Thursday, February 17, 2022

More of My California Journal

 Hi everyone.

I am back once again with more of my California journal. I mentioned last California journal post how I didn't have as many bits and pieces to make these end of the journal pages, so I had to take a different   approach to create them. I must say I am loving my pages as well as having lots of fun making them, even if they do take some thought how to put them together.

These pages today are from the end of the trip.  At the beginning of the journal I kept pages  more chronological.  With these last pages in my journal, as had an idea, I made that page.

My first page goes back to the ride along the Pacific Coast Highway. We watched this sunset just before we got into Carmel.

That view inspired me to make this next page.

I painted the sun and the orange sky on some plain rice paper. Then I cut and tore that image out, and after gluing it down on a book page, I used some watered down black acrylic paint to tie it into the whole journal page.

My next page  is made with paint and a stencil on a Gelli plate. Since Monterey, where we spent the last day of our trip,  was in the past a huge sardine canning town, I thought these fish on my Gelli  print would make the perfect page. (The words are straight on the page, but my book is so fat I can't lay the pages flat to photograph them.)

We also saw school of sardines at the aquarium too. This is not the best photo, but these fish are my inspiration.

With this next page we're back to Carmel with a few bits and pieces that I did have in my travel stash. I added a lift up tag , some stenciling done with a Sharpie, as well as drawing the border on my page. This is the same style border I had used earlier in the journal for some consistency. 

And then it's back to the Pacific Coast Highway for the next page. While walking around Carmel, I picked up this free magazine with lots of Impressionistic art in it. I cut this image off the back cover. It's beautifully done, and unfortunately I didn't get the name of the artist of painted it to give them the credit they deserve.

I would love to be able to paint like this.

And lastly, here's some pages from the aquarium in Monterey. That was the last attraction we did on our trip, other than driving.

For this first page, I took a tag I had (I didn't make it) as well as the words off a paper bag from the aquarium. I stamped the quote, painted the circles, added the green metallic paper trim and also a small fish bead. I thought the tag worked great as we saw both an octopus and lots of squid.

Then I created a page to remember we needed proof of Covid vaccine to get into the aquarium.

And finally, I had bought a blank greeting card with these cute otters on it while at the aquarium.  Notice the design on them is a map of the area. I picked up his particular card out to cut it up for my book. I liked how it not only had the map, but had the otters. We saw a couple of otters in the aquarium, as well as some wild ones in Monterey Bay.

Can you pick out the otters in this photo? 

I'm getting very close to being done with my journal. I wasn't sure when I made this journal how many pages I would need, so I have a few pages left to complete. I think there will be one more California journal post on my blog too. 

As these pages are examples of my styles, I am linking up to Bleubeard and Elziabeth's "What's Your Style?" challenge at Art Journal Journey.

Thanks so much for visiting.


  1. Fun journal and wonderful memories. CA weather today. Hopefully with the "Santa Ana" winds we won't lose electricity. Stay safe

  2. I'm curious now. So, since you didn't know how many pages, am I right in guessing that these are all independent pages that you will somehow combine into a journal when you are done? And if so, how will you bind it -- rings or something more complicated? Or did you get a big journal book and will just tear out the pages to use elsewhere if you have too many at the end? It looks great.

  3. I remember the whole area around Monterrey being a mecca for artists and they seemed to be present at every attractive corner of the coast, with good reason too. It seemed to be begging for someone one with a paint brush and canvas. It makes you wonder what someone like Van Gogh would have come up with, given his distinctive, bold style. It is great to see the Sea Otters, a creature that has made a comeback since it is no longer mercilessly hunted for its fur. As soon as we feel comfortable flying again we plan to return to Vancouver Island, and we generally see them there. I can hardly wait! Hugs, David


  4. Hey dear! Loved your post and allready followed your blog, i want invite you to visit and follow my blog back <3

  5. I really love these pages Erika, such wonderful memories. I love the otters!

  6. All very beautiful and full of memories for you. Have a nice day.

  7. What an amazing end to your trip. I especially love the otters and the aquarium pages. I also love how you use what you find on your trip to add to the journal. This is a fun, fun journal and a great example of your style, Erika. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey using Bleubeard's and my theme, dear.

  8. That sunset view is just breathtakingly beautiful!

  9. Oh Erika , it's great to see your travel journal and those photos too - what an amazing sunset! Hugs, Chrisx

  10. How I love your interpretation of the sunset. That has to be a favourite age of mine, Those fish in the aquarium are so inspiring, I can see why you did the next page but looking at the photo wouldn't that make a glorious background as well.
    Wonderful to follow your journey with your pages, what a lovely idea, wish I had thought of that when `I used to travel.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  11. Otters! We love both the sea and river otters. I can't get over what a good idea your journals are!


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