Friday, January 21, 2022

More Little Faces Journal

 Hi everyone. It's just about the weekend-again. Hope your week has been going well.

Today I am want to share a few more faces from my little face journal with you. If you missed part 1 and are curious, here's a link to it: Little Faces Part 1.

I am also linking up the latest challenge at Art Journal Journey, which happens to be Let's Face It.

As mentioned in my Wednesday post, these pages are 4x4 inches in size. The white watercolor pages all began by being colored with some watercolor paints.

Here's my cover page. I painted the black paper in a messy way to give it a bit of texture.

I also added this chipboard snow flake and some  tiny white plastic gemstones.

In the above photo, my light blue marker (from the glasses and her bow) look white here, but rest assured they are light blue.  I used some assorted acrylic bits and pieces to finish off the page. I thought that maybe she was dreaming of a warm beach on a cold January day.

I used a Janet Klein image of Salvador Dali. I don't know if he was a diva or not, but in my piece he is, and he is standing behind a very un-Dali like picket fence.

She doesn't look very dressed for snow, does she? But with that golden blonde hair and her  outfit she looks like wants to be cute more than she wants to be warm. At least she is wearing a hat!

These twins are also Janet Klein images. They are supposed to be Twiddle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum from Alice and Wonderland. I turned them into just 2 rambunctious boys with glasses and with lots of their toy balls bouncing around the background.

And here's a couple of pages with black backgrounds.

And finally for my last page today, I used a head from my funky fossil set twice, but gave her two different bodies. I like to think she is looking in the mirror at the store after having tried on each outfit.

That's all for me today.

Have a great start to your weekend. Enjoy.


  1. Your little images are very expressive and cute, especially Dali!

    best... mae at

  2. Good morning Erika, sooo adorable! love this journal and pages hugs Kathy

  3. OMGosh these are all spectacular. As I scroll, I think oh this one is my favorite then the next one appears, and I think the same thing. All of this are my favorites today. Have a great day.

  4. Gorgeous pages Erika, I love those little characters!
    Have a great weekend.

  5. I love Dreamer's glasses and how she peeks up over them. I love your backgrounds!

  6. Wow, such great face pages! It looks like you had so much fun creating them too and all the different facial expressions are so inspirational 😁. Take care and Happy January! Hugs Jo x

  7. Love them all - very talented!! Following you now! HUGS! Annster's Domain

  8. Absolutely all of these make me smile!

  9. Awwww, they are all soooo cute!.
    Would you mind if I print them for a gallery in the little hall here?
    (Once "Corinna" calmed down) - a no I´ll accept, of course.

  10. What cute works of art, it's a pleasure to look at them! Happy weekend to you too, hugs Elke

  11. It looks like you are having a lot of fun creating these fantastic small pages Erika, They made me smile. Inspiring for your AJJ theme.
    Yvonne xx

  12. I had this post on my screen when my friend Scott stopped by. He opened the new ROKU I paid for and set it up for me. We played with it all night and he left just in time to get to work this morning in another town about an hour from Wichita, where he is now living.

    I especially LOVE your Dali, but the twins are great and so are the two sisters. You have some really clever ideas for this small book you have created. I am in awe of all the coloring and work you have put into this. It's absolutely brilliant and perfect for your theme at AJJ.

  13. There is something about a square journal that I like. I always enjoyed creating in mine but now it is full and I need to use a black one or buy another.
    Love your pages, all those little characters, some of which I recognise but the way you have used them is fun!
    Great pages Erika
    Hugs, ~Neet xx


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