Monday, January 3, 2022

T stands for A Surprise Dinner

 Hi everyone. Happy 2022 to you.

Today I had some happy mail in my mailbox.

I got this great holiday card from Chris. Thank you Chris. It might have arrived a bit after the holiday but that doesn't mean it is any less appreciated.  And if I didn't say it, thank you Elizabeth and Linda for the Christmas cards also. I put those away when I was cleaning up holiday decorations, and I realized I never shared them on my blog.  I'm sorry I didn't get to post them.

I'm starting 2022 with a busy week and some fun company for a few days. My daughter has a new job, and she's taking a couple of weeks off before her new employment begins. She'll be here for a good chunk of this week, and we've made a few plans starting with shopping today. Not that I need anything or even want to spend the money, but it will be fun to spend some time with her. Plus I can get some walking in since my road is now a mess with some ice.

Last week between the holidays was fairly quiet for me, including the holiday New Year's weekend when we had a lot of rain. It was a good chance  to pick up most of the holiday decorations and do a bit of new year cleaning.

 On New Year's Day, while I was cleaning, my husband had to drive his mother back to his sister's house in Maine where his mother lives during the winter. His mother had been visiting her sister-in-law's (my husband's aunt's)  all week.  My MIL doesn't get around very well any more, but neither does her SIL, and neither of them spend the winter at their own homes any longer. They don't get to see each other as much as they used to. It sounds like they had a fun week hanging out with each other.

The reason I bring that up, is on their way to Maine, my MIL wanted to take my husband out to lunch. They chose a seafood restaurant that my MIL likes.  My husband was feeling generous and maybe a little guilty he wasn't home to help me clean (even though he did finish taking down the live tree before he left), so he brought me home dinner.

It was a delicious lobster roll (light on the mayo) with home made chips. I had a bottle of water with it. 

It was a yummy holiday treat, and I guess, since it is a new year, I can say it is my first lobster roll for the year. Smile.

And if you're interested  why I have a bottle of water and not a glass of water, it is because we are on a well, and even though we treat our water (it's full of iron bacteria) to use, we don't drink it. I had this bottle and rather than using it just once, I refilled it from the container we have in the kitchen. I like the screw top lid feature, especially since it occasionally gets knocked over on the coffee table.

This is my drink for this week's T day post. Don't forget to visit us over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog where we meet every Tuesday with our drink related posts.

My word for 2022 is gratitude, which fits in perfectly with my New Year's dinner. 
gratitude: noun the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. gratefulness, thankfulness, appreciation, recognition, acknowledgement, credit, respect, regard
Covid has taught me is that we must be thankful for all the little things we have, and my husband thinking of me and bringing home this yummy New year's dinner is a  good example of that.

I hope everyone's new year is starting off in a good way. Have a great week ahead and happy T day.


  1. Hi Erika, the card form Chris is beautiful-and loved her lettering I noticed that first thing.
    I was thinking the same how thoughtful of your husband to bring back dinner. enjoy time with your daughter. Happy T wishes Kathy

  2. Happy New Year to you and your family, Erika!

    I'm sure you will have a lot of fun with your daughter visiting for part of the week. Enjoy...

    How nice of your hubby to bring you home dinner. Those homemade potato chips look yummy!

    Gratitude is a great word to have for 2022. I agree, Covid has sure made us all appreciate the little things and more.

    Stay safe and well. x

  3. I love your word for the year! We all have so much to be thankful to God for. How sweet of your hubby to think about you and bring you a delicious looking lobster roll while you were working hard. Cleaning up Christmas is no small feat!
    How fun that you are still receiving Christmas mail! It is always fun to get cards, even after the holiday is over.
    Happy Tea Day,

  4. I love lobster roll and yours looks very good. How lovely that you can spend with your daughter - a shopping tour can be so much fun without spending money. Just strolling into the stores and look at things is fun enough, especially when you can do that with a daughter. - Gratitude is the perfect word for these times (and isn't it always?). Happy 2022, Erika, and happy T day.

  5. Happy New Year!! Love that card from Chris. How nice for you to spend some time with your daughter before her new job. And what a good hubby to make that drive for his mother, AND bring you- what???? a lobster roll??? YUM!!!
    Gratitude is such a lovely WOY to focus on.
    Happy T day!

  6. Lobster rolls are the greatest! I don't think they exist here in Michigan. We are too far from lobsters.

    best...mae at

  7. I need that lobster roll in my life! Looks so GOOD!

  8. Yay for your daughter having a new job and being with you now!
    And a big yay, too, for your relatives having had fun. Must be scary when you need help.
    We luckily get very good water from the tap.
    To gratitude and a happy T-Day!

  9. What a lovely treat from your hubby Erika, and a beautiful card from Chris.
    You've chosen a great word too!

  10. Gorgeous card from Chris, enjoy! Glad you are having a fun week with your daughter, make the most of it! And the lobster roll looks great, yummy! Here most people drink bottled water, although our tap water is good- Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie
    P - I'm grateful for you!

  11. Much blessings in your life - lobster roll, lots of quality time with your daughter, and pretty cards from friends. Happy T-day and Happy New Year, Erika. I would love a bit of the lobster roll! Yum!

  12. Gorgeous Happy Mail! We have iron bacteria in our well water too, and we have a filtration system. No problem drinking the water. Have fun shopping with your daughter and spending time with her. Happy T Day

  13. I don't know which makes me happier -- that you will get to spend extra time with your daughter or that you had a lobster roll! I haven't had one in ages and they are so delicious! You are married to a good man!

  14. I know you'll have fun shopping with your daughter :) The lobster roll would be a pleasant treat. I like having food brought to me lol

    Happy T Tuesday!

  15. Hello Erika: You get full marks for having a good environmental conscience and reusing the bottle. We avoid disposable items like the plague and always take our own refillable mugs if we buy coffee out and have water bottles we carry with us that are well made and durable and should last us the rest of our lives. We have had them for several years now and they look as good as new. Hugs, David

  16. Oh you are blessed! What a nice gesture of your husband's to bring you that lovely meal. And it was lobster roll, your favorite!
    And your daughter spending a week with mum and dad is also great. Have some wonderful mother/daughter time together.
    We have our water treated too, but I filter it and it is drinkable.
    Happy T-Day,
    Stay safe,

  17. Lovely card from Chris, the mail from here is so slow at the moment, I am still waiting on some things to arrive that I sent to friends nearly a month ago! How nice that your daughter will be there for a while, and shopping sounds both nice and also dangerous to the wallet lol. Warm Winter Wishes and Happy New Year T Day Elle/EOTC xx

  18. Sending you and your family, our good wishes for a batter and happy 2022 for all, Erika. Yes, your word choice was a perfect one and to be thankful for all we do have without regret or complaint is the best. Glad your family members were able to spend time together during the holidays and that you and your daughter will be doing the same. Kudos to Dave for that lovely food treat too1

  19. It will be nice to spend time with your daughter before she starts her new job.

    Happy New Year Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  20. Gratitude is a great word Erika! Without a doubt, we must be grateful every day for all those opportunities that life gives us, our family, our friends, the beauty of the world, nature, hope, always grateful.
    Congratulations to your daughter on her new job, wish all will be very well.
    That card from Chris is so pretty. Happy T-day! I see that your food is delicious. Today we are also going to eat French fries.
    I send you a big hug, take good care of you, Caty

  21. I've left messages for several people, so I think this should post. So nice to read your daughter has a new job. How nice for her. I've never had lobster roll, but that sure looks good. Your husband knows how to treat you when he has to be away. Thanks for sharing T with us this week, dear.


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