Friday, October 15, 2021

Autumn Beauties

Hi everyone. Happy Friday. 

Today's my 33rd wedding anniversary. I'm not sure if my husband and I will do anything special to celebrate this weekend. He has a deck to work on, and that must get done. I actually think a finished deck is a celebration in itself. Especially since last weekend between the wedding and rain nothing got done on that project. Smile. If we don't do anything to celebrate, we have planned to go away for a few days next month, and that little trip will be our celebration. 

I'm back today with a piece for Tracey's My Favorite Colour is October challenge over at Art Journal Journey. Thanks for this challenge Tracey. It's  such a joy making  journal pages this month.

I'll first show you this crooked view  so you can see the buttons and any other detail at the bottom better. Of course the buttons pop off the page more in real life as they aren't flat, which they look in a photo. 
When I straightened it out my photo I lost some of those details.

My page began with this Gelli print made with some autumn colored paints and some leaves I picked up in the yard. 

I added a couple of vintage women images, as well as some die cut and fussy cut leaves. The black looking leaves are actually gold.  For some reason I could not get them to photograph gold or even adjust them to gold. 
I finished with a few buttons, and this quote.

Keeping today's post short. I want to get a morning walk in as the weather is still wonderful, but changes come this weekend.

Have a wonderful start to your weekend, and thanks for visiting my blog.



  1. Happy Anniversary! Yes, I think a deck would be a great way to celebrate. LOL As we get older the celebration are different. I love this art piece. Very nice indeed.

  2. After thirty-three years I would go with finishing the deck! We acknowledge our anniversaries, but we don't really celebrate them in any significant way. Being together is celebration enough. A bottle of wine with a nice dinner at home suffices for us. Happy anniversary, Erika.

  3. Happy Anniversary! 💐🥂 Lovely Autumn page. I'm not ready to bundle up as the ladies on your page are. I'm not ready for cold, blustery days. I really like the leaf brads or stickers on your page, too. I hope you get to enjoy the last of the beautiful weather before it turns seasonal this weekend.

  4. Very pretty! You are good with Autumn colors. 🤗

  5. Happy Anniversary to you both, well done on 33 years! Here's to the next 33! Love your beautiful autumn page, the background is fabulous as are the embellishments. Have a wonderful weekened, hugs, Valerie

  6. Looks very beautiful! Enjoy your walk :-)

  7. Happy 33rd anniversary Erika. I know the deck is probably more important than any celebration right now. I hope you find a good way to celebrate that doesn't involve long hours of cooking over a hot stove. Enjoy your day, anyway.

    LOVE this page. I am so in love with those leaves you used on the Gelli. So glad you shared this beauty with us. It also goes so well with Tracey's theme at Art Journal Journey, too dear friend.

  8. Congratulations to the both of you Hugs. Beautiful journal page I really love this one-Happy Friday and weekend hugs Kathy

  9. Happy Anniversary! The air is taking on that cooler feel although I did risk just going out in a cardigan today - in the sun it was almost hot! Your page is absolutely beautiful and I love the combination of your images. Another great page for Tracey's 'My Favourite Colour is Autumn' theme at AJJ. Hugs, Chrisx

  10. I love your beautiful page Erika, the leafy background is wonderfully dramatic with those lovely images.
    A happy anniversary to you both, hope that decking gets finished soon.
    Have a great weekend,

  11. Wow, so many years together, a big gratulation!
    Your ladies are very pretty and match well on your beautiful page.
    We got a very sunny beautiful morning today. It's been long the rainy and gray weather.
    Have a wonderful happy day, my friend xx

  12. I'm really happy you are enjoying creating journal pages this month for my October theme, this piece really is fantastic you've picked out all those darker colours that are sometimes hidden within this fabulous month. I adore how you've layered it all upon that fabulous gelli print. A real vintage style treat for me with many hidden gems to discover.
    Happy belated Anniversary Erika I hope you both have a fabulous weekend
    Hugs Tracey xx

  13. Happy Anniversary Erika, hope it was a lovely day whatever you decided to do.
    Love this page, its a fabulous background that really makes your beautiful images and embellishments stand out.
    Happy weekend.
    Avril xx

  14. Happy Anniversary Erika, I hope you both had a good day.
    Its a gorgeous journal page and has wonderful autumn shades and details to enjoy seeing.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  15. I love your gelli prints! Gorgeous page, Erika 😍

  16. Belated anniversary wishes to you and your husband, Erika. A delayed getaway is a great idea and one we would highly recommend having done it ourselves many times!

  17. we are past the cold snap which went from 80F down to 30 in a day (colorado) and brought 14 " of snow to the mountains. We got freeze and rain but headed back to 75F or so again this week. crazy ups and downs.
    always great collage work

  18. Sorry I am late with my wishes for your Anniversary, hope you had a lovely day. Also I omitted to say I hoped your hives were now much better, hope they have gone by now.
    Ooh, I love the effect you got with the leaves on the Gelli Plate, what a lovely background you ended up with. How strange that those black and white leaves are really gold - I do like the effect though. Bet I could not replicate that as how I tried but I wish I could. The two ladies are lovely and very autumnal to look at and your quote is lovely. Great idea with the buttons.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  19. Happy belated Anniversary! I know it's something to celebrate, no matter when you have to actual celebration :)

    It went from hot to chilly overnight here, so I went from sad my central unit went out because I wanted air conditioning to sad it was out because I wanted heat lol


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