Saturday, January 1, 2022

We're Traveling Into the Future

 Hi everyone.

Happy New Year to you. 

And welcome 2022.

It is hard to believe that 2022 has begun. I don't really know where 2021 went to because it certainly  seemed like it "blew" in and "blew" out quicker than I could write this sentence.

And not only is today the start of a new year, but because it is a new month, it is time for a new challenge and a new host at Art Journal Journey.

Thank you Valerie for all your lovely art and fun topic last month. I had a lot of fun adding doors to my art and drawing houses. Thanks to all of you who joined in also.

This month I happen to be the new host. 

I have a lot of rubber stamps, and one of my goals  last year was to use some of the older forgotten stamps. This was part of a process to help me decide what I should purge and what I should keep in a big clean out. I still haven't cleaned anything out, but one thing I noticed (while going through my stamps over the 12 months of 2021) was that I have lots of different face images in my collection. That inspired me to come up with this month's challenge theme:

Let's Face It

This month you should use a face or two on your journal page. It could be a human face, an animal face, or a face on something that doesn't usually have  one like smiling flowers or a mustached mushroom. It might not even be a living thing, like a clock face. Or perhaps instead of an actual face you have another interpretation of this topic. (Like me when I was trying to motivate myself last month to write a stack of Christmas cards, and I thought, let's face it, I need to get this done before the holidays have ended.)

You can stamp a face, draw a face, use a digital face or cut out a face from something printed. You could also paint a face or stencil a face. However you can think to add a face, add one or more.  It doesn't matter the size of the face or whether you include one face or multiple faces. If you're  going for a symbolic interpretation of the challenge phrase, then  somehow describe that on your journal page.

Here's my first page for the challenge.

As it is day one of the new year, I wanted to incorporate time  into my first challenge piece. Luckily clocks have faces and you can see a lot of faces on my page.

I started by stamping the clock faces and the word time on my background, and then I used some watered down acrylic paint to color the background. I knew I wanted to use this image of the  lady on her horse, and I decided she could be the goddess of passing time. I am going to call  my goddess Lady Tempus.

I stenciled the numbers along the left side, since  Lady Tempus is counting down the moments until the new year begins. The Lady Tempus on her horse image and the magnificent building, as well as it's border, are fussy cut from a sheet of printed paper. I also added a bit of gold metallic paper border to the image. Lady Tempus is looking back as her horse, whose name is Future,  is about to bring her into the new year. The magic of that moment is represented by the snowflakes flying upwards into the air from Future's hooves.

Future seems quite anxious to get into the new year and have it begin.

The quote is an old one from my stash, and the stitching is added to be  symbolic of the imaginary line  or moment that separates one year from the next. It also represents how I feel when the new year begins, that I have left something behind and am starting something new. Perhaps you also feel that way.

I hope to see many of you at Art Journal Journey this month, as well as seeing lots of faces too. Maybe I'll even see some selfies too so I can put names to faces. (smile)

I hope you have a happy and creative start to the new year!


  1. What a fun and lively new theme, Erika. I'm sure you will see lots of new faces this month,. This is a wonderful theme and I love your entry. Future is truly ready to begin the year out right and of course, I love the wonderful sewing you added to your page. Thanks for being our host this month and thanks for this inspiring first page, too.

  2. It has been a lousy year for me, so I am so glad it's OVER. The journal page looks really beautiful and I love the warm tone.

  3. A very Happy New Year to you, Erika!
    Funny start. I never met my Grandfather(s), but one - as also my Dad, was a watchmaker.
    And my maternal side... I´ve never been to Kaliningrad, but at least I´ve ridden many a horse (sadly never "mine", of course).
    I just have Freddie Mercury in my ear with "time". A thoughtful start to a new year, thank you!
    "Time... waits for nobody..." - let´s be careful with it!

  4. Hi Erika, happy new year to you and yours! Have fun with the new challenge, I certainly will! LOVE your first entry, it's stunning, and gorgeous colours and stitching, too! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  5. Happy New Year, Erika! I LOVE your page! Everything, especially the little touches like the stitiching and those blue flowers. Such a true sentiment and one to remember. Thanks for hosting this month and all the sweet and encouraging comments you've left me. XOXO

  6. Lady Tempus, as you call her, is definitely a Russian princess and she is escaping from her country, fleeing on horse back.
    What a fabulous theme and what a fabulous image. Clock faces are so perfect for today, the start of a new year.
    Happy New Year Erika and see you before too long with my interpretation of faces.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  7. This is a great new theme for us at AJJ Erika, I loved the inspiration page you created and your introduction post. The quote is a good one and how true that we cannot turn back the clock lets hope the coming one will be a good one for you and your family. Stay safe and keep well.
    Yvonne xx

  8. What an absolutely brilliant way to start your theme! I love the addition of the clock faces and Lady Tempus lives in a beautiful place! Happy New Year to you and yours, hugs, Chrisx

  9. I adore your theme and your ideas on this, Erika. The background is seriously cool and I love the lady. The magic stars are cool too. Lovely page in so many ways. Happy New Year! Hugz

  10. "Let's face it" seems like a theme with lots of scope for everyone. I will look forward to seeing what people come up with. Happy New Year, Erika. All the very best for 2022. Hugs. David

  11. I love your new theme for AJJ Erika, and you created a fabulous page to inspire us!
    Happy 2022!
    Hugs, Alison

  12. What a great way to start off the year, love your journal scene Erika and the quote really is amazing. As you know i'm a huge fan of faces and portraiture, may this month be creatively kind to me so I can come play along.
    Wishing you the happiest of years Hugs Tracey xx

  13. A lovely looking page.
    Sending my good wishes to you and your family for a happy New Year.

    All the best Jan

  14. A pretty page and I like the quote

  15. Beautiful art journal page, and I love that quote! Happy New Year!

    I'm glad you didn't get offended by my Times Square art pieces. Most people are so polarized that one can't make a comment without risking being labeled something one is not. You had mentioned the immunocompromised in one of your other comments, and it was an important problem to bring up. I don't know how many people know that some people actually needed to get a third FULL covid-19 vaccination one month after they had received their second shot, but the study that showed that didn't come out until about 6 months later in time. The efficacy of the vaccines, and how long that lasts, varies based on one's underlying health issues. And yet despite record, skyrocketing cases in New York City, and the triple vaxxed catching covid-19, the Times Square Ball Drop went on.

  16. Wonderful theme and beautiful page 😍 Happy New Year!

  17. You're showing a positive outlook on the new year. I hope you're right :)

  18. Wonderful journal page! I hope you enjoy hosting. A great topic from you!
    happy new year, hugs, Elke

  19. This is absolutely beautiful, Erika! And I just LOVE your theme this month! Thank you!!!!

  20. What a fabulous page...and I so love your theme too.
    I have many stamps that don't see daylight and I do try and use them when I can, doesn't stop me buying more though,lol.


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