Monday, October 4, 2021

T Stands for Lunch ( and Trolls)

 Hi everyone. Happy Tuesday and Happy T day to the lovely T day ladies. I hope your past week has gone well.

Last week was very busy for me with a few appointments, a mother-in-law heating emergency as well as few fun outings. One of those outings was a big one as I went on a day trip to Boothbay, Maine. I went with my walking friend and her sister. Although I see my walking companion frequently, I haven't seen her sister for quite awhile. It was great to see her.

Boothbay, Maine has been one of the sort-of-local places I've wanted to visit for several years, and the fact that the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens has these new troll statues this year made it a long but perfect way to spend a gorgeous autumn day. It was about a 2 1/2 hour trip by car each way, and when I finally got home  that night, I might have been tired but I had lots of happy stories to share with my husband.

Our garden reservations weren't until the afternoon, but we left early enough to go into town, check out a few shops and have lunch. Unlike here in New Hampshire where you don't see many mask signs, it was great in Boothbay because most stores and restaurants had signs that said "It doesn't matter your vaccination status, wear a mask." I have been wearing a mask  in public inside spaces even though I was vaccinated last spring.

Boothbay is a cute little coastal Maine town with lots of shops and hotels for the tourists.

In the afternoon we went to the gardens to see not only flowers but the trolls. New this year, they have 5 giant wooden trolls created by Danish artist Thomas Dambo. I read that his scrap wood trolls can be found in many places around the world. You can check him out here: Thomas Dambo.

This week I'm trying to keep my T Day post a bit shorter than the last few have been. Today I'll share the first of the five trolls we saw.

These 5 trolls are the trolls of the forest, and this first troll is named Roskva. She stands for the trunk of the trees. You can read about her in the sign below. 

And this next photo gives you an idea of the scale of her.

I bet she was about 20 feet tall. These trolls must be pretty popular because there was many more people at the gardens than we expected there would be. Afterall it was late September and was the middle of the week.

I'll share another troll with you in my next post this week.

As this is T day and I am not trying to write a novel this week, let me share my lunch from my day out with you.  We found this old fashioned and out of the way little restaurant called Waves that had great food and normal prices. (As opposed to higher priced food in some of the more touristy places right on the water.) I had a crab sandwich with crispy bacon (just how I like it) and cheddar cheese. It came with fries and cole slaw. This slaw had a dill dressing that was quite delicious. I had an unsweetened ice tea to drink. 

This is my link for  our weekly hang out over at   Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog..

I hope everyone has a wonderful new week, and a happy T day too.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!


  1. Hi Erika, so glad you were able to get out and spend the day with friends. I love the troll-look forward to seeing more. and your lunch looks really delicious-I haven't had french fries in a very long time-always a treat.
    Happy T wishes Hugs Kathy

  2. I'm so glad it was a sculpture troll, not a blog post about someone making unwanted comments in your comment section!! I just love the statue, and I also enjoyed the sculpture you depicted yesterday. Thanks for all the art.

    best... mae at

  3. Oh how fun are those large trolls- would love to see them too!! Glad you enjoyed such a nice time and had good food along with reasonable prices;)
    Happy T day!

  4. I can see why you would want to visit those gardens, Erika. I fell in love with that first troll and I hope it is not there as a temporary installation. I was in awe with her size, too. I also learned about troll etiquette, too.

    Your sandwich looks wonderful and your dill coleslaw sounds even better than the sweet most places offer. Thanks for sharing your trip to Boothbay, Maine, your walk around the town, the amazing troll in the garden, and your lunch and ice tea with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear.

  5. Boothbay looks like a pretty little town and the troll is fantastic. I'm not suprised that she was created by a Danish artist since trolls have roots in Norse mythology. I like the expression in her face. Were the other four trolls just a big as this one? Great idea to have them in the Botanical Gardens.

  6. Oh, that really looks like a cute little town! Love the houses.
    Huge trolls! A bit "scary" ;-)
    And your meal sure looks yummy! Here prices go up cause many had to close down so long. Result: People cook at home. Weird times, sad times, glad it´s better in your place, ahve a happy T-Day!

  7. Such a pretty fun town! The giant troll actually looks cute!

  8. That town looks like a fun place to visit. And I love that troll statue at the botanical garden. (I'm looking forward to seeing more.) Here in CT, despite the Governor still having Covid Powers (given to him by the Legislature and now extended to Feb 2022), when Fauci / CDC said everyone had to put masks back on, our Gov left it up to individual towns in CT to set the mask rules. So the rules here are confusing because they vary town by town.

  9. Oh my gosh - I love that troll. I want to go see it!!!! Seriously!

    What lovely places you have visited lately and the food looks yummy.

    What a fab post, Erika.

    Happy T-day!! Hugz

  10. I love Boothbay and have visited there a few times. The shops are such fun, we have a few T-shirts and house decorations from there so I showed my hubby your photos 😀. Waves looks like a great place to eat, I'd love to join you that crab sandwich looks so delicious! Those trolls are fabulous too - amazing! Thanks for the happy memories and Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

  11. That is a long drive for a day trip! But it looks worth it. That troll! Your lunch looks delicious. Happy T Tuesday!

  12. What a gorgeous place to visit and what a tasty looking lunch, the coleslaw sounds delicious too
    Love those trolls, the are huge, a great day ou
    Happy T Day

  13. What a lovely place Boothbay looks Erika! I love those trolls too!
    Happy T-Day!

  14. Here we have to wear masks indoors in public places and shops. But since last week it is no longer compulsory to wear them outside as long as you can keep a distance. In crowds of course they have to go back on. (Here in our village there are no crowds)
    That looks like a pretty village. No wonder the tourists come in droves.
    The Troll is amazing! So big too! I think I have fallen in love with him....
    Looking forward to more trolls next time.
    Your crab sandwich looks really nice. I might join you.
    Happy T-Day,

  15. Wow parts of this place looks just like my town. I love the troll. Have a nice day.

  16. I've never been to Boothbay, but it looks so typical of the coastal towns. The troll sculpture is amazing. Your lunch looks delicious, too. What a wonderful outing you had. Happy T Day Stay dry today. Sunshine tomorrow

  17. Your lunch looks delicious!
    I love that troll! Such a unique garden ornament. I look forward to seeing more of them. Glad that you had a great trip.
    Happy Tea Day,

  18. What a pretty place Erika, and those trolls are so huge, that would be fun to see in person. Your lunch looks pretty delicious from here Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  19. Wow! That really is a giant troll.

    All the best Jan

  20. Now THAT is my kind of town! It looks like a great day.


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