Sunday, December 5, 2021

Door Men

 Hi everyone. I hope your weekend is going well.

 My daughter is visiting this weekend. I haven't seen her since late October (although we chat so often it surprises me its been that long), and she now has a new ring to show off. She just got her engagement ring back from having it sized, and I was excited to see it. 

She and her Dad also went shopping yesterday to get me something I don't know about for Christmas. I  know I am getting another (bee) hive for Christmas so come summer I can have 2. When the hubby asked me what I wanted for Christmas I told him he could  get me another hive.  He must have ordered one because when they arrived, we had been out and were just coming home and he teased me about what I "now" bought in such big boxes that were sitting in front of the garage. Smile. Nope, the boxes were for him.

I was a little worried about him going out shopping in the crowds on a weekend with him being immune suppressed  because right now New Hampshire has the dubious distinction of having the highest covid rate in the nation. And we don't even have a big population, as we are #42 (in population) out of the 50 states.  Not good! I just wish our state government was doing more to get people to wear masks. My husband is fully vaccinated, but being immune suppressed  who knows how effective the vaccines are. I do know he always wears a mask though.

I would certainly rather have him healthy than get a Christmas gift that he bought and caught covid while doing so.

Enough about those things. I am posting because I want to share another page for Valerie's When One Door Opens Another One Closes challenge at Art Journal Journey. I had spent some time thinking about doors, and one thing I thought of was how fancy hotels and some big city apartment buildings have a doorman.

So I created door men.

My first  attempt didn't work, but the door men did, so I cut them out of the page. You can see the blue edge around them. This time I spray painted and inked a piece of watercolor paper and then stamped the fun letter background stamp randomly around the page.  I also added some paper tape (that is really not crooked but my photo is). Then I attached my 3 door men. They are made using a door I drew, colored and fussy cut as well as using parts from a TH person. I had a couple of doors I didn't add people to, and I decided to use them on the page also.

One thing I am having a hard time doing is finding quotes that refer to doors (I will look online I think). However, I had a couple of small unmounted stamps in a bin, and low and behold, this definition one seemed perfect for this page. I added it 3 times because that arrangement looked best on the page.

There you have it. 

I hope all is well with you and you are enjoying your weekend.


  1. Erika, I LOVE your doormen, what a fabulous take on the challenge theme! Thanks so much for making this wonderful page! Abd a new bee hive sounds exciting! Have a great weekend with your daughter and her new ring! Hugs, Valerie

  2. The door men look kinda cute and fun. Haven't been out for a the situation is even getting worse online shopping is much safer and easier.

  3. "Doormen"! What a clever idea :)

    I'm excited about your new hive. I look forward to photos of it set up when the time comes.

  4. Erica you are so cleaver with the doormen. I absolutely love this! Yay more bees, so much fun for you and I get to see all the photos. I agree with you about covid. Anti maskers and vaxers make it difficult for the rest of us. Have a really great day today.

  5. It would be good if all the states issued a mask mandate and the population didn't whine about having to wear a mask. Very clever take on Doormen. Up and down weather this week. I'm not looking forward to Wednesday

  6. Your doormen are terrific! A new hive for Christmas? How lucky can you get? That's much better than a blouse that doesn't fit or you don't like. And think of all the extra honey you will have. Hugs, David

  7. Good morning Erika, your page is too awesome-I love it and very fun. hugs

  8. What a fun idea 😃 Doormen are well known as strikt at doors but these are nice and friendly looking.
    It's quite busy time already and omikron is causing new worries... We are celebrating our independence day tomorrow and it's holiday. First cold weather warnings have been given all over the country. Here it's 14 C, in Lapland even 40-35 C 🥶.
    I wish you have great time with your daughter, and happy new week ahead 😘👍

  9. Hopefully, you will find a nice surprise under the tree on Christmas Day from your husband. And I can certainly understand your concern about him being out in public these days with underlying health issues.

  10. What a clever way to think outside the box (or door!). It's perfect for Valerie's theme at AJJ.

    I hope all is well and your husband doesn't get sick from shopping. Hope he's had his booster.

  11. I know what you mean about mask wearing - we now have new rules and have to wear masks in shops, shopping malls, hairdressers, pharmacies, vets, takeaway outlets and all public transport. It feels such a relief. I howled at your doormen- what an absolutely brilliant page for Valerie's AJJ theme, hugs,Chrisx

  12. How fun to see your daughter, her ring and all! That's a big happy! And I hope you have a new hive! That would be exciting.

    Good wishes for your husband. Michigan is right with you on the top of the list -- honors we'd rather not have. Our little guy (the four-year-old) just tested positive for Covid. We're holding our breath it isn't a bad case. Take care.

  13. Those door men look real fun Erika, we need some humour in our world just now. A great inspiration for Valerie's Ajj theme.
    I hope all our countries set rules on mask wearing, I notice on TV how many over here wear them as chin warmers, where is their thoughts about other people feeling safe.
    Yvonne xx

  14. I wish your state would make it mandatory to wear masks in shops and such like. I dread to think what this new variant can do and as someone classed as extremely vulnerable I feel the need to be extra careful. Sadly that means my partner also has to curtail his outings too so I can understand your worry about your husband going shopping for you.
    Love your page and what a great way to take Valerie's theme at AJJ. I always enjoy seeing films where the big hotels in London have doormen in uniform and always wish `i could stay in one of them.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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