Thursday, December 2, 2021


 Hi everyone.

Happy Thursday. Another week is flying right by, isn't it?

Today I have 2 art journal pages to share with you. One is for for Valerie's challenge at Art Journal Journey and the other is for Second on the Second over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.

This month the new ART JOURNALING  challenge at AJJ is When One Door Opens Another One Closes.

I call this page What Goes On Behind Closed Doors. It is my new page to share.

I used a stencil and some light modeling paste to create a bit of texture in the background. Then I used a few colors of spray paint.

I found the doors in an Art By Marlene punch out booklet. I glued them down in the middle of the page. I also found the rainbow image and added that. Of course we want everything going on behind closed doors to be good. I added the gold metallic paper sun to the rainbow just to make sure all is good, and of course the sun adds lots of warmth also.

I added some white paper trim as a place for the doors to sit, as well as a few small plastic pearls too. Then I stamped the keys underneath for a bit of interest. I also stamped the quote on the top of the page. 

Finally I stitched the border around the page. That didn't completely show up in the top photo. In this next view you can see it better. At least some of it is easier to see. 

Don't forget we only accept art journal pages of any size. No cards, tags, ATC's or dimensional art please.

And here is my second look.

This is a spread from a journal I made in 2018. Here is the link to the original post: Merry Christmas. Noticed I picked a couple of pages with lots of doors.

This was a great journal  for the holidays because I made the whole journal in advance, leaving spaces to write in my daily story.  I could even sit on the couch, watch TV and fill it in. I'm going to try to remember this for next year because it would be a good November project. 

I hope your week is going well. No complaints about my week. So far it's been relatively quiet, as I've been busy putting out holiday decorations, making art, and reading. I did get to see some friends last night, which was great as it's been close to a month since I've seen any  friends. Hopefully my walking friend Jo and I can get back into a weekly walking routine. With my trip and the Thanksgiving holiday, it's been several weeks since we've been able to do that.  Today we have rain, which did start off as snow. It's just a dark dreary morning as I write this.

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.


  1. HI Erika, I love your pages with the doors, so beautiful. Fantastic colours, too, and a great idea. I'm thinking about what goes on behind those doors! And your 2nd on the 2nd page is great, and it has doors, that's great. Your ideas for a Christmas journal are good. One day you could make a photo of all the albums you've created! Have a great day, I'm off to art group in half an hour! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Those are both really lovely journal pages. Funny that both of them have doors...
    I haven't got my decorations out yet. They are hidden away in the garage from when we moved to Spain. We have always gone to my mum in Holland for Christmas so it will be a surprise to see what we have actually got. I know we have a tree (artificial) , lights and baubles. Those are the most important things. Hubby will find all the stuff before he goes into hospital (no date yet but we are seeing the surgeon tomorrow morning, which means it wont be long.)
    Happy 2nd of the 2nd,

  3. Those are really lovely journal pages. Funny that both have doors in them.
    I haven't got any decorations up yet. We Dutch don't do that traditionally until after Sinterklaas (5th of Dec). I have some stuff put away in the garage. We brought it over from England when we moved here in 2010. We have always gone to my mum in Holland to celebrate Christmas, so I have never decorated this house. I know we have a tree (artificial) and baubles. Whatever else we have is a surprise. We'll see.
    Anyway I want to put the decorations up before my hubby goes into hospital. We are seeing the surgeon tomorrow so it won't be long.
    Happy 2nd on the 2nd,

  4. This is a beautiful journal page with doors on the subject! Great the other one from 2018, have fun writing in it!
    Have a beautiful Christmas time, hugs, Elke

  5. Both of your projects are absolutely beautiful! I love them both!

  6. I love your doors page, those doors by AwM are fabulous, but then I love all her stamps and stickers. They sit so well on that background you created and the arch over the top with the beautiful sun is the perfect touch.
    You cityscape is lovely too, I do like the different buildings (not really city is itm but `I like the word LOL. Some beautiful buildings there and all lit ip and Christmassy.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  7. Good morning, very cool page for Valerie's theme
    happy thursday-hugs

  8. Fabulous journal page and spread. Both are so clever and both share the concept of doors, which I am finally starting to appreciate. I love how you sewed on your page. Somehow, I think that elevates a page. Thanks for this great and inspiring entry for Valerie's theme at AJJ.

    I really LOVE the houses all lined in a row for your second look. I see Christmas is almost there in that book. Smart to make it ahead. If only I could get ahead (grin). Thanks for this great second look on the 2nd, dear.

  9. Forgot to mention, my house is decorated, or as much as I choose to do so this year. I really love your tree and wish I had room for one that size at my home.

  10. I'm focused on the background lol, but it's perfect behind that door arrangement. It kinda reminds me of city windows.

  11. I like the idea of a November project to make a holiday journal in advance Erika, I wish I had made one now! Love all the little houses. Elle/EOTC xx

  12. I like both of these. I hope your weather has remained nice.

  13. Love this page. Also fantastic mittens. Great Christmas tree. And that pomegranate sangria yum!!

  14. These are both delightful but I especially love the spread. So pretty!

  15. Love this take on the Door challenge Erika, it's fabulous a man d the Christmas door pages look so festive.
    Have a good weekend. Avril xx

  16. I love those doors Erika! Great page!

  17. I love your shiny new page, that rainbow and sun sure are looking down on your door. I love the contrast with your second look page. Hope you can get back to your walks soon, hugs,

  18. A fantastic page Erika, I would have difficulty choosing one door to look behind, choice is a wonderful thing. Great inspiration for Valerie's theme.
    Yvonne xx


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