Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Little Faces Journal

 Hi everyone.

Today I have some art to share with your for my Let's Face It challenge at Art Journal Journey.

Months ago I received a "free" little disc bound journal when I placed an order on This journal had been sitting in a pile on my work table waiting to be used. It is small (only 4 inches by 4 inches), and I'm still not sure about how well these disc bound journals actually stay held together. With the new year I want some new challenges so I decided to give it a try.

One thing I decided  before I started (this project) was that I was going to use only "cute and playful" face images in it (like those fun Janet Klein stamps). I was also not going to use  quotes, but only a word or phrase that the face represented to me. 

Most of the pages that came in this mini-journal are made of white watercolor paper, but a few are black watercolor paper. I started with the ones that were white and watercolored the background. Then I added the images, and on many, a few other bits and pieces to give the page more depth and texture.

Here's a few today, and I'll share more another time.

I thought the background on this first one looked like a forest, so I added this man's image. I drew in the design on the sweater body, the  jeans and also his arms. I added the owl and a few green little foamy dots for some texture on my page. I don't know what stained his face so that my marker wouldn't color over it. Perhaps it is a scar from a run in with a wild animal or perhaps he is sad that nature is being so overrun by people and their development.

I stuck with an owl in this next little page (above) too.  

I must say I love this page on black paper (above). I don't know what she is cheering about, but I want to cheer about it too. I stamped an image with white ink on the background and after I added the cheerleader, I used a paint pen to create lots of dots.

This next page has an image from Janet Klein. It is her cartoon image of Bud Abbott from the Abbott and Costello duo. I kept him as a comedian, as that is what he did best. I did add scraps of tissue paper and some dimensional "dots" and stars around him.

And the little devil in the  page below made me think she wanted her own way.

Here is another  page with a black background.  Besides my partial girl, I used  green tissue paper, rubbed on gold paint, as well as this acetate cat image that was in my stash.

And finally, one more page for today.

On the background, I stenciled in the black squares and rectangles. I also doodled the heart and dots with paint pens. Then I added a few bits of Japanese text. This lady looks well put together as well as being relaxed and calm.  I wondered if she wasn't a well seasoned traveler she might be a librarian.

I'll share more on Friday.

It's the middle of the week once again. I hope your week is going well.
And as always, thanks for visiting.


  1. Such fun faces. Spoiled made me laugh. I'm glad the days of the terrible twos are long gone. Enjoy the heatwave today

  2. You are a very talented artist, Erika. These are some really fun faces, I really enjoy them.

  3. All of these are fabulous. Well done indeed.

  4. What a fabulous inspiration, Erika! Your pages are stunning! Hugs, my friend.

  5. What a fabulous journal- it looks as though you really enjoyed making the pages. A super idea that works so well at AJJ for your theme, hugs, Chrisx dď

  6. Love The Owl - Hope You Are Staying Warm Out There On The East Coast - Been Thinking About You And Those Pets - Be Well


  7. Ohhh, wonderful gift you got and what you did with it!
    The first could be my maternal Grandfather, I think.
    He died when my Mum was still very little, but she described him like this.
    He escaped from the Russians and came home with a long read beard and my Mum ran away in fear, not recognizing him. But she said he was a kind man.
    I love owls, maybe there is a connection after all.

    The second is very, very cute, too.

    And the third, YAYYYY.

    The fourth... hm? No idea, unknown in Germany?

    The fifth. Clearly Little Niece. I got to hear her on the phone just yesterday - my Brother was on! A little devil, she would love this piece of art (but I don´t want to encourage her!).

    The next could be my Big Niece, oh, thank you for this journey! Their cat is named Pepper.

    And yes. To travels!! I feel like propping up my original Japanese brolly my Dad presented me with in the 70´s (it´s right in this room).

    Thank you, this was a fun post!

  8. A fabulous set of journal pages Erika, I love the ones you created for the small sized one. great inspiration for your AJJ theme.
    Yvonne xx

  9. I am sure you knew, when you created th4ese, that i would be a fan. Love them all. And what a great way to use a small journal.
    Love the backgrounds, the faces and the words are just perfect in each one of them.
    Happy Hugs, Neet xx

  10. I normally HATE seeing comment moderation, but it is good when I'm as far behind as I am visiting. My sincere apologies for not being by sooner. At least I know you have to approve (or not) my comments, so you know I was here.

    I have one of those little ring books. I like that if I want to remove a page and sew on it, I can. My pages are larger than yours and mine are black. It even came with several stencils and two gel pens. It all fits nicely into its own container. I've only used it once. I look forward to seeing how you use yours.

    Each of these pages is unique. I see there are a LOT of those Janet Klein dolls. I had no idea there were so many, but I saw tons on Neet's blog from last week. I like how you used the Bud Abbot doll.

    You put a LOT of work into all of these. I am so impressed because they are not just very well done, they took a lot of time to create. They also worked perfectly for your theme at AJJ, too. Great job, dear.


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!