Thursday, October 7, 2021

An Autumn Owl and Troll #3

Hi everyone.

 I am back today with another page from my recently made owl journal. I am linking it up to Tracey's challenge at Art Journal Journey. This month the challenge is October is My Favorite Colour.

This page from my owl book definitely feels like October. The background is combination of ink and some vintage colored printed tissue paper. I used a very small stencil and some orange paint also. The owl is a vintage stamp from my collection. I actually stamped it twice so I could make the face pop out of the hole a bit.  (Although I guess in real life the face would be inside the hole.) I also used some fall looking clear leaf and berry stickers as well as some paper leaves. I finished the page by using some embossed letters that spell out the word owl. (Just in case you couldn't tell what the page is about-smile.)

We have at least one pair of bard owls living in the woods around our house, and last night they were sure making a lot of noise. In fact they've been noisy frequently. If you have to listen to outside noises at night, these are the kind to hear!

For today's troll, meet Birk. He is the troll of the roots, and we had to walk even further into the forest, following the map, to find him.

Birk is a root troll.

He has very big hands!

Birk is also a very big troll too. I bet at least 10 people, if not more, could sit on one of his legs. He is lounging on the forest floor, which is what roots should do, right?

I'll be back tomorrow with troll #4.

I hope your month is going well for you so far. And as always, thanks so much for visiting. It is much appreciated.


  1. Good morning, great journal page and loving the trolls-cool that they have names too

  2. Lovely peg with an understated (thus more noticeable) owl!

  3. Your owl journal is quite lovely, Erika, and there is a definite connection for me between early fall and owls. This is the time of year when I start to search for Barred Owls who have taken up residence for the winter, and Eastern Screech Owl begin to occupy roosting boxes. Saw-whet Owls migrate through, often in large numbers, but they are hard to find. Enjoy the colours of autumn. I hope you find an owl or two too!

  4. I love the vintage colour of your would be really nice to have the print on some kitchen towels..glad to meet you, Birk :-)

  5. Your journal page is wonderful, it really speaks autumn! So many wonderful details. And I love the troll, how lovely to find these creatures in the trees. Have a good day! Hugs, Valerie
    How's the deck progressing?

  6. Ohhh I so love this art piece. It certainly does feel like fall. I want this troll in my yard. LOL He is amazing. Thank you for sharing him.

  7. I love this one. I agree it definitely looks like October. We have owls that live in our general neighborhood, but they're far enough away (a block) that we only hear them when they hunt here. Cool sound!

    It would be a temptation to sit on this troll's lap :)

  8. Beautiful, creative page.
    I once in excitement told a friend we have owls in our area!!!
    She listened. Pigeons. Duuuuuh.
    Birk, such a fun name. And such a wise guy. I´d like to listen!

  9. Spectacular display of Autumn with the owl peeping out from the tree, the berries add a lovely pop of colour amongst those leaves. Another super page Erika and I'm in complete awe of those wooden sculptures, now if I only had a garden big enough for at least one... Amazing.
    Wishing you a super creative weekend Hugs Tracey xx

  10. Another fabulous autumn page Erika, I love the owl!
    And the troll looks so cool!

  11. two ENORmous owls flew through our back yard last evening and it was AWESOME! One landed on neighbor's roof, the other in a tree top and they were so majestic

  12. I am having trouble leaving comments. Blogger keeps giving me error messages when I try to publish. That's why it's taken me so long to comment. I left a comment on another blog just now, so maybe Blogger is over its hissy fit.

    I think your Owl journal page is wonderful. It is very autumnal, and I love the colors that also say autumn to me, too. You did a great job with this and it is perfect for Tracey's theme at Art Journal Journey, too, dear Erika.

    Birk is represented quite well. He even looks like roots. It's a wonderful troll and I'm so glad you found these, dear. There are no owls in my neighborhood, so I've not heard a barn owl since I was a young child.

  13. Love your latest Owl page with its lovely autumnal background. I do like the pops of colour as in the berries and the pink leaf. The letters spelling out the bird fit beautifully.
    I so enjoy seeing your Trolls and this one is fabulous, I like the way he is sat down and that beard he has is tremendous. bet it was great seeing the for real.
    Hugs Neet xx

  14. Such a lovely journal page, and another good troll :)

    All the best Jan

  15. This really is such a beautiful Autumn page. The owl looks fabulous peeping out of the tree. I love all of the leaves and berries. Birk is such an imposing figure and what a treat to come across him in the woods. Hugs, Chrisx

  16. Another from the owl book? Beautiful, Erika. And I love Birk!


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