Friday, January 14, 2022

Friday Art

 Hi everyone. This work week  in New Hampshire is ending warmer than is was on Monday and Tuesday. It is still winter chilly today, but not Arctic freezing-hurrah for that. But like most weeks, this one flew right by.

And we did have a day when it felt like early spring and I could go for a beach walk.  Happiness for sure. 

However the extreme cold is due back tonight and tomorrow too. They're saying with wind chills it will feel like its -15 to -25 degrees. (-26 to -31 degrees C). And then we have some snow turning to ice or maybe rain coming in for Sunday night and Monday. Yes, it is winter. Sounds like there might be a lot of art time open in the next few days if the forecast holds true. 

 I do have some  some art to share today. I'll start with this tag for Wendy's challenge at Tag Tuesday. The new challenge is Use Fabric On It.

This is one thing I have managed to make and finish in the past few days.

I hope the blue and white vintage cloth trim at the bottom works for the challenge.

I used pink and brown ink on my  background, and then added these 2 paper die cut gears as well as this chipboard chess piece from my stash.  I think I went a little crazy with all the paint pen dots too.

I added the TH man and on the back of the tag I added a bit of metallic paper trim. I added it to the back so just the tips would peak out along the bottom of the tag, and my cloth trim wouldn't have to compete with it.

My other art piece today is a journal page for my Let's Face It Challenge at Art Journal Journey. I made this page awhile back in preparation for the challenge. I thought this would be a good page to share today as it also has some cloth trim along the bottom.

Plus it has a hint of spring with the bunny. Since we are smack dab down in real winter weather a hint of spring is always welcome.

There's actually a lot going on on this page, including painting, stenciling, doodling, messy scribbling,  fussy cutting out some printed paper, as well as die cutting. 

The quote is a very old Penny Black rubber stamp from my stash.

That's all for me. 
I hope you've had a nice week so far and have a wonderful ( and hopefully warm) weekend ahead. 


  1. I for sure will never visit you in winter!
    Great tag, but, ohhhh, the bunny and the thought of Spring!
    To a happy day!

  2. Good morning Erika, we have enjoyed spring like weather for most of this week but the weather is turning later today-colder and Missouri is getting snow not sure how much we are getting.
    I love your tag, and I really love our journal page too.
    stay warm and enjoy making art-hugs Happy Friday

  3. When I got up early -- still dark -- I saw a bunny in the driveway! It's the second one I've seen since the first of the year (I count rabbits) and it felt like a good start! Our snow isn't deep and there's still enough poking out I suppose they can find something to eat. I hope so.

  4. I like the blue lace trim at the bottom. Cute bunny too. I hope it's not too long before I see the bunnies in the yard again. Nasty weather for the whole weekend. I hope we don't get too much snow. Stay warm!

  5. Cold weather is on its way here too, Erika. In fact it's already here. Right now it's minus 7 degree C, feeling like minus 14 and the temperature is going down during the day. Overnight it is predicted to be minus 21. Come on over; I'll make soup. The next couple of days look like 'hunker down inside days", so a pot of soup seems pretty appealing. Hugs, David

  6. Both pieces are fantastic! The tab is fabulous, thanks so much for linking to Tag Tuesday. The journal age is great with its hint of spring, we all need that just now! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  7. I love your tag and pagee Erika! It's been a cold and frosty week here, but keeping just above 0 degs.
    Hope you have a good weekend,

  8. They're predicting snow for here, too, but I'll believe it when I see it lol

  9. Yes, it is winter here in New England but with more cold than snow, so far, Erika. I suspect your area may have had a bit more than we have in Nashua, but we are also forecast to get some wintry mix late Sunday into Monday a.m. which isn't welcome as I have an early a.m. dental appointment. To answer your question about what floor we live on, it's the 5th, which is the top floor here in the mill apts.

  10. Woke to a very frosty garden this morning so your lovely page with the hare and the pink is most welcome with me. A lovely page that conveys to us that spring is around the corner.
    Hugs Neet (sore eye can't spend time on computer) xx

  11. Another happy page Erika - even with your low temps. Love the tag too, Hugs, Chrisx

  12. A great page Erika to bring a smile as it looks so happy and promises of better weather when spring arrives. Its a fantastic tag as well.
    Stay safe
    Yvonne xx

  13. gorgeous tag and journal page! thank you for joining our challenge at tag tuesday! xo

  14. A lovely cheerful page and tag Erika, thank you for sharing with us on Tag Tuesday.

  15. Stay warm, Erika. Super cool tag and the AJ page is very fun with the bunting and bunny (such a happy feel). It is cold here too and fun to think of Spring. Hugz

  16. I thought I was caught up, but I see I am not. LOVE the tag. The ciurcle inside the gear reminds me of crochet. And of course, I love the hare/bunny and the rows of bunting which signals spring. That's a great face and a wonderful belief that spring will be here soon. Thanks for this fun entry using your theme at AJJ.


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