Monday, November 8, 2021

T Stands for Exciting News

 Hi everyone. Happy  new week. 

Tuesday has come around again, and it is time once again for T. Stop by Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog   to see what the T gang has been up to.

Last week we had some exciting news in my family. 

My daughter and her beau  got engaged. 😀

Katie and Zach had gone on a vacation to Utah to do some hiking at some National Parks last week. While at Zion National Park, on a big hike, he proposed. I had a suspicion he might ask her to marry him on her birthday, only because when they were at our house celebrating birthdays before they left, Zach casually said he had a gift for her he was bringing on the trip.  I don't think anyone else caught on, and I didn't say anything, but my thought was, it must be small enough to fit in your carry on backpack or your suitcase.  Hmmm. I wonder what can be that small? A piece of jewelry perhaps?

Katie's 30th birthday came and went with no announcement, so I assumed I was on the wrong train of thought. I was walking with my friend on the engagement day, and we even talked about how they were flying home by was of Los Vegas and how I hoped they didn't elope while in the city. When she called to tell me the news, my friend and I were having lunch.   I said hello and immediately explained I was at lunch and couldn't really talk then. She said OK and hung up. I had no clue she was going to tell me she was engaged. Boy did I mess that up.

I asked my daughter later why she didn't interrupt me at lunch, which she is very good at, to tell me the news. She knows my friend also, so it's not like my friend would have been upset hearing that information.  Instead  I had to wait a couple of hours to find out, and instead she phoned my husband and he got the news first. That made him very happy, but he's not good at secrets, so he said all he wanted to do all afternoon was call and tell me. But luckily he didn't.

She's very happy and that is what is important. And of course Zach is too, which is also important.

I had a glass of water with my lunch when she first phoned, and I didn't even photograph that. A few weeks earlier though, after another walk, my friend and I had a late lunch and splurged on these pumpkin martinis, which were quite decadent and delicious. This seems an appropriate drink to raise my glass  as a toast to the newly engaged couple.

And it works for T day over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog too.

I won't be here for T next week as I am going to be away. Let me wish you all a wonderful next 2 weeks, as well as a happy T day. 

Thanks for visiting my blog!


  1. Oh how very exciting, and what a story! Congratulations all around Erika!!
    Maybe you remember our son also took a ring on a trip out west with some of Kyra's family and proposed at a park out west- albeit in Canada;) Will look forward to hearing about wedding plans as your daughter proceeds for her future.
    That pumpkin martini sounds so good...
    Happy travels wherever you go, looking forward to hearing about your adventure upon your return. happy T day!

  2. Congratulations for your daughter and her finace-how exciting too-proposing on a hike-love that
    Your pumpkin martini looks delicious Happy T wishes hugs Kathy

  3. CONGRATULATIONS to your daughter and the whole family!

  4. Great post! She does look very happy, your daughter :-)
    It must be some great feeling (we just decided to marry for in case I die first, sooooo romantic, huh? (we´re been together nearly 20 years when my Mum died and left me a condo, the state takes a lot of money if you pass it on unless you are married, hence...)).

  5. Congratulations to your daughter and her beau Erika! Great news!
    Happy T-Day!

  6. I am so happy for you and her daughter, how wonderful! I wish them both lots of luck and happiness! Your drink in that beautiful glass really looks decadent, cheers! Happy T day, hugs, Valerie

  7. Yay for your daugther. I am excited for you all! Such fun news.

    The pictures are really fun!

    Love your pumpkin drink - sounds fabulous. I would get it for sure!

    Fun post, Erika! happy T-day hugz.

  8. Congrats to your daughter and future son in law! How exciting, looks like a great trip they are on too. The pumpkin martini sounds very interesting, I can't imagine how it tastes. Happy T Day Elle/EOTC xx

  9. Best wishes to the happy couple. That martini looks delicious. Didn’t get your email, wondering if you have correct email address?/

  10. I'm raising a glass (well, actually a coffee cup lol) to toast the engagement. May the future continue to bring them joy :)

    Happy T Tuesday

  11. Congratulations to your daughter!!! She does look very happy in the photo. How romantic to propose on a hike in Zion - the hikes there are quite strenuous! I love the pictures with the wonderful red rock in the background. - Your pumpkin martini looks delicious, we call them pumpkintini and we used to have lots of them at Thanksgivings in the past. It's actually not such a good idea to have more than one or two...

  12. Congratulations to the happy coup;e. So glad they are finally going to "tie the knot." I know you are excited, too. Really thrilled for you, dear. I think that martini is the perfect drink to celebrate this special occasion. Thanks for sharing this great news and your drink with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  13. Best wishes to your daughter and her Fiancé. Happy News and Happy T Day!

  14. How exciting that your daughter is engaged! Now you get to think about wedding plans!!!
    Enjoy your time away.
    Happy Tea Day,

  15. Many congratulations to the happy couple.

    Your pumpkin martini looks rather nice :)

    All the best Jan

  16. Wow! What exciting news. I am surprised she didn't burst with the news even after you said you were out with a friend. Happy engagement to all of you! :)
    Happy t day.

  17. What wonderful news, Congratulations to your Daughter and Zach. Looks like he picked a nice spot to propose, fabulous photo.
    The pumpkin martini looks delicious, a great way to end a girly lunch.
    Avril xx

  18. That is happy, exciting news. And I chuckled about how you found out about it.

  19. What a wonderful 'good news' post. I must say it's the kind of thing I do - in fact if my children ring during a meal time I don't answer!
    I do ring back straight afterwards though. Congrats to the happy couple. Belated Happy T Day Chrisx

  20. That's just the best news ever! They're a darling couple and those smiles say it all! Yes, you blew that one -- but maybe not! The anticipation would be worth it! I'm delighted for your whole family!


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