Sunday, January 9, 2022

Happy New Week

 Hi everyone. Welcome to the end of the weekend or start to the new week, depending on when you read this post. 

Winter has really arrived in New Hampshire. We had about 4 inches (10 cm) of snow on Friday, some "mixed" precipitation today, and the weather people are saying that this week the very cold will be arriving, with temperatures of about 4 degrees Fahrenheit Tuesday (about -17 degrees C). Brrr.

Since it's been a quiet weekend, not much is new, but I want to share another page for my Let's Face It challenge at Art Journal Journey.

Today's page's background is made with some torn and collaged Gelli printed deli paper and also some printed tissue paper.

The faces are cut from a high fashion magazine that I picked up from my MIL's  trash pile last fall.  The tag was sitting on my work table as it is the inside of the frame I used the other day for my mirror post. The quote (from my stash) looked lost on it when I left it plain so I doodled in some details.

That's all for me. I've been doing some shoveling, catching up with a long time friend on the phone and watching some football with the hubby (on TV), as well as a few other creative tasks this weekend. I must say it is nice to more or less hibernate in this winter weather.

I hope you have a great start to the new week and you had a nice weekend. 
Thanks for visiting. 


  1. How fun you are making an apple crisp too-we are liking these more than pies now. great art page Erika Happy new week hugs Kathy

  2. You too have a wonderful week ahead, Erika. Stay warm!

  3. Hibernation sounds great! Love your new journal page. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie
    Sorry for short comments just now, my fingers are bad!

  4. -17C?!!!!! Owww!

    Oh. Sometimes I have a thought, leave the room and the thought is gone!

    Yay for catching up!
    Shoot. Forgot that College Football was on German TV yesterday. Sad I missed it.

    So... to a great new week!

  5. It's pretty cold here too, Erika. This morning when I took the recycling to the kerb it was minus twenty. Since that was about fifteen minutes ago, no doubt it is still minus twenty! And it snowed overnight, so I will have to shovel my driveway. Wanna come and help? I'll give you hot coffee with a shot of Baileys when we're done! Hugs, David

  6. Our low last night was 24 and last week's snow didn't even last a day and the official measurement was 1/4" lol I still think it's cold here ;)

    Edith Wharton was a great writer. I enjoy her work.

  7. A gorgeous page Erika, great quote and I love the faces!
    I can't imagine 4degsF, it's around 5 degsC here, and that's bad enough. Keep warm and have a good start to the week!

  8. We're in the same cold spell you are. Not as much snow but more is predicted -- it always is!

  9. It was a quiet weekend here too, I love this page Erika - the faces sit well on your gelli print background! Fabulous quote!
    Telephone calls and watching TV are great snowy day activities!
    Take care, Hugs, Chrisx

  10. Well this is very pretty. Yes, you have some weather for sure. Stay inside where it is warm and create.

  11. This is a wonderful Art journal page Erika! Love the printing with gelli. The colours are very cheerful, and the faces are very pretty.
    I am very happy that you can enjoy winter, here our winter is somewhat warmer, although today it was cold (for me it is cold haha, for others not) about 15ºC.
    Have a nice week, big hugs,

  12. Touch wood we have had no snow as yet, only a sprinkling which is quickly gone. February tends to be our worst month for snow so we are well stocked up just in case. Bet you are glad you do not have to get up and go out to work these days.
    Another great page you have made to inspire us with your theme over at AJJ. I like the way you have built up the background with the Gelli paper and overlay of tissue. I especially like the bit with the butterfly on it, it sits well with the three lovely faces you have cut out.
    Hugs Neet xx

  13. A fantastic page Erika with a great set of face images that you collaged together. I hope your snow doesn't get to deep.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx


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