Wednesday, October 13, 2021

So Much Fungi

Hi everyone.  Is your week going by as quickly as mine is? We're already at Wednesday!

This fall the mushrooms have been insane. There are so many different ones everywhere I look. I know it was because of all the rain we've had, starting back in July. 

My page today for  Art Journal Journey has to do with all those mushrooms, but  also a few crows that seem to be out and about in a big way lately.

This month the talented Tracey is hosting, and her theme is My Favorite Colour is October. 

My background is made from several old fashioned identification book pages. Well they aren't actually pages, but stickers. I thought they were great. I covered the background with them, and then I stamped the crows flying across the page. I also stamped the quote, a few little plastic orange dots, and added some orange paper foil trim.

And here's some examples of those mushroom I've across. The variety is astonishing, and these are only the ones I snapped photos of.

I can't tell you what any of these are, since I'm not a forager. In fact, I don't really like a lot of mushrooms in my food as I don't like their texture when I eat them. A few are OK. Just not a lot.

Yet they are really fascinating to find and see. And they do a great job decomposing all the dead/dying material out there in nature.

Hope you are having/had a great day.

Thanks for visiting. It is always appreciated.


  1. Wow, what a variety! Same here, but not so many different ones.

  2. I can't tell what kind of mushrooms they are...they look poisonous though.

  3. I love this art. The birds flying over the background gives it such depth. Lovely photos of the shrooms. Thanks for the offer of the lids if we lived closer. Hang on to them, you will need them for the future. I have looked into the reusable lids, they are expensive but may be worth it. However, they are short in stock as well.

  4. Fungi are fascinating. I enjoying looking, but since I can't tell mushrooms from toadstools or how to tell what's edible I stop at looking ;) Great photos!

  5. Fabulous fungi, so many varieties. Here we have a lot more than usual, too, and we also had cool and wet weather. Love your journal page, I have a lot of old books with illustrations like that, and I love them. Have a great day, this week is really flying by! Hugs, Valerie

  6. Mushrooms can be amazing, creepy, beautiful and/or poisonous…basically they are all over the shop. Loved your coastal gardens pictures, Halloween ladies andKing Arthur mug. Hope you are enjoying the sunshine.

  7. OMGosh. Your journal page is out of this world. I've never seen so many mushrooms/fungi in my life. I love how you treated the page and the stamped crows. It turned out so nice and a great addition to Tracey's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    And THEN you gave us a plethora of mushrooms, too. This is wonderful. Love them all. So glad you shared these photos, too.

  8. LOL. Thursday here already.

    And what a show, looks like (not that I really saw that) mannequins on stage! You just wait to whom to admire next!
    Prefer this to fashion for sure!

  9. Beautiful fungi Erika, and I love your wonderful page with the shrooms and crows!
    We've noticed a lot of toadstools early on this year, due to all the rain in the summer.
    This week has been a busy one, with a hospital visit and lunch with a friend, and lots of art in between. Time speeds up as we get older 🙄
    Happy Thursday,

  10. Super photos of the fungi there are so many varieties at this time of year but I wouldn't like to try eat any without guidance from experts, buts it good to look and admire.
    Your journal page looks fantastic, great mushroom, fabulous inspiration for the AJJ theme.
    Have a good rest of the week.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Now I love mushrooms, i've always been fascinated by them since a child where we would do weekly field studies at school. I wish I payed more attention to the variety instead of just drawing and painting them. What a grand display again, the addition of the crows really reminds me of the those early morning October sounds. Another fab journal share Erika Hugs Tracey xx

  12. What fabulous fungi, both on your page and in your photos.A truly great page for Tracey's theme.
    We used to collect field mushrooms when I was little but never any other kind. and I can't say I am great fan of those little wild mushroom mixes that restaurants serve.
    We watched some crows chasing off a couple of buzzards this morning - it seems to happen quite a lot. Not sure why.
    Hugs, Chrisx


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