box, as well as gluing down a gold foil paper sun I had. Finally I stamped the quote.

There you have my tag!

Let me also share the last of the photos from Berkshire Botanical Gardens from back in late July. They  had an interesting vegetable garden area. which was near the barn where they had a summer program for children. 

I was interested in  this area because my veggie garden usually ends up filled with weeds, and I am curious how I can spruce that up. Mine is much smaller than what they had at the Botanical Garden, but then, even I don't want to exactly copy theirs, I did like some of their ideas.

I really want to make one of these little tic-tac-toe boards to put near the fire pit. It would be so easy to do.

Hope you enjoyed your visit and that you day is going or goes well. 

Thanks for stopping by my blog.



  1. It's interesting (and encouraging) that you apply such effort and creativity to a bookmark. As a lifelong bibliophile, I use bookmarks every day, and I have developed an attraction for them, which, while not on a par with my love of the books, is in the same sphere. It is probably considered daffy by some, but I even match the bookmarks to the books where possible. So, for example, if I have a bookmark showing a crow, it will find a place in a book on corvids. Most of what I have are run of the mill items included with a book purchase, or promotional bookmarks, but I have a few that are really special, gifts from friends, and a couple even created for me. Bookmarks are fun!

  2. Hi Erika, you made me happy today - a gorgeous tag and more photos from those wonderful gardens. Your tag id bright and beautiful, a great recycling project, thanks! And I am in love with that wishing tree, what a fabulous idea....did you put a wish there? Have a lovely day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  3. So pretty my friend. Your posts are a joy.

  4. What ideas did you borrow from your garden visit, Erika? Yes, Saint-Gaudens was an interesting visit, but we sort of rushed through it on a hot afternoon so I hope we can return before the Oct 31 closing. As far as the Cornish-Windsor bridge being the longest, there are several online sites that say it is, but that OH one is cited as now holding the title by many others and it certainly is longer just by the numbers. We drove across the CW one twice, and may do so again!

  5. Wow!!! Fantastic work on your tag.


  6. Hi Erika, Loving your tag and yes some great garden ideas there. Happy friday and weekend-hugs Kathy

  7. You put a lot of detail and attention to that used bookmark. It turned out so bright and colorful. Charming.

    I loved that wishing tree. It is an attention getter. I also like the teepee type poles for climbing veggies. Thanks for these wonderful photos of the gardens, dear.

  8. I love the wishing tree Erika, and your colourful tag is gorgeous!

  9. Lovin' that colorful tag. I like how you arranged the elements and included the shiny bits.

    I've never heard of a wishing tree. The wild sunflowers are already blooming there! I'm still waiting on mine. The fireside tic-tac-toe boards sounds like a nice addition. Cool idea!

  10. Great recycling Erika. I love the bold colours you have used with a little bit of gold. I do love that wishing tree. We do something like that over here but its a tree for adding the name of someone who has passed. Thanks for joining us at Tag Tuesday.


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