Wednesday, January 26, 2022

This and That for Wednesday

 Hi everyone. Here in New Hampshire it's  another very cold temperature day, and it's supposed to be bitterly cold tonight. We had a little relief yesterday so I went outside to enjoy the winter day, because today I'll chose staying warm inside the house. 

 I'll start my post with a tag for Valerie's Steampunk challenge over at Tag Tuesday. Steampunk is something I need to do more of because it is such a fun theme. I dug some steampunk and masculine stamps  off the top shelf, and after dumping them onto the floor, I had fun mixing and matching.

Here's the tag I came up with. 

I stamped this gear/blueprint image first, and then rubbed brown and grey ink pads to color my tag.  The heart is an ancient image from Chocolate Baroque. I stamped it in red, and then used metallic markers to color the wings and the gears. I also colored the heart a deeper red with a Sharpie.  Have you noticed that when it comes to red markers is that it is hard to find a red that you think of as true red? I know we probably all have our own idea about true red, but for me, Sharpie's are the best true red. 

Once colored, I lightly ran a black ink pad over my image to make it a bit aged. Then I outlined the gears with a black Sharpie and added some pen dots to make the gears looked pinged and old. Finally I added the small gold paper wings.

I also added a gold paper key and a bit of tissue scrap at the bottom, and finished off my tag with the black paper trim and also the stamped quote. It's hard to read but it says "being lost is worth being found".

I also want to share some soup I made the other day for Kathy's Food Wednesdays, over at her blog Hummingbird Studio at the Lake.  I ended up with one of those soups you make when you clean out left over veggies, but it actually started with me wanting  to make some bean soup.  This soup is not quite vegetarian as I had a few pieces of bacon that I chopped up and added, as well as using low salt chicken stock. 

The leafy greens in the soup is some kale that I grew last summer in garden and had been blanched and then frozen.
 I picked up this bag of mixed dried beans , but I forgot to take a photo of the beans in the bag. 

However, I did get a photo of the beans rinsed and put into the stainless steel pot in my Instant Pot. 

I think this is a fun photo. The beans have great colors, and there's an interesting reflection.

I have an Instant Pot back from my working days, and it is a great way to quickly soften dried beans. You put them in  with water and a teaspoon of oil (it cuts back on the foam) and set the Instant Pot to pressure cook for 1 minute. Before you start the pressure cooking push the keep warm button and have the beans sit in the stay warm mode for an hour. After that hour I drained the beans and cooked my soup in a big pot on the stove. 

It was yummy, and since my husband won't eat beans, I have my lunch prepared for several days.

I also mentioned that I went out yesterday to enjoy our slightly warmer winter day. Maddie was at doggie daycare so Pete and I went for a ride down to the beach. Yesterday I went to York Beach, in York, Maine. I like the fact that there is an open bathroom there.

The clouds were interesting; the beach was basically  empty, and even though it was a little chilly, I got to go for a nice walk (as did Pete).

I love the reflections.

And I love the happy face on Mr. Pete.

I hope your week is going well. Stay warm, and thanks for visiting.


  1. Pete looks so happy, I think most dogs like water. Your been soup looks fantastic, I would enjoy eating a portion of that, that's certain. Love all the colours. And last but not least, your tag is fabulous, thanks so much for linking to my theme. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie
    Great sky shots, too!

  2. The clouds look so beautiful! Love the warming soup :-)

  3. Your soup looks quite fabulous, Erika. I am a huge fan of beans, so beans with anything, big beans, little beans, brown beans, green beans, fat beans, skinny beans, sounds good to me. In terms of soup, we have of late put spinach in the bottom of the bowl before filling it with soup and the heat of the soup liquid wilts down the spinach and it's really good. I have been examining my biceps daily, but so far I don't think I am going to give Popeye any competition. Hugs from Ontario. David

  4. Good morning Erika, Your steam punk tag is so fun Those clouds are amazing-I love it when you see reflections in the water. and good you are getting out to walk-I really need to get back to that again but it's been too cold here for me to do that most days. I do get a bit of exercise bringing in the food shopping bags-walking down a hill and down allot of steps to the house.
    Your bean soup looks delicious-I love bean packages like that and Haven't made one in awhile-adding the kale is a nice addition too. Thank you so much for joining in on food wednesdays we'll see if there is an interest. Happy mid week hugs Kathy

  5. I fix a 15-bean soup but have never added greens to it. Yours does look tasty.

  6. Great art and photos.

    That was our one "warm" day this week, too. Now we're back to cold. Brrr. And I keep checking NOAA for updates on the Nor'easter. I'm hoping it goes way out to the east, and misses all of us. :-(

  7. Nice looking soup!

    My soup this week was lentil soup. I used the dried green lentils that cook in a rather short time. The second day I added a can of Ro-Tel -- good soup ingredient. The packaged soups that I used to buy at Trader Joe's or Costco don't seem to be available at the moment, but I'll make my own: I usually use canned beans or salsa that has beans in it.

    best... mae at

  8. Great tag and quote. Do you know the crime-series "Castle"? They had one episode on Steam Punk, was FUN!
    LOL, you´re such a no-food-waster-throw-it-in, too :-) Looks good. Yupp, same with Ingo...

    Beautiful beach pics!!! Very! Oh, lucky, lucky you, please keep sharing those!

  9. Your tag is awesome. I wish I had time to make one, but I don't even have time to rework a page I had planned for Saturday. Yours turned out great.

    I bought some of that 14 bean soup once, then realized it was SO much cheaper to buy all the bags of beans and lentils and I had beans for months after that. I may even have a few left, too. Your soup looks wonderful, though. Nice that you used low sodium stock, too. Now I'm really, really hungry (grin).

  10. I once stayed at York Beach decades ago. It was October and pretty desolate! The soup looks good -- this is such a good soup season! I might have to make onion soup today. And I really love your tag. I'm a fan of steampunk (more looking at it, not doing it!)

  11. Totally agree, it is a great fun theme. I love what you have made Erika! Wow your bean soup looks so healthy and amazing. The colours are so beautiful. I am longing to get back to the beach! Thanks for sharing with us at Tag Tuesday.

  12. The steampunk tag would make an awesome valentine. Your bean soup would be perfect for today and the beans are so colorful. Is that Long Sands or Short Sands? It's been so long since I've been to Your Beach, I doubt I'd recognize the area. Looks like you're in for half to a foot of snow Saturday. Stay safe and warm!

  13. I love your tag Erika! The winged heart is fabulous!
    Great photos too.

  14. Your Tag is awesome, fits Valerie's theme perfectly.
    Thanks for joining us at Tag Tuesday.


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