Saturday, October 30, 2021

The End of October

 Hi everyone. 

With the month quickly winding down, today I want to share my last journal page for Tracey's My Favorite Colour is October challenge at Art Journal Journey.

Thank you Tracey for hosting. You were a fantastic host, and I loved your theme this month.

And thanks to all of you who joined us for this challenge. I'm a little sad October is just about over for many reasons, one of them being I will miss all this beautiful autumn art and inspiration you've all shared.

My page is a bit bottom heavy. Mostly I let the Gelli print speak for itself. 

And let me share a few more colours of October photos with you from recent my walks. So many leaves are dropping off the trees right now, we'll be down to bare branches in no time.

Leaves on the water, and below, on the ground.

And this sweet little shrine I found while walking a couple of weeks ago at the Urban Forestry Center.

And a few more fungi. It's fungi on fungi too.

Fall berries.

And more fungi.

These dark berries were not only colorful, but I like the little flowers that formed before the berries grew.  

I haven't seen a lot of milkweed these year, but I did come across these seeds waiting to be blown away.

And if you look at this tree photo, what do you see?

I see a screaming snail head. Smile.

Today my daughter turns 30. I can't believe that. She's off on a grand celebration adventure with her beau hiking in some of the National Parks of Utah. I'm still thinking about how she was a tiny baby in my arms.

And even if I'm not sure I want October to end, I'm looking forward to November. They'll be another fun challenge at AJJ, and I have some fun adventures planned for the new month too.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Your last journal page is splendid, as were all of your pages, and it's quite clear that you love this season. the photos are wonderful, I enjoyed sitting here and looking at them, so many beautiful symbols of autumn. Love the crying face and the Buddha shrine. Thanks for sharing! Yes, children grow up quickly. My daughter is 55, that makes me feel ancient. Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Very pretty photos! So very sorry, have had trouble commenting.

  3. Good morning Erika, I have really enjoyed your art this month and wow your photos are so beautiful-really wonderful seeing them
    I am sad to see October go as well Happy weekend and Halloween hugs

  4. Oh and happy birthday to your daughter-30 is a big one the biggest one for me so far was when I turned 70-that one told me I was a senior haha

  5. Your photos are very lovely. Mushrooms are so fascinating.

    best… mae at

  6. What a wonderful final entry you have given us for Tracey's theme at Art Journal Journey. It's a real beauty and I like how you framed the two people. That's a beautiful quote, too.

    I never see fungi here, but you certainly have it in your area. Like you, I also saw a snail in that tree.

    Happy birthday to your daughter today dear Erika. I'm sure she's having fun in Utah right now.

  7. Nice page. I like your gelli print. Lots of interesting things to see on your walk. The mushroom with the flat top and fringe around the edge looks like a tea table. The flowers with the dark purple berries are pokeweed. I'm not sure what I see in the tree. I don't see the screaming snail head. I do see some sort of a wraith like the Ghost of Christmas past. Happy Birthday to your daughter. 💐🎂Stay warm and dry today.

  8. Those photos are so beautiful..I enjoy both the texture and the colour.

  9. yes, Erika, I too am sad that October is ending this weekend and wonder where did the month go? Thanks for the comment on my foliage post that the colors were not as spectacular in your area as well. Regardless you did capture some nice images of mushrooms, which I saw so many of on recent walks in the woods. Birthday congrats to you daughter as well and, of course, the parents are not again at all.

  10. Wow Erika, this is a brilliant page. The gelli print background is fabulous and I love how you framed the couple. It's a great entry for Tracey's theme at AJJ, hugs, Chrisx

  11. Beautiful art and photography Erika! I love the fungi!
    Happy Sunday,

  12. I feel the same, sad that October is ending. However I do not find your page bottom heavy at all. I think the gelli print has enough going on to hold its own in the other parts of the page. I do like the photo in the frame and how you offset it with the bric brac and the leaf in red.
    The photographs are fabulous, I love seeing all the fungi that you have over in the States, I assume it is different to what we have, never seen anything like that pink one - only seen white/creamy ones. Never heard of milkweed before never mind seen it with the seeds - fascinating to me.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  13. I'm sad October is coming to an end i've loved spending my creative October with you all @ AJJ. There's nothing like the beauty of fall says it all, just look at those amazing fungi and fallen leaves. Your page celebrates a collaboration shared by that wonderful framed couple. It's perfect Erika.
    Nature is a precious and most beautiful thing and i'm so happy to have arty buddies like yourself to share and care for it all just as I do. Thank YOU.
    Happy Halloween Hugs Tracey xx

  14. I don't know which I love most -- your art or the gorgeous October photos. Both are a win!

    Happy Birthday to your daughter. Have a wonderful day -- even if you already did the celebration!

  15. Love your background and those gorgeous golden leaves. I'm a bit sad about October being over too. I've been trying to get out to take photos of my maple tree before it loses all its leaves, there are more on the ground than on the tree right now. Happy 30th to your daughter, sounds like a great trip she is going on. Happy Halloween! Elle/EOTC xx

  16. Erika this is an amazing piece of art and the photos are excellent. You have a good eye.

  17. 2 birthdays in a row! Tough but still magical. Love these art creations. Your photos are also excellent with the fall colours and all the mushrooms

  18. The fall of the year is perfect for a woodland walk. Your colors there are lovely!


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