Friday, December 17, 2021

Holiday Whimsy Part 2

 Hi everyone. Happy Friday and almost weekend to you.

Yesterday it was cloudy but so warm it felt like spring. Tomorrow we are predicted to get 4-8 inches (10-20 cm) of snow. At least  with the  snow it might feel more like December, even though it was really nice to have some spring weather. 

Today I have a page for Valerie's When One Door Opens Another One Closes challenge at Art Journal Journey.

My page today is a bit of whimsy and holiday playfulness.

I started by painting my page with watercolor blue paint. Then I added some water color purple splatters just for fun.

I drew in the line to define the land, and then I used white acrylic pant to make it snowy. It probably isn't good for my brush, but I smooshed it to get that bit of snow texture you can see.  I also like how the white picked up just a tag bit of the blue from the watercolor. I like how it gives the white snow just a little more depth.

The striped house was cut out of a sheet of paper that I had saved because I liked the stripes. It originally came in a package of letter stickers. It was only as wide  as the house is. I drew, colored and fussy cut the door and windows on some white paper and then glued them down on my house. I put some clear drying glue over the windows to represent their glass.

My first thought was to approached this as a gingerbread house, so I used white paint to act like the white frosting you would find holding a gingerbread house together. 

Then I wasn't sure I wanted it to be a gingerbread house.  I decided to use a couple of  fun Janet Klein stamps. I stamped and colored them on white paper before fussy cutting them out and adding them to my page. I think these ladies live in a striped playful house full of youthful charm. 

I also added a few of these little "sprinkle" looking bits of crafting confetti to a couple of the trees. If I was going whimsy, I might as well play up the colors.  I then stamped the quote to finish up my page. 

I'm having fun making houses and doors for this month's challenge. Thanks Valerie for picking this topic. 

That's it for me today. I hope you are having a wonderful Friday and start to the weekend.


  1. Hi Erika, your page put a big smile on my face, thanks! Your Christmassy house is fabulous, and I love the fun figures you have gathered in front of it, especially the one with the tree-hat, too funny! Glad you had a day with milder temperatures. We had a relatively mild week, too, but ice and snow are evidently in the plan for next week. I'm having a stay-home-and-rest day, I have a lot of pains today. Hope your day will be good, hugs, Valerie

  2. A wonderful whimsical page Erika.
    In answer to your question on my hiking post, we had to walk in some snow where the path was covered, a bit tricky when you don't know how deep it is. We managed to follow others footsteps. It was a hot sunny late spring day, and a few people about up there.
    By the way, I finished The Other Bennet Girl book, it was really good.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  3. I thought gingerbread house when I saw your page. I like the fact you didn't use traditional colors. Yesterday, the weather dudes were saying a dusting and today we're expecting 2-4 inches with maybe sleet and freezing rain. Deep sigh. Forlorn look. Hopefully, no such weather next Sunday when the Eldest is supposed to arrive. Enjoy your day!

  4. It's always a shock when you go from warm to bitterly cold weather. In the last two weeks we've had record highs during the day to bitterly cold and windy weather. Yesterday the wind was nearly unbearable, but it was almost hot out. I hope you are ready for the snow. I'm not ready for it here. BTW, yesterday's winds topped out at 86 mph.

    I love your cute house, I also thought it was gingerbread till I read what you wrote, I love the trees and the little girl with the tree on her head. So cute and so clever. That house is amazing the way you glammed it up. The added details are so sweet and very well done. This is a real favorite for me. It's also a fabulous take on Valerie's theme, too. I think you did a great job.

  5. So festive and beautiful..I love the holiday spirit in this page.

  6. What a lovely, happy page you are sharing with us. I love the JK figures too - yes, I am sure those two live in your stripey house. Love the snow effect you got, perhaps you can save that brush for that technique in future if it is a bit damaged now. It's so lovely to see texture.
    Hugs, Neetxx

  7. Yes, a gingerbread house comes to mind! I´m curious what they´ll show at "Die Maus" on Sunday!

  8. Very whimsical and very fun! Love the characters!!!! Cute, cute, cute. Hugz

  9. I love the colors! We had that same weather. Then the wind came -- and some snow. Not a lot. But still -- snow.

  10. This is aa fantastic page Erika and I love how you used those delightful figures and little trees. A great page for Valeries theme.
    Yvonne xx


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